Author Archives: David Ferencz Pizarro

Start of Spirit Boom!
So this was the start week of me being a producer and I do have to say it’s been one of my hardest working week ever.
First thing first a bit of a back story of the project:
The first week we had to create a concept document that was suppose to be either passed or not. Well that was the information we worked under. The condition changed, to us being red lit. Now that was interesting.
What happens then, yes then we […]

Start of Spirit Boom!
So this was the start week of me being a producer and I do have to say it’s been one of my hardest working week ever.
First thing first a bit of a back story of the project:
The first week we had to create a concept document that was suppose to be either passed or not. Well that was the information we worked under. The condition changed, to us being red lit. Now that was interesting.
What happens then, yes then we […]

AssetManager and a collision fix
So this week I have worked with making the bad collision boxes work better. For you who don’t know what the problem is, let me take you through it a little quick.
When the player walks into the hit boxes on the sides they only collided with the right side of the hit boxes. After looking several times I got help from a good friend that helped me with the LevelManager to take a look over the class with me and […]

AssetManager and a collision fix
So this week I have worked with making the bad collision boxes work better. For you who don’t know what the problem is, let me take you through it a little quick.
When the player walks into the hit boxes on the sides they only collided with the right side of the hit boxes. After looking several times I got help from a good friend that helped me with the LevelManager to take a look over the class with me and […]

The Door Class and Level Collision
So don’t be afraid there the last post was about this and it was not the working copy which I will now tell you about.
Yes the Door and level collision is fixed and now I will tell you how I with some help did it!.
First of the Level collision:
So after gaining help from a brilliant friend we used the debug tool to look over every part of the code that involved the collision between the player and the map.
What we […]

The Door Class and Level Collision
So don’t be afraid there the last post was about this and it was not the working copy which I will now tell you about.
Yes the Door and level collision is fixed and now I will tell you how I with some help did it!.
First of the Level collision:
So after gaining help from a brilliant friend we used the debug tool to look over every part of the code that involved the collision between the player and the map.
What we […]

Door class and levelmanager + problem
So what I have started to work on this week are a Door class that will interlock with the Levelmanager.
What does that mean? Well I so at first I needed to create doors that opened. Then something that I did not think about was asked of me from a graphic designer. He asked if I can do so the level changed between the different levels. I thought at first lets make it fast and easy. BUT then I ended with […]

Door class and levelmanager + problem
So what I have started to work on this week are a Door class that will interlock with the Levelmanager.
What does that mean? Well I so at first I needed to create doors that opened. Then something that I did not think about was asked of me from a graphic designer. He asked if I can do so the level changed between the different levels. I thought at first lets make it fast and easy. BUT then I ended with […]

LevelManager,Collision & Time
Okay, this week have been a slow week for programming and it’s because I am reading Serious Game Design at the side. O well so today I will tell you my assignment I got this week and what I have done.
Last week the comment mentioned that they did not quite get what the LevelManager did and so I am here to tell you.
The level manager uses the library a library that allow you to read a row or individual characters if […]

LevelManager,Collision & Time
Okay, this week have been a slow week for programming and it’s because I am reading Serious Game Design at the side. O well so today I will tell you my assignment I got this week and what I have done.
Last week the comment mentioned that they did not quite get what the LevelManager did and so I am here to tell you.
The level manager uses the library a library that allow you to read a row or individual characters if […]

AI & structure
So this week I have been working on the following AI and a better way to draw the rooms that the map are currently creating.
The first I did this week was start with a AI for our enemy number 2. But the as I have progressed slowly in the work and we are going to show an alpha this Friday (tomorrow). I decided to change my priority work this Wednesday.
As of now that might have been to late and I […]

AI & structure
So this week I have been working on the following AI and a better way to draw the rooms that the map are currently creating.
The first I did this week was start with a AI for our enemy number 2. But the as I have progressed slowly in the work and we are going to show an alpha this Friday (tomorrow). I decided to change my priority work this Wednesday.
As of now that might have been to late and I […]

