Author Archives: Tobias Carlsson

Big Game Project: Third week
Yes, the third week have passed and everything seems to go fine, a little bit less of a productive week since it is like a long weekend because of the easter. I kept on working with the usual stuff and everything seems to check out.
Though I stayed and worked a bit more during the easter and I created a character build with a CAT rig in 3ds Max with and a simple base mesh with it. I exported it […]

Big Game Project: Third week
Yes, the third week have passed and everything seems to go fine, a little bit less of a productive week since it is like a long weekend because of the easter. I kept on working with the usual stuff and everything seems to check out.
Though I stayed and worked a bit more during the easter and I created a character build with a CAT rig in 3ds Max with and a simple base mesh with it. I exported it […]

Big Game Project: Third week
Yes, the third week have passed and everything seems to go fine, a little bit less of a productive week since it is like a long weekend because of the easter. I kept on working with the usual stuff and everything seems to check out.
Though I stayed and worked a bit more during the easter and I created a character build with a CAT rig in 3ds Max with and a simple base mesh with it. I exported it […]

Big Game Project: Third week
Yes, the third week have passed and everything seems to go fine, a little bit less of a productive week since it is like a long weekend because of the easter. I kept on working with the usual stuff and everything seems to check out.
Though I stayed and worked a bit more during the easter and I created a character build with a CAT rig in 3ds Max with and a simple base mesh with it. I exported it […]

Big Game Project: Second week
The project goes on but not without problems or complications but it gets solved one way or another. The learning process is slow, and so is the production for the graphics, hopefully though it will pay off in the end.
I have created more materials, learned how to refine them and tile them correctly in Unreal Engine 4. I have also started to create a a bunch of concepts that the 3D artists will use as a guide towards creating the […]

Big Game Project: Second week
The project goes on but not without problems or complications but it gets solved one way or another. The learning process is slow, and so is the production for the graphics, hopefully though it will pay off in the end.
I have created more materials, learned how to refine them and tile them correctly in Unreal Engine 4. I have also started to create a a bunch of concepts that the 3D artists will use as a guide towards creating the […]

Big Game Project: Second week
The project goes on but not without problems or complications but it gets solved one way or another. The learning process is slow, and so is the production for the graphics, hopefully though it will pay off in the end.
We have play tested our game, and we have a working prototype. Now we only have to aim for to complete everything that is supposed to be ready for the Alpha.
I have created more materials, learned how to refine them and […]

Big Game Project: Second week
The project goes on but not without problems or complications but it gets solved one way or another. The learning process is slow, and so is the production for the graphics, hopefully though it will pay off in the end.
We have play tested our game, and we have a working prototype. Now we only have to aim for to complete everything that is supposed to be ready for the Alpha.
I have created more materials, learned how to refine them and […]

Big Game Project: First week
This is my first entry, these following weeks I will do my work and then reflect upon it. I will also include in this first entry of what our game is about.
Our game is a puzzle game which is based on mirrors reflecting light from a source to a destination. It all takes place in a temple which is in the desert.
I had a slow start, I had to wait for about two days before I could start working, […]

Big Game Project: First week
This is my first entry, these following weeks I will do my work and then reflect upon it. I will also include in this first entry of what our game is about.
Our game is a puzzle game which is based on mirrors reflecting light from a source to a destination. It all takes place in a temple which is in the desert.
I had a slow start, I had to wait for about two days before I could start working, […]

Big Game Project: First week
This is my first entry, these following weeks I will do my work and then reflect upon it. I will also include in this first entry of what our game is about.
Our game is a puzzle game which is based on mirrors reflecting light from a source to a destination. It all takes place in a temple which is in the desert.
I had a slow start, I had to wait for about two days before I could start working, […]

Big Game Project: First week
This is my first entry, these following weeks I will do my work and then reflect upon it. I will also include in this first entry of what our game is about.
Our game is a puzzle game which is based on mirrors reflecting light from a source to a destination. It all takes place in a temple which is in the desert.
I had a slow start, I had to wait for about two days before I could start working, […]

Game of Stones
This past week we had finished the game and we had presented it to our teacher Adam Mayes. he did like how the game was and we didn’t really notice anything ourselves that needed improvement. We continued then with upgrading the games visuals, I myself did a lot of that work during when the others went to Gamex. I took upon myself the task of creating the board and almost all the tiles and the pieces. I worked in Photoshop […]

Game of Stones
This past week we had finished the game and we had presented it to our teacher Adam Mayes. he did like how the game was and we didn’t really notice anything ourselves that needed improvement. We continued then with upgrading the games visuals, I myself did a lot of that work during when the others went to Gamex. I took upon myself the task of creating the board and almost all the tiles and the pieces. I worked in Photoshop […]

Game of Stones
This past week we had finished the game and we had presented it to our teacher Adam Mayes. he did like how the game was and we didn’t really notice anything ourselves that needed improvement. We continued then with upgrading the games visuals, I myself did a lot of that work during when the others went to Gamex. I took upon myself the task of creating the board and almost all the tiles and the pieces. I worked in Photoshop […]

Game of Stones
This past week we had finished the game and we had presented it to our teacher Adam Mayes. he did like how the game was and we didn’t really notice anything ourselves that needed improvement. We continued then with upgrading the games visuals, I myself did a lot of that work during when the others went to Gamex. I took upon myself the task of creating the board and almost all the tiles and the pieces. I worked in Photoshop […]

Board games dwarfs
This is a continuation of my latest post that was about a board game we created.
We had some rethinking to do as our of how our game was it didn’t look good. So our task was to improve the game, and we did so quite drastically.
I can simply say that the game has changed a lot again and I believe we are getting close to the finish line. As the game is very defined now and it is more engaging […]

Board games dwarfs
This is a continuation of my latest post that was about a board game we created.
We had some rethinking to do as our of how our game was it didn’t look good. So our task was to improve the game, and we did so quite drastically.
I can simply say that the game has changed a lot again and I believe we are getting close to the finish line. As the game is very defined now and it is more engaging […]

Another Board Game
Our assignment was to make our own board game however we wanted and use the mechanics and systems that we would like to use.
I have been sick lately so I have not been able to partake in all the meetings and events for our group. I took part though in the beginning of the project and I could partake in making the base for our board game, Though in the end I heard that it got changed a lot and […]

Another Board Game
Our assignment was to make our own board game however we wanted and use the mechanics and systems that we would like to use.
I have been sick lately so I have not been able to partake in all the meetings and events for our group. I took part though in the beginning of the project and I could partake in making the base for our board game, Though in the end I heard that it got changed a lot and […]

Board Games
These past weeks I have worked with boardgames with my group, We were assigned to play three boardgames at least three times each. So we could get a clear view of the strength and weaknesses in the games. Through that we were also supposed to decide what the core system was and what the best system was and etc…
We played these games with ease and could easily decide what the answer to the questions were and work from there.
It was […]

Board Games
These past weeks I have worked with boardgames with my group, We were assigned to play three boardgames at least three times each. So we could get a clear view of the strength and weaknesses in the games. Through that we were also supposed to decide what the core system was and what the best system was and etc…
We played these games with ease and could easily decide what the answer to the questions were and work from there.
It was […]