Author Archives: Adrian Hedqvist
Aaaand we're live!
I don’t know how many blogs I’ve started just to take them down again, but this one is going to stay up for atleast quite some time. The reason why is simply because it’s part of an self-reflection assignment for school. So here you’ll get to see what the hell I’m doing for school, which will be mostly gamedev stuff.
The site is currently hosted by github pages and is built using jekyll. And I gotta say, I’m happy […]
Aaaand we're live!
I don’t know how many blogs I’ve started just to take them down again, but this one is going to stay up for atleast quite some time. The reason why is simply because it’s part of an self-reflection assignment for school. So here you’ll get to see what the hell I’m doing for school, which will be mostly gamedev stuff.
The site is currently hosted by github pages and is built using jekyll. And I gotta say, I’m happy […]