Author Archives: Thom Hujanen

The Task Board
This week, I have made a task board at the office. I have read that a task board can improve many aspects of a project and that seems to be true. I pitched the idea of having a task board to my team during the last sprint review and they liked the idea. So we have tried it this week to see if we like it.
Our task board works like this:
On a whiteboard in our office there are a lot […]

The Task Board
This week, I have made a task board at the office. I have read that a task board can improve many aspects of a project and that seems to be true. I pitched the idea of having a task board to my team during the last sprint review and they liked the idea. So we have tried it this week to see if we like it.
Our task board works like this:
On a whiteboard in our office there are a lot […]

Practical benefits of Agile and Scrum
As I wrote in my previous blog post, I am currently involved with a game project at my university. During this project, I am also doing some research about the work method Agile and Scrum. I am very curious about both Agile and Scrum and how it affects projects and the persons involved with it. This project gives me an opportunity to actually see in real-time how Agile combined with Scrum works in practice and what the benefits are. The […]

Practical benefits of Agile and Scrum
As I wrote in my previous blog post, I am currently involved with a game project at my university. During this project, I am also doing some research about the work method Agile and Scrum. I am very curious about both Agile and Scrum and how it affects projects and the persons involved with it. This project gives me an opportunity to actually see in real-time how Agile combined with Scrum works in practice and what the benefits are. The […]

Practical benefits of Agile and Scrum
As I wrote in my previous blog post, I am currently involved with a game project at my university. During this project, I am also doing some research about the work method Agile and Scrum. I am very curious about both Agile and Scrum and how it affects projects and the persons involved with it. This project gives me an opportunity to actually see in real-time how Agile combined with Scrum works in practice and what the benefits are. The […]

Practical benefits of Agile and Scrum
As I wrote in my previous blog post, I am currently involved with a game project at my university. During this project, I am also doing some research about the work method Agile and Scrum. I am very curious about both Agile and Scrum and how it affects projects and the persons involved with it. This project gives me an opportunity to actually see in real-time how Agile combined with Scrum works in practice and what the benefits are. The […]

Big Game Project
I am currently involved in a video game project in the course Big Game Project at Uppsala University – Campus Gotland. I am working in a team of seven members and we are creating a game called The Runes of Kalevala which is based on the Finnish folklore Kalevala. I am the producer in the team, which means that I (among other things) will be in charge of the project planning. Since the team is producing the game by using the […]

Big Game Project
I am currently involved in a video game project in the course Big Game Project at Uppsala University – Campus Gotland. I am working in a team of seven members and we are creating a game called The Runes of Kalevala which is based on the Finnish folklore Kalevala. I am the producer in the team, which means that I (among other things) will be in charge of the project planning. Since the team is producing the game by using the […]

Big Game Project
I am currently involved in a video game project in the course Big Game Project at Uppsala University – Campus Gotland. I am working in a team of seven members and we are creating a game called The Runes of Kalevala which is based on the Finnish folklore Kalevala. I am the producer in the team, which means that I (among other things) will be in charge of the project planning. Since the team is producing the game by using the […]

Big Game Project
I am currently involved in a video game project in the course Big Game Project at Uppsala University – Campus Gotland. I am working in a team of seven members and we are creating a game called The Runes of Kalevala which is based on the Finnish folklore Kalevala. I am the producer in the team, which means that I (among other things) will be in charge of the project planning. Since the team is producing the game by using the […]

3D Challenge – Day 4
Today I have learned about Sub Object Modes.
By converting an object to an ”Editable Poly”, I can manipulate the position of single vertexes, edges or polygons in an object. This gives me more freedom to sculpture the object to look more as I want it to look.
First, I created a cube and converted it to an Editable Poly:
After that, I selected the Vertex tool in the Modifier List and adjusted the position of two vertexes:
Then I chose the Edge tool […]

3D Challenge – Day 4
Today I have learned about Sub Object Modes.
By converting an object to an ”Editable Poly”, I can manipulate the position of single vertexes, edges or polygons in an object. This gives me more freedom to sculpture the object to look more as I want it to look.
First, I created a cube and converted it to an Editable Poly:
After that, I selected the Vertex tool in the Modifier List and adjusted the position of two vertexes:
Then I chose the Edge tool […]

