Browsing '5SD013': 2D Computer Graphics: Theory and Application I

2D-Graphics, Theory and Application I – Final Assignment
Our final assignment for this course was to render this picture of this city:
And to make a solid construction out of this sketch:
With the city it kind of worked pretty much like the values-assignment – laying out the flats based on atmosphere and light, in this case, early morning light:
Then putting in the basic light based on the direction of the surfaces:
Then shadows, shadows falling of buildings and some more detail:
For the second one I went with a quick sketch […]

2D-Graphics, Theory and Application I – Final Assignment
Our final assignment for this course was to render this picture of this city:
And to make a solid construction out of this sketch:
With the city it kind of worked pretty much like the values-assignment – laying out the flats based on atmosphere and light, in this case, early morning light:
Then putting in the basic light based on the direction of the surfaces:
Then shadows, shadows falling of buildings and some more detail:
For the second one I went with a quick sketch […]

2D-Graphics, Theory and Application I – Christmas break
So, with Christmas break not much has been happening these last few weeks. I did however get started on one of the final assignments for the course, the values assignment. Our assignment was to take a lineart and render our character in greyscale in a setting drawn in correct linear perspective. I thought about using the lineart I made for the previous assignment but it seemed to suggest an outdoor setting and I wanted to work with a more defined, […]

2D-Graphics, Theory and Application I – Christmas break
So, with Christmas break not much has been happening these last few weeks. I did however get started on one of the final assignments for the course, the values assignment. Our assignment was to take a lineart and render our character in greyscale in a setting drawn in correct linear perspective. I thought about using the lineart I made for the previous assignment but it seemed to suggest an outdoor setting and I wanted to work with a more defined, […]

Keep your hand steady, it is time for Line Art.
Hello people!
Last week, 4 weeks into this course, we were supposed to clean up the character we made during week 3. This time there should be no more unfinished lines left, everything should be clean, and the lines straight and easy to see. No extra lines nor construction lines whatsoever. It was really difficult to keep it all so clean, and at first I tried to make the line perfect from the beginning. My teacher noticed and told me to […]

Keep your hand steady, it is time for Line Art.
Hello people!
Last week, 4 weeks into this course, we were supposed to clean up the character we made during week 3. This time there should be no more unfinished lines left, everything should be clean, and the lines straight and easy to see. No extra lines nor construction lines whatsoever. It was really difficult to keep it all so clean, and at first I tried to make the line perfect from the beginning. My teacher noticed and told me to […]

Constructions and turnarounds
Hello people!
3 weeks into our course we were supposed to make a character out of our thumbnails, either combining a bunch of them or constructing one as it is, with maybe a couple of modifications.
We had 2 drawing assignments for that week. The first one;
Constructing your character from step 1 to 3 in a neutral pose:
Step one: The thumbnail you wanted to go with, if you aren’t combining a bunch of them. In my case I had one of the […]

Constructions and turnarounds
Hello people!
3 weeks into our course we were supposed to make a character out of our thumbnails, either combining a bunch of them or constructing one as it is, with maybe a couple of modifications.
We had 2 drawing assignments for that week. The first one;
Constructing your character from step 1 to 3 in a neutral pose:
Step one: The thumbnail you wanted to go with, if you aren’t combining a bunch of them. In my case I had one of the […]

2D-graphics, theory and application I – Week 4
This week we learned the basics of Photoshop and how to do a clean line-art. Our assignment for this week was to draw the best lineart we could of our character and write a reflection about it. To do this we were provided various resources, amongst others a video by Leo Sandberg about cleaning up your lines. Even if the drawing itself isn’t very advanced, it gives useful tips about lines, Link to video.
For my hand-in, I started out with […]

2D-graphics, theory and application I – Week 4
This week we learned the basics of Photoshop and how to do a clean line-art. Our assignment for this week was to draw the best lineart we could of our character and write a reflection about it. To do this we were provided various resources, amongst others a video by Leo Sandberg about cleaning up your lines. Even if the drawing itself isn’t very advanced, it gives useful tips about lines, Link to video.
For my hand-in, I started out with […]

2D-graphics, theory and application I – Week 3
Third week of the course we continued with life drawing and refining our character concept. We did more life drawing, this time with a male model and went through, amongst other things, what the muscles on the leg look like, how the knee is constructed, how to draw feet and how to draw heads and faces.
My legs generally turned out too long this week and the teacher reminded me that there is equal distance between the top of the head […]

