Author Archives: Alexander Nordfors

About Alexander Nordfors

2014  Graphics

Winter and early spring in Visby

I take a couple of walks now and then here in Visby, as long as the weather is alright.
Here are some pictures taken on January 24, showing the snow-covered walls and buildings.

Here is a photo-collection taken during February 8, showing Visby in all its splendor.

February 11, 2015 / Comments Off on Winter and early spring in Visby

Program: Graphics

Winter and early spring in Visby

I take a couple of walks now and then here in Visby, as long as the weather is alright.
Here are some pictures taken on January 24, showing the snow-covered walls and buildings.

Here is a photo-collection taken during February 8, showing Visby in all its splendor.

February 11, 2015 / Comments Off on Winter and early spring in Visby

Program: Graphics