Redo, new team and Soundmanager
So I will start this blog-post of by saying the following. I failed a class and have to redo it. But don’t worry I got an awesome new team and great team members.
So this is what I have worked on on the course since I started it again.
To the game I offered to code a Maploader (a program that handles objects on the map and draws the map). However after the group talked the hard working labor and hours put […]

Redo, new team and Soundmanager
So I will start this blog-post of by saying the following. I failed a class and have to redo it. But don’t worry I got an awesome new team and great team members.
So this is what I have worked on on the course since I started it again.
To the game I offered to code a Maploader (a program that handles objects on the map and draws the map). However after the group talked the hard working labor and hours put […]

Start of course Gameprogramming 3
As a assignment we are meant to write every week in order too tell you what we have learned new in code.
But I can honestly say I have learned only a little this week because I have to make up for other coursers. What I have learned only comes from the course lectures I have had.
We started this week with a ”do you remember coding?” test. We were going to create a program that compress and decompress a specific .bmp […]

Start of course Gameprogramming 3
As a assignment we are meant to write every week in order too tell you what we have learned new in code.
But I can honestly say I have learned only a little this week because I have to make up for other coursers. What I have learned only comes from the course lectures I have had.
We started this week with a ”do you remember coding?” test. We were going to create a program that compress and decompress a specific .bmp […]

Board Game analyze 2 ( Stratego)
A group was assigned the task to play and analyze a game. In order to analyze we had to explain of the core system, components, system and the interaction between them and how the players interpret it. This is an exercise in understanding games and how they work, in order to learn more about what can make a good system and what can be altered. As Adam Mayes says: “Steal what you like and work with it”.
One of the instructions […]

Board Game analyze 2 ( Stratego)
A group was assigned the task to play and analyze a game. In order to analyze we had to explain of the core system, components, system and the interaction between them and how the players interpret it. This is an exercise in understanding games and how they work, in order to learn more about what can make a good system and what can be altered. As Adam Mayes says: “Steal what you like and work with it”.
One of the instructions […]

Board Game Analyze (Carcassonne)
A group was assigned the task to play and analyze a game. In order to analyze we had to explain of the core system, components, system and the interaction between them and how the players interpret it. This is an exercise in understanding games and how they work, in order to learn more about what can make a good system and what can be altered. As Adam Mayes says: “Steal what you like and work with it”.
One of the instructions […]

Board Game Analyze (Carcassonne)
A group was assigned the task to play and analyze a game. In order to analyze we had to explain of the core system, components, system and the interaction between them and how the players interpret it. This is an exercise in understanding games and how they work, in order to learn more about what can make a good system and what can be altered. As Adam Mayes says: “Steal what you like and work with it”.
One of the instructions […]

Finishing touches
So last blog post I made I talked about me being sick and equip, item and weapon manager. Because I got sick I was not able to finish them in time of the beta but being in a team a other teammate took the job so those are now finished and looking good.
So the game is now almost finished and now we are adding the finishing touches. I got two artifacts to make this week and one of them I was […]

Finishing touches
So last blog post I made I talked about me being sick and equip, item and weapon manager. Because I got sick I was not able to finish them in time of the beta but being in a team a other teammate took the job so those are now finished and looking good.
So the game is now almost finished and now we are adding the finishing touches. I got two artifacts to make this week and one of them I was […]

Equip and collision
During this week I have worked on making a collision found and then removed. This process entailed me making a lot of things and finding out that some codes are not as easy as they sound.
Why I have done a collision is pretty obvious you have to be able to take a vector and rectangle, get the data and use it like loading the current weapon and then equip said item and ”removing” said item from the ground. I pretty […]

Equip and collision
During this week I have worked on making a collision found and then removed. This process entailed me making a lot of things and finding out that some codes are not as easy as they sound.
Why I have done a collision is pretty obvious you have to be able to take a vector and rectangle, get the data and use it like loading the current weapon and then equip said item and ”removing” said item from the ground. I pretty […]