Author Archives: Sebastian Larsson
What did Sebastian DO?
It has been a couple of intense weeks since my last post. The last two weeks of Slumber development were spent working very hard to deliver the very best game for Gotland Game Conference possible. As a result I forgot to blog. Ooops!
That’s okay though! (For me at least, we’ll have to see what my professors say!). This allows me to reflect much more than usual on the process.
I ended up doing a lot of different things during this project. Looking at […]
What did Sebastian DO?
It has been a couple of intense weeks since my last post. The last two weeks of Slumber development were spent working very hard to deliver the very best game for Gotland Game Conference possible. As a result I forgot to blog. Ooops!
That’s okay though! (For me at least, we’ll have to see what my professors say!). This allows me to reflect much more than usual on the process.
I ended up doing a lot of different things during this project. Looking at […]

Flexible fish feelings!
Contrary to what my previous posts might’ve indicated, I don’t just go around thinking about design problems all the time when working on Slumber. I’m also the makeshift Unity guy, responsible for implementing stuff, animating, building levels and generally being the link between the artists and programmers.
So let’s talk about something NOT design related for a change, like fish animations! As the team’s makeshift Unity animator, it was my job to animate and implement the fish animations used in Slumber.
This was […]

Flexible fish feelings!
Contrary to what my previous posts might’ve indicated, I don’t just go around thinking about design problems all the time when working on Slumber. I’m also the makeshift Unity guy, responsible for implementing stuff, animating, building levels and generally being the link between the artists and programmers.
So let’s talk about something NOT design related for a change, like fish animations! As the team’s makeshift Unity animator, it was my job to animate and implement the fish animations used in Slumber.
This was […]

Befriend a fish – win a prize!
NOTE; I plan to add pictures to this post, I promise! For now though I really need to get some sleep
Today, I’d like to adress yet another design mystery in Slumber. I know I should probably just talk about the stuff that’s already been defined and how and why it works, but it’s just so much more valuable for me to describe the current problems so that I can go ahead and solve them somehow!
So! Without any further ado, allow me to talk about
Fish friendships
In Slumber, […]

Befriend a fish – win a prize!
NOTE; I plan to add pictures to this post, I promise! For now though I really need to get some sleep
Today, I’d like to adress yet another design mystery in Slumber. I know I should probably just talk about the stuff that’s already been defined and how and why it works, but it’s just so much more valuable for me to describe the current problems so that I can go ahead and solve them somehow!
So! Without any further ado, allow me to talk about
Fish friendships
In Slumber, […]

Slumber – The food loop!
Time for another blogpost! This time, I wanted to openly discuss a design area of Slumber (yes, it’s called Slumber now!) that is not entirely defined yet. Mostly to process my own thoughts but also to involve you guys in the process!
So let me talk about the food loop.
The original system
The food loop serves both the retention side and the calm side of Slumber. The original food loop plan was pretty simple, it was as follows;
There’s also […]

Slumber – The food loop!
Time for another blogpost! This time, I wanted to openly discuss a design area of Slumber (yes, it’s called Slumber now!) that is not entirely defined yet. Mostly to process my own thoughts but also to involve you guys in the process!
So let me talk about the food loop.
The original system
The food loop serves both the retention side and the calm side of Slumber. The original food loop plan was pretty simple, it was as follows;
There’s also […]

Nudibranch design overview, dev diary#1
I have been involved in the development of a game designed to make players sleep better for the past three weeks. I figured I’d start blogging about it, because it is a really interesting and weird project! This is my individual perspective of it as game designer, but we also have an official blog with a general overview of each week’s progress which you can check out here.
The working title is Nudibranch.
In a nutshell, Nudibranch is a smartphone game where you play as a […]

Nudibranch design overview, dev diary#1
I have been involved in the development of a game designed to make players sleep better for the past three weeks. I figured I’d start blogging about it, because it is a really interesting and weird project! This is my individual perspective of it as game designer, but we also have an official blog with a general overview of each week’s progress which you can check out here.
The working title is Nudibranch.
In a nutshell, Nudibranch is a smartphone game where you play as a […]

Quick update!
It’s been about a year since my last blog post! There is a simple reason behind this; I felt more like working on games than writing. I’m going to go ahead and get this going again for the current project however!
Before I talk about that though, allow me to give a quick rundown over the past year.
Me and four friends made a game about frogs wrestling up a mountain! We got a reception that trumped all our expectations, it won some […]

