Browsing '5SD002': Serious Games

Plans of Futura’s Soundmanager.
The sound manager for the game has been quite an annoyance since the development library has a bug concerning playing audio.
The development library we use for the game is SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library) while simple it’s got its own sets of problems for game development.
The problem that I’m annoyed by is a bug that when the game gets turned off crashes the game because off a missing .dll that isn’t missing.
While not finished because of the bug […]

Plans of Futura’s Soundmanager.
The sound manager for the game has been quite an annoyance since the development library has a bug concerning playing audio.
The development library we use for the game is SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library) while simple it’s got its own sets of problems for game development.
The problem that I’m annoyed by is a bug that when the game gets turned off crashes the game because off a missing .dll that isn’t missing.
While not finished because of the bug […]

The End of Advanced Game Design and Serious Games
Now my two courses have come to an end.
I am quite pleased with both of my board games, now it’s only waiting to see if I passed or failed the courses. If you have any questions about any of the courses then feel free to ask 🙂
I am now embarking on different territory with Math and Programming, I will update when I have had my first classes.

The End of Advanced Game Design and Serious Games
Now my two courses have come to an end.
I am quite pleased with both of my board games, now it’s only waiting to see if I passed or failed the courses. If you have any questions about any of the courses then feel free to ask 🙂
I am now embarking on different territory with Math and Programming, I will update when I have had my first classes.

Serious Board Game
The journey has come to an end and I am sorry that I haven’t updated anything about this but I’ll explain everything in this post 😀
As I mentioned in an earlier post we chose the subject of the homeless in Stockholm. During this project we have done a lot of prototyping and I am pleased with the outcome. Our goal with the game was to create awareness about the subject of homeless. Even inspire people to join an organisation that […]

Serious Board Game
The journey has come to an end and I am sorry that I haven’t updated anything about this but I’ll explain everything in this post 😀
As I mentioned in an earlier post we chose the subject of the homeless in Stockholm. During this project we have done a lot of prototyping and I am pleased with the outcome. Our goal with the game was to create awareness about the subject of homeless. Even inspire people to join an organisation that […]

Final Project in Serious Games
It’s a lot of posting going on at the moment but it has to be done. Today we got our final assignment in Serious games. We are to develop a board game on a serious subject. So now I have two group assignment that both have to do with making a board game, I can’t wait to see how it goes.
It is a group project and for this friday we are going to have a concept document done with our […]

Final Project in Serious Games
It’s a lot of posting going on at the moment but it has to be done. Today we got our final assignment in Serious games. We are to develop a board game on a serious subject. So now I have two group assignment that both have to do with making a board game, I can’t wait to see how it goes.
It is a group project and for this friday we are going to have a concept document done with our […]

A Serious Problem for Serious Games
It’s been a while since I wrote in this blog but it has been a couple of busy weeks. So I’ll give you an update on what I have done and what’s coming.
The problem for serious games that I decided to do was Global Warming. It was a big problem but I felt that the focus on global warming has decreased in late years. That is because I remember it when it was all over the news and everywhere and […]

A Serious Problem for Serious Games
It’s been a while since I wrote in this blog but it has been a couple of busy weeks. So I’ll give you an update on what I have done and what’s coming.
The problem for serious games that I decided to do was Global Warming. It was a big problem but I felt that the focus on global warming has decreased in late years. That is because I remember it when it was all over the news and everywhere and […]

Today we got yet another assignment which was to find a subject that might fit into a serious game. Then we should research it and find out its key issues/problems and then we should think how it could be implemented in a video game, and what the game could try and achieve. This is supposed to be written down in around 2-5 pages until friday, so I better find a subject… PRONTO.
My teacher sent me this as an example:
PLAY […]

Today we got yet another assignment which was to find a subject that might fit into a serious game. Then we should research it and find out its key issues/problems and then we should think how it could be implemented in a video game, and what the game could try and achieve. This is supposed to be written down in around 2-5 pages until friday, so I better find a subject… PRONTO.
My teacher sent me this as an example:
PLAY […]

Mechanics Design Final Product
This is my final resource design for my course Serious Games. Unfortunately, I could not find a way to post the xml file that will make the picture interactive meaning that you can’t run it 🙁
Anyway, the basic idea is that you start with 500 money that you can invest in 2 different options. Energy and property but you can’t invest in property unless you have water and electricity. So you start with investing in energy with which you […]

Mechanics Design Final Product
This is my final resource design for my course Serious Games. Unfortunately, I could not find a way to post the xml file that will make the picture interactive meaning that you can’t run it 🙁
Anyway, the basic idea is that you start with 500 money that you can invest in 2 different options. Energy and property but you can’t invest in property unless you have water and electricity. So you start with investing in energy with which you […]

Mechanics Design Progress
This is the progress I have done so far on my resource system. I think I have to add some things to make it a bit more of a resource game but I don’t want to overdo it. It’s a balancing act aswell, right now it’s just random numbers but if it was an actual game and if it should be based on real numbers it could be more precise. I am going to leave it a while and get […]

Mechanics Design Progress
This is the progress I have done so far on my resource system. I think I have to add some things to make it a bit more of a resource game but I don’t want to overdo it. It’s a balancing act aswell, right now it’s just random numbers but if it was an actual game and if it should be based on real numbers it could be more precise. I am going to leave it a while and get […]

Mechanics Design
Today was indeed eventful. First the system and then a lecture in mechanics design. For the seminar on Friday for Serious games we have to make an Economic mechanics design using this tool:
We have to create a diagram with a minimum of 10 nodes. We could work together but each person should have a unique piece to show on Friday. I will try and keep you updated on the process.

Mechanics Design
Today was indeed eventful. First the system and then a lecture in mechanics design. For the seminar on Friday for Serious games we have to make an Economic mechanics design using this tool:
We have to create a diagram with a minimum of 10 nodes. We could work together but each person should have a unique piece to show on Friday. I will try and keep you updated on the process.

A Serious Game
A serious game. A game where the content is more than entertaining, it is about teaching. I get excited about the idea of possibly designing a serious game but at the same time it’s a scary thought. Finding a great idea for a serious game is going to be hard but I want to do something educational.
I read a text where Bruce Milligan listed “The ten commandments of serious games”. And the one that caught my eye was the seventh […]

A Serious Game
A serious game. A game where the content is more than entertaining, it is about teaching. I get excited about the idea of possibly designing a serious game but at the same time it’s a scary thought. Finding a great idea for a serious game is going to be hard but I want to do something educational.
I read a text where Bruce Milligan listed “The ten commandments of serious games”. And the one that caught my eye was the seventh […]