Author Archives: Tova Svensson

The Heartbeakers
Hello everybirdy!
I was recently invited to join the development of a friend’s game, which is super exciting! Before I joined the team was only two people, an artist/designer and a programmer. They asked me to do the writing for the game and of course I jumped at the opportunity!
As much as I love 2D and 3D work, narrative writing has a special place in my heart.
So, it’s a strategy game called The Heartbeakers, in which you play as a small […]

The Heartbeakers
Hello everybirdy!
I was recently invited to join the development of a friend’s game, which is super exciting! Before I joined the team was only two people, an artist/designer and a programmer. They asked me to do the writing for the game and of course I jumped at the opportunity!
As much as I love 2D and 3D work, narrative writing has a special place in my heart.
So, it’s a strategy game called The Heartbeakers, in which you play as a small […]

Life drawing – final assignments
Hello all! This summer has gone by so unbelievably fast, I get a bit stressed out when I think about it. But it’s definitely been fun!
Our final assignment in life drawing class was twofold; the first part was to make a sculpture, which we did in class with a model as a reference. The second part was to redraw a classical painting, but change it slightly.
Here’s my sculpture:
I’m actually quite pleased with how it turned out. […]

Life drawing – final assignments
Hello all! This summer has gone by so unbelievably fast, I get a bit stressed out when I think about it. But it’s definitely been fun!
Our final assignment in life drawing class was twofold; the first part was to make a sculpture, which we did in class with a model as a reference. The second part was to redraw a classical painting, but change it slightly.
Here’s my sculpture:
I’m actually quite pleased with how it turned out. […]

Life drawing
Hello gang! Hello gang!
This summer I’m attending the life drawing class here at campus Gotland. It’s been fun so far but a bit intense at times. I’ve been drawing people for a long time and I think I’m pretty decent at it, but practice is always good!
I found my old drawings from three years ago when I read the first 2D class and I’ve improved a lot more than I thought since then!
Here are some drawings from this summer:
Life drawing
This summer I’m attending the life drawing class here at campus Gotland. It’s been fun so far but a bit intense at times. I’ve been drawing people for a long time and I think I’m pretty decent at it, but practice is always good!
I found my old drawings from three years ago when I read the first 2D class and I’ve improved a lot more than I thought since then!
Here are some drawings from this summer:

Final year at GGC
Two updates in one week? I must be going crazy.
Anyway, as it is my last year here it is also time for my last GGC, at least as a student here. Perhaps I’ll come back sometime in the future! Besides my self help app, which still isn’t finished, I haven’t worked on any game this year, which means I won’t exhibit anything at the conference.
However, I decided to put my work up on the art wall for the first time! […]

Final year at GGC
Two updates in one week? I must be going crazy.
Anyway, as it is my last year here it is also time for my last GGC, at least as a student here. Perhaps I’ll come back sometime in the future! Besides my self help app, which still isn’t finished, I haven’t worked on any game this year, which means I won’t exhibit anything at the conference.
However, I decided to put my work up on the art wall for the first time! […]

Bachelor’s thesis
Hello everyone, it’s been a while!
I’ve spent the past month and a half writing my bachelor’s thesis. Originally I wanted to do something creative, specifically a 3D environment which I could use as part of my portfolio when looking for jobs after graduating.
However, my tutor didn’t think this idea was suitable for a thesis, so I ended up iterating my project until it became something entirely different and entirely theoretical.
I’ve written my thesis on the subject of cultural appropriation in […]

Bachelor’s thesis
Hello everyone, it’s been a while!
I’ve spent the past month and a half writing my bachelor’s thesis. Originally I wanted to do something creative, specifically a 3D environment which I could use as part of my portfolio when looking for jobs after graduating.
However, my tutor didn’t think this idea was suitable for a thesis, so I ended up iterating my project until it became something entirely different and entirely theoretical.
I’ve written my thesis on the subject of cultural appropriation in […]

Self Help App: ALPHA and BETA build
Hello! It’s been quite a while since I last wrote (more than a month… shame on me) and a lot has happened since.
I mentioned last time that I was close to finishing an ALPHA version of my self help app, which I did! I should have posted about that here, but I completely forgot. If you’re interested, you can find the build and the survey to go with it over here.
However! Since it’s been a while since I finished […]

Self Help App: ALPHA and BETA build
Hello! It’s been quite a while since I last wrote (more than a month… shame on me) and a lot has happened since.
I mentioned last time that I was close to finishing an ALPHA version of my self help app, which I did! I should have posted about that here, but I completely forgot. If you’re interested, you can find the build and the survey to go with it over here.
However! Since it’s been a while since I finished […]

Self help app update!
Just a very quick update today, to tell you that I’ve switched the self help app blog from a wordpress to a tumblr, as I thought I would reach more of my target audience there!
You can find the blog here:
This is what the app looks like at the moment:
I’m close to sending out an alpha build of the app, so look forward to that!

