Author Archives: Rasmus Lindgren

Beta beatdown!
I’m up to date for once! Today was our Beta presentation. Almost all of our content is in the game and teachers and alumni played the game. Their verdict, not perfect but they enjoyed the experience and they had discussions about events which is good and encourage replay-ability. Now there are some things to take care of before GGC, most of it is polishing the experience. This weekend it is time to show the public to have a piece of […]

Beta beatdown!
I’m up to date for once! Today was our Beta presentation. Almost all of our content is in the game and teachers and alumni played the game. Their verdict, not perfect but they enjoyed the experience and they had discussions about events which is good and encourage replay-ability. Now there are some things to take care of before GGC, most of it is polishing the experience. This weekend it is time to show the public to have a piece of […]

Content implementation overload!
This week (last week..(I’m really bad at this)) it was all about implementing the content and less about features. However, one feature was added, from now on the player can ask a friend out on the phone. The point of this is to “come out” to them. Other than that, all that was done was to add as many events as possible in order to have enough stuff for the Beta next week (this week(sorry)).
When working, one problem showed up. […]

Content implementation overload!
This week (last week..(I’m really bad at this)) it was all about implementing the content and less about features. However, one feature was added, from now on the player can ask a friend out on the phone. The point of this is to “come out” to them. Other than that, all that was done was to add as many events as possible in order to have enough stuff for the Beta next week (this week(sorry)).
When working, one problem showed up. […]
Tomorrow is a day of playtest and also a day where I will do a minimum amount of work just to be able to take in the feedback of the current version from today. During this week I’ve been adding larger events due to the lack of said events at the alpha presentation.
Since I haven’t figured out a good way to do the events, they’re hard coded and I’m ashamed. Hopefully the playtest will provide good feedback.
Tomorrow is a day of playtest and also a day where I will do a minimum amount of work just to be able to take in the feedback of the current version from today. During this week I’ve been adding larger events due to the lack of said events at the alpha presentation.
Since I haven’t figured out a good way to do the events, they’re hard coded and I’m ashamed. Hopefully the playtest will provide good feedback.
Show who’s the alpha!
During this week we have been working on providing content for the alpha and bug-checking. However, when the time came for alpha I noticed many things that needed fixing that I was blind to when I worked on the code. Characters appeared where they weren’t supposed to, music just kept playing when it was supposed to stop, not enough larger events, etc.
From then on all focus was on bug fixing the things we had and to provide content to show […]
Show who’s the alpha!
During this week we have been working on providing content for the alpha and bug-checking. However, when the time came for alpha I noticed many things that needed fixing that I was blind to when I worked on the code. Characters appeared where they weren’t supposed to, music just kept playing when it was supposed to stop, not enough larger events, etc.
From then on all focus was on bug fixing the things we had and to provide content to show […]

Half way where?
During the fourth week of BGP I have been working on implementing the event-type smalltalk into our game and started on larger events. Because of how we structured the .xml-files I can now use one piece of code in order to execute it in-game.
Smalltalk has been no problem but when it comes to larger events we will have to think harder. Since those events are bigger and more branching than smalltalk it will take a lot of planning to make it work […]

Half way where?
During the fourth week of BGP I have been working on implementing the event-type smalltalk into our game and started on larger events. Because of how we structured the .xml-files I can now use one piece of code in order to execute it in-game.
Smalltalk has been no problem but when it comes to larger events we will have to think harder. Since those events are bigger and more branching than smalltalk it will take a lot of planning to make it work […]

The Serious Issue
Since the last week was going so well, it wouldn’t be right without some issues showing up the this week. This monday while in a programming meeting with my teacher, he gave me a heads up about hard coding lines of dialogue in the game. I always knew this was a problem but since the engine was built for it to be hard coded, I didn’t think there would be an issue. Since we do want to reach as many […]

The Serious Issue
Since the last week was going so well, it wouldn’t be right without some issues showing up the this week. This monday while in a programming meeting with my teacher, he gave me a heads up about hard coding lines of dialogue in the game. I always knew this was a problem but since the engine was built for it to be hard coded, I didn’t think there would be an issue. Since we do want to reach as many […]

