Browsing '5SD001': Introduction to Special Effects

Escape – Group 4 – Week 9 – Level Editing – Part 2
3rd week working on the level design. With two weeks left on the project, I was supposed to spend the rest of the time to finish the last, largest and most complex level in the game. Instead, I spent most of the week to fix a mistake I missed last week.
When using the level editor, I sett the walls and outside boundaries by them dividing it into rectangles. I sett these rectangles by choosing coordinates for the upper left corner […]

Escape – Group 4 – Week 9 – Level Editing – Part 2
3rd week working on the level design. With two weeks left on the project, I was supposed to spend the rest of the time to finish the last, largest and most complex level in the game. Instead, I spent most of the week to fix a mistake I missed last week.
When using the level editor, I sett the walls and outside boundaries by them dividing it into rectangles. I sett these rectangles by choosing coordinates for the upper left corner […]

Escape – Group 4 – Week 8 – Apparent Issues
Still working with the level editor, since we underestimated just how time consuming the process could be.Another problem became apparent at the play-testing session last Monday. There was no way to test the actual levels. The lead programmer wasn’t able to generate the levels via the TXT’s until a few hours before the session. And so, testers would see weirdly placed furniture, empty rooms and run into invisible walls. Another problem was that if an object would be set so […]

Escape – Group 4 – Week 8 – Apparent Issues
Still working with the level editor, since we underestimated just how time consuming the process could be.Another problem became apparent at the play-testing session last Monday. There was no way to test the actual levels. The lead programmer wasn’t able to generate the levels via the TXT’s until a few hours before the session. And so, testers would see weirdly placed furniture, empty rooms and run into invisible walls. Another problem was that if an object would be set so […]
Escape – Group 4 – Week 6 – Audio Options & Credits
Progress on the main menu is going surprisingly smoothly. Not only did I finish visual functionality in one day, but practical functionality is almost finished as well.Both music and sound can now be muted and the slider for lowering sound works like a charm. This however has been tested with only one sound file. There’s still a lot of work to make this work for every sound file in the game.Music and sound has to be dealt with individually, since […]
Escape – Group 4 – Week 6 – Audio Options & Credits
Progress on the main menu is going surprisingly smoothly. Not only did I finish visual functionality in one day, but practical functionality is almost finished as well.Both music and sound can now be muted and the slider for lowering sound works like a charm. This however has been tested with only one sound file. There’s still a lot of work to make this work for every sound file in the game.Music and sound has to be dealt with individually, since […]
Escape – Group 4 – Week 5 – Sound Manager
In an earlier meeting with the advising 3rd year student, it was suggested that I shift my focus off the main menu and start working on something with higher priority. “Sound manager” was on the list in the backlog and as lead sound designer, I chose to start work on it.
To make my job easier, I searched the internet for existing open source sound managers. There were only two existing managers, strange considering you’d find many open source managers for […]
Escape – Group 4 – Week 5 – Sound Manager
In an earlier meeting with the advising 3rd year student, it was suggested that I shift my focus off the main menu and start working on something with higher priority. “Sound manager” was on the list in the backlog and as lead sound designer, I chose to start work on it.
To make my job easier, I searched the internet for existing open source sound managers. There were only two existing managers, strange considering you’d find many open source managers for […]