Yearly Archives: 2014
Femte veckan
Under den här veckan har vi programerat vidare och slutfört programmet arkanoid . Vi la in kollision och bollens rörelser.
Vi hade även genomgångar på hur man kan lägga in andra filtyper än bmp. Detta leder till att filer kan nu ha Alpha och då ha osynliga bakrunder istället för en helt rosa/lila bakgrund.
Vi hade genomgång på font rendering. Med SDL_TTF så kan man representera text på skärmen. Detta är riktigt bra för spel som innehåller text så som tex legend […]
Femte veckan
Under den här veckan har vi programerat vidare och slutfört programmet arkanoid . Vi la in kollision och bollens rörelser.
Vi hade även genomgångar på hur man kan lägga in andra filtyper än bmp. Detta leder till att filer kan nu ha Alpha och då ha osynliga bakrunder istället för en helt rosa/lila bakgrund.
Vi hade genomgång på font rendering. Med SDL_TTF så kan man representera text på skärmen. Detta är riktigt bra för spel som innehåller text så som tex legend […]
Gamejam time; Super mash buttons!
I have forgotten to make blog posts during the past weeks. It is mostly due to me feeling I have nothing of value to say, or teach, or whatever (Please see the comic in the 11 weeks later post for an illustration of what happened.)
I have some things to think about now though, so huzzah! I will do a quick overview what I have been up to first, though.
1. I created a character, gave her backstory, and made fancy lineart of […]
Gamejam time; Super mash buttons!
I have forgotten to make blog posts during the past weeks. It is mostly due to me feeling I have nothing of value to say, or teach, or whatever (Please see the comic in the 11 weeks later post for an illustration of what happened.)
I have some things to think about now though, so huzzah! I will do a quick overview what I have been up to first, though.
1. I created a character, gave her backstory, and made fancy lineart of […]
Gamejam time; Super mash buttons!
I have forgotten to make blog posts during the past weeks. It is mostly due to me feeling I have nothing of value to say, or teach, or whatever (Please see the comic in the 11 weeks later post for an illustration of what happened.)
I have some things to think about now though, so huzzah! I will do a quick overview what I have been up to first, though.
1. I created a character, gave her backstory, and made fancy lineart of […]
Gamejam time; Super mash buttons!
I have forgotten to make blog posts during the past weeks. It is mostly due to me feeling I have nothing of value to say, or teach, or whatever (Please see the comic in the 11 weeks later post for an illustration of what happened.)
I have some things to think about now though, so huzzah! I will do a quick overview what I have been up to first, though.
1. I created a character, gave her backstory, and made fancy lineart of […]
Programming week 5 – Final build of Arkanoid
We have completed building the game Arkanoid and I’ve had loads of fun doing it, it’s also been quite hard understanding each line of code, but I think it’s gone quite well.
So we are soon done with the course, what remains is next week with some lectures on collision and how it works. Then we’re supposed to build our very own game, either as one or in groups of two. Me and my classmate has decided to build the […]
Programming week 5 – Final build of Arkanoid
We have completed building the game Arkanoid and I’ve had loads of fun doing it, it’s also been quite hard understanding each line of code, but I think it’s gone quite well.
So we are soon done with the course, what remains is next week with some lectures on collision and how it works. Then we’re supposed to build our very own game, either as one or in groups of two. Me and my classmate has decided to build the […]
Programming week 5 – Final build of Arkanoid
We have completed building the game Arkanoid and I’ve had loads of fun doing it, it’s also been quite hard understanding each line of code, but I think it’s gone quite well.
So we are soon done with the course, what remains is next week with some lectures on collision and how it works. Then we’re supposed to build our very own game, either as one or in groups of two. Me and my classmate has decided to build the […]
Programming week 5 – Final build of Arkanoid
We have completed building the game Arkanoid and I’ve had loads of fun doing it, it’s also been quite hard understanding each line of code, but I think it’s gone quite well.
So we are soon done with the course, what remains is next week with some lectures on collision and how it works. Then we’re supposed to build our very own game, either as one or in groups of two. Me and my classmate has decided to build the […]
Staring and listening
Today was a worse day progress-wise.
I spent the entire morning staring at the server code trying to figure out what to do with the data i received from the recv function. I need to get the data from the char array i receive and somehow interpret it to send a html page back to the client. I’m not sure how i will do this yet, i will either create a html from a string or save a html page as […]
Staring and listening
Today was a worse day progress-wise.
I spent the entire morning staring at the server code trying to figure out what to do with the data i received from the recv function. I need to get the data from the char array i receive and somehow interpret it to send a html page back to the client. I’m not sure how i will do this yet, i will either create a html from a string or save a html page as […]
Programming: Week 3 (cont. 2)
Ex. 6
Define a class that is able to describe any of the 52 cards in a pack of cards. Include a Print method that outputs the suit and the rank of a card.