3D Challenge – Day 4
Today I have learned about Sub Object Modes.
By converting an object to an “Editable Poly”, I can manipulate the position of single vertexes, edges or polygons in an object. This gives me more freedom to sculpture the object to look more as I want it to look.
First, I created a cube and converted it to an Editable Poly:
After that, I selected the Vertex tool in the Modifier List and adjusted the position of two vertexes:
Then I chose the Edge tool […]

3D Challenge – Day 4
Today I have learned about Sub Object Modes.
By converting an object to an “Editable Poly”, I can manipulate the position of single vertexes, edges or polygons in an object. This gives me more freedom to sculpture the object to look more as I want it to look.
First, I created a cube and converted it to an Editable Poly:
After that, I selected the Vertex tool in the Modifier List and adjusted the position of two vertexes:
Then I chose the Edge tool […]

3D Challenge – Day 3
Today I have learned about modifiers and segments.
A modifier can be added to a primitive to change its appearance. However, the primitive’s original appearance will be preserved. In this example i used a ”Bend” modifier to bend a cylinder primitive:
I also learned about segments in primitives. By changing the number of segments, the appearance can be change as well. More segments looks smoother while less segments looks edgy. So i added a lot more height segments to the cylinder to […]

3D Challenge – Day 3
Today I have learned about modifiers and segments.
A modifier can be added to a primitive to change its appearance. However, the primitive’s original appearance will be preserved. In this example i used a ”Bend” modifier to bend a cylinder primitive:
I also learned about segments in primitives. By changing the number of segments, the appearance can be change as well. More segments looks smoother while less segments looks edgy. So i added a lot more height segments to the cylinder to […]

3D Challenge – Day 3
Today I have learned about modifiers and segments.
A modifier can be added to a primitive to change its appearance. However, the primitive’s original appearance will be preserved. In this example i used a “Bend” modifier to bend a cylinder primitive:
I also learned about segments in primitives. By changing the number of segments, the appearance can be change as well. More segments looks smoother while less segments looks edgy. So i added a lot more height segments to the cylinder to […]

3D Challenge – Day 3
Today I have learned about modifiers and segments.
A modifier can be added to a primitive to change its appearance. However, the primitive’s original appearance will be preserved. In this example i used a “Bend” modifier to bend a cylinder primitive:
I also learned about segments in primitives. By changing the number of segments, the appearance can be change as well. More segments looks smoother while less segments looks edgy. So i added a lot more height segments to the cylinder to […]

3D Challenge – Day 1 & 2
I feel it is time to introduce myself. My name is Thom Hujanen and I have just finished my first year of my Bachelor’s degree in Game Design and Graphics at Uppsala University – Campus Gotland in Sweden.
So, I am learning game design and everything about graphics in games. I am not sure what my end goal with this education is. But I am going to find it out while I am here. However, I am really interested in 3D […]

3D Challenge – Day 1 & 2
I feel it is time to introduce myself. My name is Thom Hujanen and I have just finished my first year of my Bachelor’s degree in Game Design and Graphics at Uppsala University – Campus Gotland in Sweden.
So, I am learning game design and everything about graphics in games. I am not sure what my end goal with this education is. But I am going to find it out while I am here. However, I am really interested in 3D […]

3D Challenge – Day 1 & 2
I feel it is time to introduce myself. My name is Thom Hujanen and I have just finished my first year of my Bachelor’s degree in Game Design and Graphics at Uppsala University – Campus Gotland in Sweden.
So, I am learning game design and everything about graphics in games. I am not sure what my end goal with this education is. But I am going to find it out while I am here. However, I am really interested in 3D […]

3D Challenge – Day 1 & 2
I feel it is time to introduce myself. My name is Thom Hujanen and I have just finished my first year of my Bachelor’s degree in Game Design and Graphics at Uppsala University – Campus Gotland in Sweden.
So, I am learning game design and everything about graphics in games. I am not sure what my end goal with this education is. But I am going to find it out while I am here. However, I am really interested in 3D […]

Creating a Sound Wave Charge Meter
In my last blog post, I wrote about how I animated a huge sound wave that will move over the screen and destroy any enemies that comes in its way. The attack is charged by rapidly tapping a key until the attack is ready. To show when the sound wave is ready to be launched, I have created a meter that fills up while you tap the key.
I re-used the score multiplier that […]

Creating a Sound Wave Charge Meter
In my last blog post, I wrote about how I animated a huge sound wave that will move over the screen and destroy any enemies that comes in its way. The attack is charged by rapidly tapping a key until the attack is ready. To show when the sound wave is ready to be launched, I have created a meter that fills up while you tap the key.
I re-used the score multiplier that […]