Author Archives: Christoffer Svensson

Scrap Pirates – Test Version is Live!
It’s finally time for the much anticipated release of the Scrap Pirates test version!
For those who don’t know, Scrap Pirates is a mainly co-op focused 2D platformer where you use a whole lot of magnetism to advance through the levels.
But fret not, there is a singleplayer mode as well for all those who don’t want to bother with people and stuff!
So get over to and try it out! (and please do leave feedback while you’re at […]

Scrap Pirates – Test Version is Live!
It’s finally time for the much anticipated release of the Scrap Pirates test version!
For those who don’t know, Scrap Pirates is a mainly co-op focused 2D platformer where you use a whole lot of magnetism to advance through the levels.
But fret not, there is a singleplayer mode as well for all those who don’t want to bother with people and stuff!
So get over to and try it out! (and please do leave feedback while you’re at […]

BGP – Checkpoint – Print-U
For this post we’ll take a look at the checkpoint of the game. Idea of a 3D printer, “printing” the character as it resapwns. The overall design of the checkpoint would be two plates, one for each player, where they could respawn, and a terminal in the middle indicating the function of the object as well as if it had been activated by the players. First of all when creating the checkpoint was creating the sprites for the checkpoint. All […]

BGP – Checkpoint – Print-U
For this post we’ll take a look at the checkpoint of the game. Idea of a 3D printer, “printing” the character as it resapwns. The overall design of the checkpoint would be two plates, one for each player, where they could respawn, and a terminal in the middle indicating the function of the object as well as if it had been activated by the players. First of all when creating the checkpoint was creating the sprites for the checkpoint. All […]

BGP – Game Logo – Scrap Pirates
This week, among a few other things, I worked on the Logo to our project, Scrap Pirates. And so, without further ado, here it is!
Scrap Pirates Logo
Overall the logo is perhaps slightly darker than we originally intended to increase the readability when resized. Other than that however I am rather pleased with the result.
I should also point out that the vector base and work on the fonts silhouette was done by another member of the team, Jenny Grip, so […]

BGP – Game Logo – Scrap Pirates
This week, among a few other things, I worked on the Logo to our project, Scrap Pirates. And so, without further ado, here it is!
Scrap Pirates Logo
Overall the logo is perhaps slightly darker than we originally intended to increase the readability when resized. Other than that however I am rather pleased with the result.
I should also point out that the vector base and work on the fonts silhouette was done by another member of the team, Jenny Grip, so […]

BGP – Medium Enemy
This time I’ll write briefly about one of the enemies in the project I am currently working on.
Of course in the game there will be different enemy types, but we are doing out best to create at least some sort of context as to why they are there and why they are dangerous. It may appear a bit odd to discover a hostile welding laser in the middle of a corridor, but hey, the maintenance bay may be right around […]

BGP – Medium Enemy
This time I’ll write briefly about one of the enemies in the project I am currently working on.
Of course in the game there will be different enemy types, but we are doing out best to create at least some sort of context as to why they are there and why they are dangerous. It may appear a bit odd to discover a hostile welding laser in the middle of a corridor, but hey, the maintenance bay may be right around […]

BGP – Magnetic Objects
This week I worked on a number of things, ranging from the game’s Health-pickups to additional assets for the level. What I chose to focus a bit on however was the Magnetic Objects. These are quite a fundamental part of Scrap Pirates since the game is built around using magnetism to interact with each other (since the game is 2 player co-op) as well as these objects in the surroindings.
The Magnetic Objects of Scrap Pirates
First of all the […]

BGP – Magnetic Objects
This week I worked on a number of things, ranging from the game’s Health-pickups to additional assets for the level. What I chose to focus a bit on however was the Magnetic Objects. These are quite a fundamental part of Scrap Pirates since the game is built around using magnetism to interact with each other (since the game is 2 player co-op) as well as these objects in the surroindings.
The Magnetic Objects of Scrap Pirates
First of all the […]

BGP – Base Tileset
Howdy ho!
A new game project for school means more blogging. This time it’s a futuristic metroidvania style 2D game that focuses on 2 player co-op. With magnets!
It’s called Scrap Pirates and is, obviously, super awesome.
During the course of the project I will post about things that I am working on for the project, and a bit about the process and reasoning behind them.
For this post we can take a look at the base tileset for one of the areas in […]

BGP – Base Tileset
Howdy ho!
A new game project for school means more blogging. This time it’s a futuristic metroidvania style 2D game that focuses on 2 player co-op. With magnets!
It’s called Scrap Pirates and is, obviously, super awesome.
During the course of the project I will post about things that I am working on for the project, and a bit about the process and reasoning behind them.
For this post we can take a look at the base tileset for one of the areas in […]