Quick update!
It’s been about a year since my last blog post! There is a simple reason behind this; I felt more like working on games than writing. I’m going to go ahead and get this going again for the current project however!
Before I talk about that though, allow me to give a quick rundown over the past year.
Me and four friends made a game about frogs wrestling up a mountain! We got a reception that trumped all our expectations, it won some […]

Climb over to facebook.
This blog has become a bit outdated in the last month. We are planning to revive this space soon, but until then we recommend following us on facebook for rapid and consistent Frog Climbers updates! 🙂

Climb over to facebook.
This blog has become a bit outdated in the last month. We are planning to revive this space soon, but until then we recommend following us on facebook for rapid and consistent Frog Climbers updates! 🙂

Time for an introduction, don’t you think?
What is frog Climbers?
Frog Climbers is a chaotic climbing game for up to two players. Players play as professional rock climber frogs, intent on reaching the top of the high mountain in order to gain rock climber glory. Only one frog gets the glory however, so it’s a race to the top using whatever means neccesary in order to become the most famous frog climber!
Who are TeamCrew?
We are a team of five game design […]

Time for an introduction, don’t you think?
What is frog Climbers?
Frog Climbers is a chaotic climbing game for up to two players. Players play as professional rock climber frogs, intent on reaching the top of the high mountain in order to gain rock climber glory. Only one frog gets the glory however, so it’s a race to the top using whatever means neccesary in order to become the most famous frog climber!
Who are TeamCrew?
We are a team of five game design […]

Mole Munch – Final build download
On Friday 27/3/2015, the Introduction to game development course finally ended, and so did development on Mole Munch, more or less. There was a big playtesting session, and overall the reactions were very positive! There were several people playing for over 30 minutes in a row and then coming back to play again later, attempting to beat the top score for glory and candy. For anyone who tried it, thanks for playing the game, and maybe thanks for the great […]

Mole Munch – Final build download
On Friday 27/3/2015, the Introduction to game development course finally ended, and so did development on Mole Munch, more or less. There was a big playtesting session, and overall the reactions were very positive! There were several people playing for over 30 minutes in a row and then coming back to play again later, attempting to beat the top score for glory and candy. For anyone who tried it, thanks for playing the game, and maybe thanks for the great […]

Game Dev: Smarter enemies and other tasty features
This is the last week of development for Mole Munch, which means this is the last Mole Munch blogpost! Technically we do have another week after this one, but most of that will be spent obsessing over project reports and finishing work from the graphics course. Even this week the art side of Mole Munch decided to cut down on the hours in order to dedicate more hours to the 2D course.
I have been working on getting those last tasty […]

Game Dev: Smarter enemies and other tasty features
This is the last week of development for Mole Munch, which means this is the last Mole Munch blogpost! Technically we do have another week after this one, but most of that will be spent obsessing over project reports and finishing work from the graphics course. Even this week the art side of Mole Munch decided to cut down on the hours in order to dedicate more hours to the 2D course.
I have been working on getting those last tasty […]

GameDev: Reacting to the dangers of Mole Munch
This week, I have been working on making Mole Munch feel more like an actual game by applying consequences to messing up, and a score based on the amount of vegetables the mole has eaten. First and foremost my task was to apply a game over screen which activates when the player collides with either gardener or flooding water.
This screen was all that I got to draw this week :b
This was all fine and dandy, but by adding consequences to messing […]

GameDev: Reacting to the dangers of Mole Munch
This week, I have been working on making Mole Munch feel more like an actual game by applying consequences to messing up, and a score based on the amount of vegetables the mole has eaten. First and foremost my task was to apply a game over screen which activates when the player collides with either gardener or flooding water.
This screen was all that I got to draw this week :b
This was all fine and dandy, but by adding consequences to messing […]

Game Dev: Implementing graphics and animating characters
This week, I started implementing the graphics of Mole Munch. After all, a game about different colored squares gets old in the long run (sorry, Thomas was alone!).
This process was not too painful, and I was mostly done after a sunday and monday’s worth of work. Sadly my body decided to shut down on me monday evening and I lost two days being sick. Today I am back on track, but have mostly been squaching bugs, implementing small features, and merging code with […]

Game Dev: Implementing graphics and animating characters
This week, I started implementing the graphics of Mole Munch. After all, a game about different colored squares gets old in the long run (sorry, Thomas was alone!).
This process was not too painful, and I was mostly done after a sunday and monday’s worth of work. Sadly my body decided to shut down on me monday evening and I lost two days being sick. Today I am back on track, but have mostly been squaching bugs, implementing small features, and merging code with […]