Author Archives: Tomas Lindell

Game dev, Suit’em up – Ingame cinematics

Me and Jonas have worked hard on player feedback this week since it is the one thing that is missing from our game. He worked with boss healthbar and feedback when getting hit.
Malin has worked with particle effects for even more feedback. We need to implement them next week.
I made two really crude in-game cinematics to enhance the player feedback when the avatar is killed and when teleporting. I havn’t made cinematics with C++ before and I didn’t bother making […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev, Suit’em up – Ingame cinematics

Me and Jonas have worked hard on player feedback this week since it is the one thing that is missing from our game. He worked with boss healthbar and feedback when getting hit.
Malin has worked with particle effects for even more feedback. We need to implement them next week.
I made two really crude in-game cinematics to enhance the player feedback when the avatar is killed and when teleporting. I havn’t made cinematics with C++ before and I didn’t bother making […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev, Suit’em up – New polish features

We have recently had our second playtesting session, the pre-beta one. We got a lot of great feedback to work with. The one thing I think we need to add desperately at this point is player feedback. Another thing that needed to be added, which came up during the playtesting was that playtesters thought that it was boring running long distances across the world.
I’ve been working hard on the second point, the “boring long distances” these past few days and […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev, Suit’em up – New polish features

We have recently had our second playtesting session, the pre-beta one. We got a lot of great feedback to work with. The one thing I think we need to add desperately at this point is player feedback. Another thing that needed to be added, which came up during the playtesting was that playtesters thought that it was boring running long distances across the world.
I’ve been working hard on the second point, the “boring long distances” these past few days and […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev, Suit’em up – Animations in different directions

We have released a friends & family beta test and gotten some statistics of the current status of our game.
You are welcome to participate, here is the link to the feedback: feedback-form
And here is a link to the game, please fill in feedback if you play!: SuitEmUp FnF pre-beta
I have made animations work in different directions for enemies and the player. This is not implemented in the version I linked above but I will explain what is […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev, Suit’em up – Animations in different directions

We have released a friends & family beta test and gotten some statistics of the current status of our game.
You are welcome to participate, here is the link to the feedback: feedback-form
And here is a link to the game, please fill in feedback if you play!: SuitEmUp FnF pre-beta
I have made animations work in different directions for enemies and the player. This is not implemented in the version I linked above but I will explain what is […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev, Suit’em up – Customization menu and textile (pickups) manager

We are preparing for a play testing with friends and family. Some things need to be added before that and one of them is the customization menu.
I have worked hard on revising the menu. To explain what it does: In our game there are four different textile pickups that are scattered throughout the world. These can be equipped into four slots in the customization menu.
Previously, the menu looked like this:

In this old menu, you had to press one of […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev, Suit’em up – Customization menu and textile (pickups) manager

We are preparing for a play testing with friends and family. Some things need to be added before that and one of them is the customization menu.
I have worked hard on revising the menu. To explain what it does: In our game there are four different textile pickups that are scattered throughout the world. These can be equipped into four slots in the customization menu.
Previously, the menu looked like this:

In this old menu, you had to press one of […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev, Suit’em up – SpriteManager with animated sprites

We created an early SpriteManager in the start of the project but it couldn’t load animated sprites or load sprites from a part in a spritesheet. I have now added this functionality.
I started with creating a wrapper around sf::Sprite and I have created the AnimatedSprite class. I’m not really that proud of the wrapper since I put a lot of virtual functions in there that are only used by AnimatedSprite.

After adding the sprite types I added methods in […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev, Suit’em up – SpriteManager with animated sprites

We created an early SpriteManager in the start of the project but it couldn’t load animated sprites or load sprites from a part in a spritesheet. I have now added this functionality.
I started with creating a wrapper around sf::Sprite and I have created the AnimatedSprite class. I’m not really that proud of the wrapper since I put a lot of virtual functions in there that are only used by AnimatedSprite.

After adding the sprite types I added methods in […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev – Game states

I created three types of game states using Jonas Lundgrens GameStateManager. These are: PlayState, PauseState and CustomizeState. The PlayState holds the actual playable game, the pause state exists as a first state that is entered when pausing the game. The CustomizeState exists for the player to be able to customize stats using pickups collected in the game.
The GameObjectManager
I described how this manager works in my last post, but I will do so again. It stacks states on top of […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev – Game states

I created three types of game states using Jonas Lundgrens GameStateManager. These are: PlayState, PauseState and CustomizeState. The PlayState holds the actual playable game, the pause state exists as a first state that is entered when pausing the game. The CustomizeState exists for the player to be able to customize stats using pickups collected in the game.
The GameObjectManager
I described how this manager works in my last post, but I will do so again. It stacks states on top of […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev – Programming – Rooms, collisions, pause state, textiles and prioritizing work

Much has been done with the project, I will describe the different parts that I was a part of. Each part is described in detail in each section.

I made a RoomManager which holds and handles, you guessed it, rooms.
I worked with Malin Lundqvist with collisions between room walls and the avatar, line vs circle collision.
I created a pause state which uses Jonas Lundgrens StateManager, which “freezes” the PlayState logic while still drawing it.
I added textiles that are objects able to […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev – Programming – Rooms, collisions, pause state, textiles and prioritizing work

Much has been done with the project, I will describe the different parts that I was a part of. Each part is described in detail in each section.