Self help app update!
Just a very quick update today, to tell you that I’ve switched the self help app blog from a wordpress to a tumblr, as I thought I would reach more of my target audience there!
You can find the blog here:
This is what the app looks like at the moment:
I’m close to sending out an alpha build of the app, so look forward to that!

Self help app work in progress!
Hello gang! I mentioned in an earlier blog post that I wanted to make an app for self help with depression and anxiety, and that I would have the opportunity to do so during the course Game Design in Practice. However, I had the issue that no one seemed to want to work with me, and I was unable to find a group to join, so all of a sudden I found myself alone.
I debated what to do for a […]

Self help app work in progress!
Hello gang! I mentioned in an earlier blog post that I wanted to make an app for self help with depression and anxiety, and that I would have the opportunity to do so during the course Game Design in Practice. However, I had the issue that no one seemed to want to work with me, and I was unable to find a group to join, so all of a sudden I found myself alone.
I debated what to do for a […]

Trip to Kustateljen!
This Tuesday our 3D class went on a field trip to Fårösund at the northern tip of the island to visit Kustateljen, which is a film studio. In our 3D class we’re going to start working with ingame cutscenes (movies) this week and the trip was meant to be a sort of introduction to that.
We were given a brief overview of how cameras work with different lenses and such, and how to light scenes to create different moods. After that […]

Trip to Kustateljen!
This Tuesday our 3D class went on a field trip to Fårösund at the northern tip of the island to visit Kustateljen, which is a film studio. In our 3D class we’re going to start working with ingame cutscenes (movies) this week and the trip was meant to be a sort of introduction to that.
We were given a brief overview of how cameras work with different lenses and such, and how to light scenes to create different moods. After that […]

Year three
Hello again! It’s been a while since my last update, hasn’t it? I’m currently at the end of week two of my third year of game design at Campus Gotland! I’m pretty excited about this year because the number of people who chose to stay for the third year is bigger than it usually is, which means a lot of my friends are still here!
The two courses I’m reading right now is 3DIV and Game Design in Practice. The former focuses […]

Year three
Hello again! It’s been a while since my last update, hasn’t it? I’m currently at the end of week two of my third year of game design at Campus Gotland! I’m pretty excited about this year because the number of people who chose to stay for the third year is bigger than it usually is, which means a lot of my friends are still here!
The two courses I’m reading right now is 3DIV and Game Design in Practice. The former focuses […]

Well, the past few days have certainly been a trip and a half.
I don’t think any of us in the team expected to get so many people who played our game and so much positive feedback from everyone. The two computers we had set up rarely went unused, as there was almost always someone who played there.
We’ve had people tell us stories about how they or their friends/relatives have gone through similar things and that it was very emotional for […]

Well, the past few days have certainly been a trip and a half.
I don’t think any of us in the team expected to get so many people who played our game and so much positive feedback from everyone. The two computers we had set up rarely went unused, as there was almost always someone who played there.
We’ve had people tell us stories about how they or their friends/relatives have gone through similar things and that it was very emotional for […]

BGP Week 8: We’re there!
The final week is almost over! The BETA was on Wednesday and it went very well, if I may say so myself! We had a beginning and an end, a bunch of different playable events and friends that the players could ask out. Our playtesters seemed to like it! They had some critique, of course, but it was mostly things we were already aware of.
This week I’ve done a little bit of everything again, since everything that has to be […]

BGP Week 8: We’re there!
The final week is almost over! The BETA was on Wednesday and it went very well, if I may say so myself! We had a beginning and an end, a bunch of different playable events and friends that the players could ask out. Our playtesters seemed to like it! They had some critique, of course, but it was mostly things we were already aware of.
This week I’ve done a little bit of everything again, since everything that has to be […]