The Serious Game
Since the first week didn’t go very well with my own concept, I decided to go to a team with a nice concept and a great set of teammates. The team I joined was going to make the game concept Sam and Nicole. To sum up what the concept is really about:
“Sam and Nicole is an educational dating sim/visual novel about two girls in love. The game is supportive for young adults who are trying to figure out their sexuality, and educational […]

The Serious Game
Since the first week didn’t go very well with my own concept, I decided to go to a team with a nice concept and a great set of teammates. The team I joined was going to make the game concept Sam and Nicole. To sum up what the concept is really about:
“Sam and Nicole is an educational dating sim/visual novel about two girls in love. The game is supportive for young adults who are trying to figure out their sexuality, and educational […]

Welcome to BGP (Big Game Project)
It was some time since I posted anything at all and now it’s time And I wil make sure to try and post something every week. Also since the course is in it’s third week already, you’ll see my work from week 1-3 in 3 consecutive posts to keep you up to date.
On the firs week of BGP I already have a concept greenlit. On friday I was going to present my concept Fights in Flight (formerly known as Bungee Blitz). […]

Welcome to BGP (Big Game Project)
It was some time since I posted anything at all and now it’s time And I wil make sure to try and post something every week. Also since the course is in it’s third week already, you’ll see my work from week 1-3 in 3 consecutive posts to keep you up to date.
On the firs week of BGP I already have a concept greenlit. On friday I was going to present my concept Fights in Flight (formerly known as Bungee Blitz). […]

Otto’s lines of dialouge
Now when we’re so close to the Final turn in of our game, we thought that we should make Otto talk. This feature is in the game just to tell the player of where Otto is. It is also in the game to make it more humorous. He will say stuff like “Get out of my house!”, “You should see my secret stash” and “Get your finger of my cane!”. These lines are all there to make Otto feel a […]

Otto’s lines of dialouge
Now when we’re so close to the Final turn in of our game, we thought that we should make Otto talk. This feature is in the game just to tell the player of where Otto is. It is also in the game to make it more humorous. He will say stuff like “Get out of my house!”, “You should see my secret stash” and “Get your finger of my cane!”. These lines are all there to make Otto feel a […]

With a click of a button
When starting the game we want the players to be prepared. The players shouldn’t feel like they’re being thrown into the game without warning. In order to make the player prepared we had to make a menu from where the players can access the game. From the menu the players can start the game, check the high score, learn the controls, adjust the options and quit the game if they were to change their minds.
When making the menu we chose […]

With a click of a button
When starting the game we want the players to be prepared. The players shouldn’t feel like they’re being thrown into the game without warning. In order to make the player prepared we had to make a menu from where the players can access the game. From the menu the players can start the game, check the high score, learn the controls, adjust the options and quit the game if they were to change their minds.
When making the menu we chose […]
Otto's lines of dialouge!
Now when we’re so close to the Final turn in of our game, we thought that we should make Otto talk. This feature is in the game just to tell the player of where Otto is. It is also in the game to make it more humorous. He will say stuff like “Get out … – Läs hela inlägget här
Otto's lines of dialouge!
Now when we’re so close to the Final turn in of our game, we thought that we should make Otto talk. This feature is in the game just to tell the player of where Otto is. It is also in the game to make it more humorous. He will say stuff like “Get out … – Läs hela inlägget här
Let's have fun, you and I, UI
Beta is drawing close and we have barely put any visual feedback into our game. Nothing to show if you have enough money to finish the level, nothing to show how many glowsticks you have and no way of telling whether you have a power up item in his … – Läs hela inlägget här
Let's have fun, you and I, UI
Beta is drawing close and we have barely put any visual feedback into our game. Nothing to show if you have enough money to finish the level, nothing to show how many glowsticks you have and no way of telling whether you have a power up item in his … – Läs hela inlägget här