I made a RoomManager which holds and handles, you guessed it, rooms.
I worked with Malin Lundqvist with collisions between room walls and the avatar, line vs circle collision.
I created a pause state which uses Jonas Lundgrens StateManager, which “freezes” the PlayState logic while still drawing it.
I added textiles that are objects able to […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev – Milestone, playable game

The game is playable. It is a very simple version without almost all collision since that is not implemented yet. All code that makes the game playable is located within the engine but it will be broken up into the different states and managers as they start getting added.
I made a temporary collision code, as it was needed for collision between projectiles and enemies. It looks like this:

fDistanceX = fabs(m_xEnemies[k]->GetPos().x – m_xProjectiles[i]->GetPos().x);
fDistanceY = fabs(m_xEnemies[k]->GetPos().y – m_xProjectiles[i]->GetPos().y);
fDistanceTotal = sqrtf(fDistanceX*fDistanceX + fDistanceY*fDistanceY);
if(fDistanceTotal […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev – Milestone, playable game

The game is playable. It is a very simple version without almost all collision since that is not implemented yet. All code that makes the game playable is located within the engine but it will be broken up into the different states and managers as they start getting added.
I made a temporary collision code, as it was needed for collision between projectiles and enemies. It looks like this:

fDistanceX = fabs(m_xEnemies[k]->GetPos().x – m_xProjectiles[i]->GetPos().x);
fDistanceY = fabs(m_xEnemies[k]->GetPos().y – m_xProjectiles[i]->GetPos().y);
fDistanceTotal = sqrtf(fDistanceX*fDistanceX + fDistanceY*fDistanceY);
if(fDistanceTotal […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev – Game structure, Github, SFML and early version of the game.

We have sat down, us programmers, and discussed how we want the game built with engine, managers and states. We use a program for flowcharts called Dia. It seems to have some bugs though so maybe we will change it out. This is an early version of the flowchart I just mentioned. A work in progress:

We worked on it, got feedback and here below is the final version as it looks now. Things might change:

I added delta time […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev – Game structure, Github, SFML and early version of the game.

We have sat down, us programmers, and discussed how we want the game built with engine, managers and states. We use a program for flowcharts called Dia. It seems to have some bugs though so maybe we will change it out. This is an early version of the flowchart I just mentioned. A work in progress:

We worked on it, got feedback and here below is the final version as it looks now. Things might change:

I added delta time […]

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Program: Programming

Global game jam 2014 – Last Letter

We had a pretty good idea for a “think outside the box” game for the global game jam 2014 so we went for it. The result was the game “Last Letter”. We put about 8 hours into it.
It’s a very unusual survival game. Enjoy!
This is a link to the game jam site (download link for v1.6 on the site): Last Letter GGJ 2014 v1.6
Download v1.7 directly: Download Last Letter v1.7

January 26, 2014 / Comments Off on Global game jam 2014 – Last Letter
Program: Programming

Global game jam 2014 – Last Letter

We had a pretty good idea for a “think outside the box” game for the global game jam 2014 so we went for it. The result was the game “Last Letter”. We put about 8 hours into it.
It’s a very unusual survival game. Enjoy!
This is a link to the game jam site (download link for v1.6 on the site): Last Letter GGJ 2014 v1.6
Download v1.7 directly: Download Last Letter v1.7

January 26, 2014 / Comments Off on Global game jam 2014 – Last Letter
Program: Programming

Game dev – ONE vision!

No break, full speed ahead in the next courses. In the game development course our full class (both graphics and programmer students) is divided into smaller dev-teams to create games together. I really like our group! We have very talented people who has a lot of motivation! =)
Other groups have allready created their Design Document and we have barely started on ours. We are more focused on beginning to create the game. We should type some more things about the […]

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Program: Programming

Game dev – ONE vision!

No break, full speed ahead in the next courses. In the game development course our full class (both graphics and programmer students) is divided into smaller dev-teams to create games together. I really like our group! We have very talented people who has a lot of motivation! =)
Other groups have allready created their Design Document and we have barely started on ours. We are more focused on beginning to create the game. We should type some more things about the […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project, day 29 – part 4 – Game complete and no memory leaks

I ran the Visual Leak Detector for Visual C++ 2008/2010/2012, and “No memory leaks detected.”. I thought for sure that I had forgotten some pointers somewhere.
I also put all #includes in a certain order in every .cpp file.
The game is done now, there is always improvements that can be made but I’m feeling pretty done now.
My final project score should be at least 110 points (that’s about top score), I may get extra points somewhere. I’ve got every single thing […]

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Program: Programming

Programming Project, day 29 – part 4 – Game complete and no memory leaks

I ran the Visual Leak Detector for Visual C++ 2008/2010/2012, and “No memory leaks detected.”. I thought for sure that I had forgotten some pointers somewhere.
I also put all #includes in a certain order in every .cpp file.
The game is done now, there is always improvements that can be made but I’m feeling pretty done now.
My final project score should be at least 110 points (that’s about top score), I may get extra points somewhere. I’ve got every single thing […]

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Program: Programming