Motion Capture in Heavy Rain
Heavy Rain used Passive Optical Motion Capture, both for body- and facial capture.
These two were done separately, recording the body capture in one take and the facial capture in a separate take.
Facial capture was most likely not used very heavily in intense action scenes, but rather for the more “intimate” scenes in between when the player gets to see the faces more up-close, inciting an emotional reaction.
I’m not sure how much the method cost Quantic Dream during development, but […]

Motion Capture in Heavy Rain
Heavy Rain used Passive Optical Motion Capture, both for body- and facial capture.
These two were done separately, recording the body capture in one take and the facial capture in a separate take.
Facial capture was most likely not used very heavily in intense action scenes, but rather for the more “intimate” scenes in between when the player gets to see the faces more up-close, inciting an emotional reaction.
I’m not sure how much the method cost Quantic Dream during development, but […]

Motion Capture in Heavy Rain
Heavy Rain used Passive Optical Motion Capture, both for body- and facial capture.
These two were done separately, recording the body capture in one take and the facial capture in a separate take.
Facial capture was most likely not used very heavily in intense action scenes, but rather for the more “intimate” scenes in between when the player gets to see the faces more up-close, inciting an emotional reaction.
I’m not sure how much the method cost Quantic Dream during development, but […]

Motion Capture in Heavy Rain
Heavy Rain used Passive Optical Motion Capture, both for body- and facial capture.
These two were done separately, recording the body capture in one take and the facial capture in a separate take.
Facial capture was most likely not used very heavily in intense action scenes, but rather for the more “intimate” scenes in between when the player gets to see the faces more up-close, inciting an emotional reaction.
I’m not sure how much the method cost Quantic Dream during development, but […]

3D I – Retopo and Photogrammetry
This week we got to try something a little different, namely to attempt a retopo of our own faces. This was done by first taking a bunch of pictures of our faces from different angles with reference marks drawn on our cheeks and foreheads, and then letting the software 123D catch interpret these and assemble into a 3D mesh, complete with photo textures. It does this be recognizing points that are shared between several photos and from that creating a […]

3D I – Retopo and Photogrammetry
This week we got to try something a little different, namely to attempt a retopo of our own faces. This was done by first taking a bunch of pictures of our faces from different angles with reference marks drawn on our cheeks and foreheads, and then letting the software 123D catch interpret these and assemble into a 3D mesh, complete with photo textures. It does this be recognizing points that are shared between several photos and from that creating a […]

3D I – Retopo and Photogrammetry
This week we got to try something a little different, namely to attempt a retopo of our own faces. This was done by first taking a bunch of pictures of our faces from different angles with reference marks drawn on our cheeks and foreheads, and then letting the software 123D catch interpret these and assemble into a 3D mesh, complete with photo textures. It does this be recognizing points that are shared between several photos and from that creating a […]

3D I – Retopo and Photogrammetry
This week we got to try something a little different, namely to attempt a retopo of our own faces. This was done by first taking a bunch of pictures of our faces from different angles with reference marks drawn on our cheeks and foreheads, and then letting the software 123D catch interpret these and assemble into a 3D mesh, complete with photo textures. It does this be recognizing points that are shared between several photos and from that creating a […]

3D I – Assignment III – Update
Here’s a quick little update on the progress of Assignment III, modelling a character.
This week I got as far as creating the basic shape of the torso, arms and legs using a couple of planes with the turnaround attached for reference. There really isn’t too much when it comes to detail yet, but the basic structure comes first.
And as far as I gathered the basic structure should be fairly complete after next week’s lessons.
A basic edgeflow plan.
Here’s a quick little update on the progress of Assignment III, modelling a character.
3D I – Assignment III – Update
This week I got as far as creating the basic shape of the torso, arms and legs using a couple of planes with the turnaround attached for reference. There really isn’t too much when it comes to detail yet, but the basic structure comes first.
And as far as I gathered the basic structure should be fairly complete after next week’s lessons.
A basic edgeflow plan.

3D I – Evaluation of Anatomy
We were asked this week to evaluate our, and some of our classmates, knowledge of anatomy, and to reflect on what aspects of this would need improvement.
Here are a few drawings from my sketchbook, sorry for the poor quality, but cellphone… It’s mainly life drawings with a couple of muscle studies on the last one.
I do feel that I have a fair grasp on the major workings of the main body, both when it comes to proportions […]

3D I – Evaluation of Anatomy
We were asked this week to evaluate our, and some of our classmates, knowledge of anatomy, and to reflect on what aspects of this would need improvement.
Here are a few drawings from my sketchbook, sorry for the poor quality, but cellphone… It’s mainly life drawings with a couple of muscle studies on the last one.
I do feel that I have a fair grasp on the major workings of the main body, both when it comes to proportions […]