2D-graphics, theory and application I – Week 3
Third week of the course we continued with life drawing and refining our character concept. We did more life drawing, this time with a male model and went through, amongst other things, what the muscles on the leg look like, how the knee is constructed, how to draw feet and how to draw heads and faces.
My legs generally turned out too long this week and the teacher reminded me that there is equal distance between the top of the head […]

2D-graphics, theory and application I – Week 2
During our second week we were working with perspective. Reading materials this week were mainly David Chelsea’s “Perspective for Comic Book Artists”. We went through the basics of drawing 1-point, 2-point and 3-point perspective plus drawing ellipses in perspective.
Our assignment this week was to draw an airplane in the sky and a car on the ground in the same scene using two-point perspective and then write a reflection about what difficulties we had with the assignment.
So yeah I drew this:
Not particularly proud of it, […]

2D-graphics, theory and application I – Week 2
During our second week we were working with perspective. Reading materials this week were mainly David Chelsea’s “Perspective for Comic Book Artists”. We went through the basics of drawing 1-point, 2-point and 3-point perspective plus drawing ellipses in perspective.
Our assignment this week was to draw an airplane in the sky and a car on the ground in the same scene using two-point perspective and then write a reflection about what difficulties we had with the assignment.
So yeah I drew this:
Not particularly proud of it, […]

2D-graphics, theory and application I – Week 1
First week with the new course 2D-graphics, theory and application I. This week we started with life drawing first to learn to quickly capture the movement and dynamic of a pose and then constructing it with the basic shapes that make up the human body. I haven’t done life drawing before and the principles we learned this week resolved a lot of issues for me, like creating more interesting poses for my characters and quickly capturing the essence of a […]

2D-graphics, theory and application I – Week 1
First week with the new course 2D-graphics, theory and application I. This week we started with life drawing first to learn to quickly capture the movement and dynamic of a pose and then constructing it with the basic shapes that make up the human body. I haven’t done life drawing before and the principles we learned this week resolved a lot of issues for me, like creating more interesting poses for my characters and quickly capturing the essence of a […]

Lighting of Character – Redone!
I had to redo my lighting of my character because it just wouldn’t work as an rendition. It would work as an illustration, but that was not what the exercise was about. My initial drawing read flat and didn’t have a clear light sorce. It was until I redid the drawing I could fully see for myself how incredibly flat my first drawing was. I never knew before I would ever be glad I didn’t pass an assignment at first, […]

Lighting of Character – Redone!
I had to redo my lighting of my character because it just wouldn’t work as an rendition. It would work as an illustration, but that was not what the exercise was about. My initial drawing read flat and didn’t have a clear light sorce. It was until I redid the drawing I could fully see for myself how incredibly flat my first drawing was. I never knew before I would ever be glad I didn’t pass an assignment at first, […]

Final Assignment
During the holidays I’ve been working on and off on the final assignment for this 2D-course and I believe that I finished in good time. The assignment was divided into two parts; one where we got a doodle and had to add or take away details, making a sketch with clear construction without losing the feeling of the pose, and a second where we got a detailed lineart of a background where we had to add value and lighting to […]

Final Assignment
During the holidays I’ve been working on and off on the final assignment for this 2D-course and I believe that I finished in good time. The assignment was divided into two parts; one where we got a doodle and had to add or take away details, making a sketch with clear construction without losing the feeling of the pose, and a second where we got a detailed lineart of a background where we had to add value and lighting to […]

Final Assignment – Construction
One half of the last assignment for our 2D graphics course was to construct a character from an allready drawn loose sketch. I decided to put what I’ve learned about line-weight finally to practise. Using “Kyle T Websters Ultimate Inking Thick n’ Thin” brush which can be bought here: I could really emphasize where thicker lines should be.
To the left is the loose sketch and to the right is what I came up with
Working with thicker lines […]

Final Assignment – Construction
One half of the last assignment for our 2D graphics course was to construct a character from an allready drawn loose sketch. I decided to put what I’ve learned about line-weight finally to practise. Using “Kyle T Websters Ultimate Inking Thick n’ Thin” brush which can be bought here: I could really emphasize where thicker lines should be.
To the left is the loose sketch and to the right is what I came up with
Working with thicker lines […]

I just uploaded my final assignment, now I will just have to wait for my grade and I will be finished with the first 2D-course and ready to start the second 2D and the game development courses next week. As it is getting very late I will skip uploading the reflective assignment and just show you the final drawings i handed in.

I just uploaded my final assignment, now I will just have to wait for my grade and I will be finished with the first 2D-course and ready to start the second 2D and the game development courses next week. As it is getting very late I will skip uploading the reflective assignment and just show you the final drawings i handed in.