Yearly Archives: 2014

Practice Values
First time for me working with values.
Did this in 10 mins approximately.

Practice Values
First time for me working with values.
Did this in 10 mins approximately.

Practice Values
First time for me working with values.
Did this in 10 mins approximately.

Practice Values
First time for me working with values.
Did this in 10 mins approximately.

Det går inte precis snabbt fram det här arbetet, speciellt inte nu när det har varit jul och jag har inte haft tid att sitta och plugga då jag har umgåtts med familjen. Men idag fokuserade jag på sprites.
Så nu har jag en sprite som rör sig från mitten och mot höger, ska fortsätta så jag får den att röra sig i det mönstret som de gör i orginalet innan jag lägger till resten.

Det går inte precis snabbt fram det här arbetet, speciellt inte nu när det har varit jul och jag har inte haft tid att sitta och plugga då jag har umgåtts med familjen. Men idag fokuserade jag på sprites.
Så nu har jag en sprite som rör sig från mitten och mot höger, ska fortsätta så jag får den att röra sig i det mönstret som de gör i orginalet innan jag lägger till resten.

Three days of track manager
Three days without a blog post but our work efforts are starting to take shape. The efforts that is, the results are still a bit lacking.
My work for the last three days have mainly been to get the track manager built properly.
The track manager creates the individual segments of the straight pipe which makes up our track, make sure they are created in the right position, that they move backwards towards the camera and finally that they are […]

Three days of track manager
Three days without a blog post but our work efforts are starting to take shape. The efforts that is, the results are still a bit lacking.
My work for the last three days have mainly been to get the track manager built properly.
The track manager creates the individual segments of the straight pipe which makes up our track, make sure they are created in the right position, that they move backwards towards the camera and finally that they are […]

Programming: several C++ container classes
In our live Arkanoid coding sessions, we used several standard C++ container classes. I am going to describe them in this post.
An array contains multiple elements of the same type. Sometimes, however, it is useful to hold two objects (possibly of different types) as a single entity. For this purpose, we use the std::pair
Below is a table with basic personal data:
It is natural to group Id and Name and refer to them as a single object within the […]

Programming: several C++ container classes
In our live Arkanoid coding sessions, we used several standard C++ container classes. I am going to describe them in this post.
An array contains multiple elements of the same type. Sometimes, however, it is useful to hold two objects (possibly of different types) as a single entity. For this purpose, we use the std::pair
Below is a table with basic personal data:
It is natural to group Id and Name and refer to them as a single object within the […]

GameProgramming 1 – Week 6
More advanced collision and animations. The rest used to really get started with the project work.
Animations was basic, well I say basic but everything we learn right now is technically basic but from our perspective it is not, it was about loading the duration, position and size of each picture from a text file and then letting the program show them. You have a sprite sheet that shows a figure and then you figure out the position and size of […]

GameProgramming 1 – Week 6
More advanced collision and animations. The rest used to really get started with the project work.
Animations was basic, well I say basic but everything we learn right now is technically basic but from our perspective it is not, it was about loading the duration, position and size of each picture from a text file and then letting the program show them. You have a sprite sheet that shows a figure and then you figure out the position and size of […]
Framgång med Space Invaders!
Efter julens glada tid kommer vi återigen till programmeringen, yay.Min senaste uppgift var att försöka få alla fiender att uppstå på vänstra sidan av fönstret och de ska vara i ordning. I Arkanoidkoden (som vi skrev i skolan) finns det en array med … – Läs hela inlägget här
Framgång med Space Invaders!
Efter julens glada tid kommer vi återigen till programmeringen, yay.Min senaste uppgift var att försöka få alla fiender att uppstå på vänstra sidan av fönstret och de ska vara i ordning. I Arkanoidkoden (som vi skrev i skolan) finns det en array med … – Läs hela inlägget här

Making Skelly Dungeon, a Zelda clone part 3
It’s been a slow week since it’s been Christmas and all. Last week I finished movement and for the player and this week I’ve gotten around doing the Rooms. I ran into some problems concerning collision with walls which I’ll sort out later and the next step is managing more rooms as well as switching rooms.
The rooms are now defined and usable! In a text file you write down the name of the room, width, height […]

Making Skelly Dungeon, a Zelda clone part 3
It’s been a slow week since it’s been Christmas and all. Last week I finished movement and for the player and this week I’ve gotten around doing the Rooms. I ran into some problems concerning collision with walls which I’ll sort out later and the next step is managing more rooms as well as switching rooms.
The rooms are now defined and usable! In a text file you write down the name of the room, width, height […]

Create a game: Week 2
As I have started to write Frogger I have had a few problems that I have been able to solve with help from classmates and teachers. This is how far I have come so far:
As you can see I have been able to insert the title, the background and the frog. This took a few hours, but after help from teachers and classmates it was easy. Easier than I thought.
My latest and hardest problem, which have made me doubt […]

Create a game: Week 2
As I have started to write Frogger I have had a few problems that I have been able to solve with help from classmates and teachers. This is how far I have come so far:
As you can see I have been able to insert the title, the background and the frog. This took a few hours, but after help from teachers and classmates it was easy. Easier than I thought.
My latest and hardest problem, which have made me doubt […]

Had a better day today, I made the group all partake in a call to coordinate our efforts and do proper work.
Our main issue we were having was how our SourceTree repository wasn’t working and because of that we had no way of synchronizing our work.
What we ended up doing was to create a brand new repository in which we uploaded and synchronized out individual projects. During the downtime between making SourceTree work i made a start for a track […]

Had a better day today, I made the group all partake in a call to coordinate our efforts and do proper work.
Our main issue we were having was how our SourceTree repository wasn’t working and because of that we had no way of synchronizing our work.
What we ended up doing was to create a brand new repository in which we uploaded and synchronized out individual projects. During the downtime between making SourceTree work i made a start for a track […]

Game Programming III – the seventh week, work on the third assignment
I’ve taken this week off since it’s christmas and I need to take a break. I’ll continue work next week.

Game Programming III – the seventh week, work on the third assignment
I’ve taken this week off since it’s christmas and I need to take a break. I’ll continue work next week.

Game Programming III – the seventh week, work on the third assignment
I’ve taken this week off since it’s christmas and I need to take a break. I’ll continue work next week.

Game Programming III – the seventh week, work on the third assignment
I’ve taken this week off since it’s christmas and I need to take a break. I’ll continue work next week.