Author Archives: Thom Hujanen

Creating a Sound Wave Charge Meter
In my last blog post, I wrote about how I animated a huge sound wave that will move over the screen and destroy any enemies that comes in its way. The attack is charged by rapidly tapping a key until the attack is ready. To show when the sound wave is ready to be launched, I have created a meter that fills up while you tap the key.
I re-used the score multiplier that […]

Creating a Sound Wave Charge Meter
In my last blog post, I wrote about how I animated a huge sound wave that will move over the screen and destroy any enemies that comes in its way. The attack is charged by rapidly tapping a key until the attack is ready. To show when the sound wave is ready to be launched, I have created a meter that fills up while you tap the key.
I re-used the score multiplier that […]

Animating a huge sound wave
In my team’s space shooter game, there will be a huge attack which will swipe the whole screen and destroy any crystal enemies that stands in its way. The player has to charge the attack by repeatedly tapping the 1-key on the keyboard and then fire it by pressing the E-key. Since the player avatar is a singing dragon, the attack will be a big sound wave.
My first idea was to have big waves that makes the whole screen move. So […]

Animating a huge sound wave
In my team’s space shooter game, there will be a huge attack which will swipe the whole screen and destroy any crystal enemies that stands in its way. The player has to charge the attack by repeatedly tapping the 1-key on the keyboard and then fire it by pressing the E-key. Since the player avatar is a singing dragon, the attack will be a big sound wave.
My first idea was to have big waves that makes the whole screen move. So […]

Animating a huge sound wave
In my team’s space shooter game, there will be a huge attack which will swipe the whole screen and destroy any crystal enemies that stands in its way. The player has to charge the attack by repeatedly tapping the 1-key on the keyboard and then fire it by pressing the E-key. Since the player avatar is a singing dragon, the attack will be a big sound wave.
My first idea was to have big waves that makes the whole screen move. So […]

Animating a huge sound wave
In my team’s space shooter game, there will be a huge attack which will swipe the whole screen and destroy any crystal enemies that stands in its way. The player has to charge the attack by repeatedly tapping the 1-key on the keyboard and then fire it by pressing the E-key. Since the player avatar is a singing dragon, the attack will be a big sound wave.
My first idea was to have big waves that makes the whole screen move. So […]

Creating a score multiplier
Score is an important part of our space shooter-game. To make the player want to come back and play our levels, we have implemented high score. When you hit enemies close to the beat, you will start to build up a score multiplier which gives you a higher score. Therefore you will get a higher score when you practice the different levels over and over again.
To show the player how well he or she is doing, I have created a score multiplier […]

Creating a score multiplier
Score is an important part of our space shooter-game. To make the player want to come back and play our levels, we have implemented high score. When you hit enemies close to the beat, you will start to build up a score multiplier which gives you a higher score. Therefore you will get a higher score when you practice the different levels over and over again.
To show the player how well he or she is doing, I have created a score multiplier […]

Animating enemies
My team’s space shooter game has crystal enemies in it. They are moving across the screen in sync with the beat of the background music. To get the highest score, the player must hit an enemy as close to the beat pulse as possible. Instead of giving only audio feedback to help the player get a higher score, we wanted the enemies to give some visual feedback as well. Therefore I have animated two of our enemies that will change along […]

Animating enemies
My team’s space shooter game has crystal enemies in it. They are moving across the screen in sync with the beat of the background music. To get the highest score, the player must hit an enemy as close to the beat pulse as possible. Instead of giving only audio feedback to help the player get a higher score, we wanted the enemies to give some visual feedback as well. Therefore I have animated two of our enemies that will change along […]

Creating an alpha presentation
Every group in the class are supposed to hold a presentation about their game project before demonstrating a playable alpha version of the game. The presentation needs to answer a few questions about how the project has gone so far and what our next goal is. As I am the producer, it is my responsibility to create it.
I am creating the presentation with help from the Sound Designer. Together we are discussing how we will answer the questions. As the Sound Designer is […]

Creating an alpha presentation
Every group in the class are supposed to hold a presentation about their game project before demonstrating a playable alpha version of the game. The presentation needs to answer a few questions about how the project has gone so far and what our next goal is. As I am the producer, it is my responsibility to create it.
I am creating the presentation with help from the Sound Designer. Together we are discussing how we will answer the questions. As the Sound Designer is […]

Designing enemies for a space shooter game
I am working on a space shooter game together with five other people. It is a music game about a dragon named Riff that cannot spit fire. Instead she can spit sound waves to create music. The other dragons are bullying her for that. But justice will come! When the planet is invaded by strange crystal beings, the dragons’ only hope are the sound waves that only Riff can create.
My role in the project is producer and graphic artist. Right now […]

Designing enemies for a space shooter game
I am working on a space shooter game together with five other people. It is a music game about a dragon named Riff that cannot spit fire. Instead she can spit sound waves to create music. The other dragons are bullying her for that. But justice will come! When the planet is invaded by strange crystal beings, the dragons’ only hope are the sound waves that only Riff can create.
My role in the project is producer and graphic artist. Right now […]