Daily Archives: July 20, 2015

A Summer Tale
It has been a while, thanks, no you too.
The summer gave us the a nudge, making us want to tell you guys so much about our game so far!
We are still finishing up on our art, I don’t want to give anything away of course (http://puu.sh/j5sjf/a8ed655175.png), it would not go well with the lead artist (http://puu.sh/j5spa/36536faf01.png) so that’s that.
We are currently on our way to implement our unique new system !
Combos will provide the solution of […]

A Summer Tale
It has been a while, thanks, no you too.
The summer gave us the a nudge, making us want to tell you guys so much about our game so far!
We are still finishing up on our art, I don’t want to give anything away of course (http://puu.sh/j5sjf/a8ed655175.png), it would not go well with the lead artist (http://puu.sh/j5spa/36536faf01.png) so that’s that.
We are currently on our way to implement our unique new system !
Combos will provide the solution of […]