Author Archives: André Bengtsson

Thought bubbles
These are four thought bubbles for our game Magic writers. They will be shown in the bottom of the screen while in game. The items which our wizard is able to throw are shown in the thought bubbles along with the name of the item. The items available are categorized by four different properties; Dead, Alive, Hot and Cold. The different sorts of items deal extra damage to certain enemies. For example a hot item takes extra damage to an ice […]

Thought bubbles
These are four thought bubbles for our game Magic writers. They will be shown in the bottom of the screen while in game. The items which our wizard is able to throw are shown in the thought bubbles along with the name of the item. The items available are categorized by four different properties; Dead, Alive, Hot and Cold. The different sorts of items deal extra damage to certain enemies. For example a hot item takes extra damage to an ice […]

Two weeks in
After two weeks into our new game development course our group is getting some really good work done. Our programmers have started working on the code and we artists have started with creating the visual parts. Also the game design document is being written and sound effects and music is being searched for.
In this course we are creating a game from a finished concept document created by another group in the previous course. We were free to choose from all […]

Two weeks in
After two weeks into our new game development course our group is getting some really good work done. Our programmers have started working on the code and we artists have started with creating the visual parts. Also the game design document is being written and sound effects and music is being searched for.
In this course we are creating a game from a finished concept document created by another group in the previous course. We were free to choose from all […]

A late update
Since I last posted it has been a while. Assignments and projects have gotten in the way and I have forgot to post my work.
We have during the last four weeks or so worked with a bigger project in the Game analysis and game design course. We have been divided into groups and have been making a game concept. We were also given a theme for the game, which was Oniomania(Shopaholic) and Mountain. In the groups we have assigned ourselves […]

A late update
Since I last posted it has been a while. Assignments and projects have gotten in the way and I have forgot to post my work.
We have during the last four weeks or so worked with a bigger project in the Game analysis and game design course. We have been divided into groups and have been making a game concept. We were also given a theme for the game, which was Oniomania(Shopaholic) and Mountain. In the groups we have assigned ourselves […]

Third week complete!
Academic writing & Essays
This week, as said in previous post, started with two lectures on academic writing, documenting and pitching your games. We were given an assignment to design an Impending Doom game, which means that you cannot win, you will always lose at some point. We were then asked to write an essay on this game and on our ideas about it. Writing an essay on a game design was a bit tricky, since it is not regularly done, […]

Third week complete!
Academic writing & Essays
This week, as said in previous post, started with two lectures on academic writing, documenting and pitching your games. We were given an assignment to design an Impending Doom game, which means that you cannot win, you will always lose at some point. We were then asked to write an essay on this game and on our ideas about it. Writing an essay on a game design was a bit tricky, since it is not regularly done, […]

Summary of my first two weeks
Hereby I declare my blog started!
My first two weeks here at Gotland has been a lot of things. Stressful, interesting and confusing, but most of all fun. We went head first into the courses To communicate in speech and writing and Game analysis and game design – introduction.
Game analysis and game design – introduction
If I were to analyze a game two weeks ago I do not think a lot of good would come from it. “The graphics are nice, and uh, the story […]

Summary of my first two weeks
Hereby I declare my blog started!
My first two weeks here at Gotland has been a lot of things. Stressful, interesting and confusing, but most of all fun. We went head first into the courses To communicate in speech and writing and Game analysis and game design – introduction.
Game analysis and game design – introduction
If I were to analyze a game two weeks ago I do not think a lot of good would come from it. “The graphics are nice, and uh, the story […]