Class Design Considerations
The class Card
should contain the info required to uniquely identify a card, i.e., describe its suit (Hearts, Diamonds, Spades, Clubs) and rank (A, 1, 2, … 10, J, Q, K).
The class needs at least two member variables, one for suit and one for rank. You […]
Programming: Week 3 (cont. 2)
Ex. 6
Define a class that is able to describe any of the 52 cards in a pack of cards. Include a Print method that outputs the suit and the rank of a card.
Class Design Considerations
The class Card
should contain the info required to uniquely identify a card, i.e., describe its suit (Hearts, Diamonds, Spades, Clubs) and rank (A, 1, 2, … 10, J, Q, K).
The class needs at least two member variables, one for suit and one for rank. You […]
Animation Analysis
This is one blog assignment that I actually found very difficult to write, we were asked to choose three games which I admire the animations of. This is something that I have never really considered, I think that bad animations is something that makes you feel that something is just not right while good animations go unnoticed as everything is as it is supposed to be. The games I chose in the end were Tomb Raider, Skyrim and Assassin’s […]
Animation Analysis
This is one blog assignment that I actually found very difficult to write, we were asked to choose three games which I admire the animations of. This is something that I have never really considered, I think that bad animations is something that makes you feel that something is just not right while good animations go unnoticed as everything is as it is supposed to be. The games I chose in the end were Tomb Raider, Skyrim and Assassin’s […]
Late learning
Today was a good, if not very productive day.
Since last post I’ve learned three valuable things. First of all the location of the human spleen; right next to the stomach. But what does that have to do with programming? Nothing at all but I feel like i should have known this earlier.
The second thing i learned by studying the code i wrote from the microsoft tutorial i mentioned two blog posts ago. By pretty much staring at the code […]
Late learning
Today was a good, if not very productive day.
Since last post I’ve learned three valuable things. First of all the location of the human spleen; right next to the stomach. But what does that have to do with programming? Nothing at all but I feel like i should have known this earlier.
The second thing i learned by studying the code i wrote from the microsoft tutorial i mentioned two blog posts ago. By pretty much staring at the code […]
Persona 3 and Disney composition in After Effects – Motion Graphics
A couple of weeks has gone by since I wrote my latest blog post regarding the Motion Graphics course I’m taking alongside 3D2 and I thought I’d share some of the things I’ve done during time. The pace of this course has been extremely high with two comps a week and something entirely different to learn each time. I will share with you one comp from both week 3 and week 4 I’ve done for the hand-in assignment.
Week 3
The focus for […]
Persona 3 and Disney composition in After Effects – Motion Graphics
A couple of weeks has gone by since I wrote my latest blog post regarding the Motion Graphics course I’m taking alongside 3D2 and I thought I’d share some of the things I’ve done during time. The pace of this course has been extremely high with two comps a week and something entirely different to learn each time. I will share with you one comp from both week 3 and week 4 I’ve done for the hand-in assignment.
Week 3
The focus for […]
Persona 3 and Disney composition in After Effects – Motion Graphics
A couple of weeks has gone by since I wrote my latest blog post regarding the Motion Graphics course I’m taking alongside 3D2 and I thought I’d share some of the things I’ve done during time. The pace of this course has been extremely high with two comps a week and something entirely different to learn each time. I will share with you one comp from both week 3 and week 4 I’ve done for the hand-in assignment.
Week 3
The focus for […]
Persona 3 and Disney composition in After Effects – Motion Graphics
A couple of weeks has gone by since I wrote my latest blog post regarding the Motion Graphics course I’m taking alongside 3D2 and I thought I’d share some of the things I’ve done during time. The pace of this course has been extremely high with two comps a week and something entirely different to learn each time. I will share with you one comp from both week 3 and week 4 I’ve done for the hand-in assignment.
Week 3
The focus for […]
Two days worth of blogging
Yesterday we met with the Assignment 3 group during the morning and made ourselfs a task list for the holiday project. I won’t talk too much about it on here until i’m done with the other parts.
During the lecture we were taslked to figure out one segment ourselves and while i was close to solving it, i couldn’t quite figure it out. With my mood ruined i went home and started reworking my erase function on y binary search tree […]
Two days worth of blogging
Yesterday we met with the Assignment 3 group during the morning and made ourselfs a task list for the holiday project. I won’t talk too much about it on here until i’m done with the other parts.
During the lecture we were taslked to figure out one segment ourselves and while i was close to solving it, i couldn’t quite figure it out. With my mood ruined i went home and started reworking my erase function on y binary search tree […]