Author Archives: Oskar Hernberg
week 8 post ggc
Now GGC is over, it went well even though we did not win any awards. In hindsight i think we should have focused on making a fun game to play on the ggc floor rather than overscoping the game and falling short. Also should have created a better tutorial so we did not have to stand there and explain to everyone how to play our game.
Now off to write my report !
week 8 post ggc
Now GGC is over, it went well even though we did not win any awards. In hindsight i think we should have focused on making a fun game to play on the ggc floor rather than overscoping the game and falling short. Also should have created a better tutorial so we did not have to stand there and explain to everyone how to play our game.
Now off to write my report !

week 7 preperations before GGC
This week is the last production week before GGC and i’ve been working on the cloud. I ditched the idea of using particle effects for the cloud instead we used a mesh. This meant i had to modify the code to accommodate for that change. They also wanted the cloud to change color when hit by fire and water. I did this by change the emission value of the material when the cloud is hit by the fire or water. […]

week 7 preperations before GGC
This week is the last production week before GGC and i’ve been working on the cloud. I ditched the idea of using particle effects for the cloud instead we used a mesh. This meant i had to modify the code to accommodate for that change. They also wanted the cloud to change color when hit by fire and water. I did this by change the emission value of the material when the cloud is hit by the fire or water. […]

week 6
This week has been all about lumi colliding with the water.
When Lumi simply walks into water, i reused the same effect as when lumi collides with a thorn. It’s a simple knockback and damage. But when lumi jumps into the water, lumis position gets saved and when lumi then touches the water,l lumi is transported back to its pre-jump position and takes damage.
I also wrote a script that is used on both lumi and terra when they take damage. The […]

week 6
This week has been all about lumi colliding with the water.
When Lumi simply walks into water, i reused the same effect as when lumi collides with a thorn. It’s a simple knockback and damage. But when lumi jumps into the water, lumis position gets saved and when lumi then touches the water,l lumi is transported back to its pre-jump position and takes damage.
I also wrote a script that is used on both lumi and terra when they take damage. The […]

Week 5
This week I’ve been hard at work on our game Symbiosis. My tasks this week were to create a script for the thorns so that our leveldesigner could place them where ever he wanted without any problems.
To do this I saved the downward direction of the thorn, and then when snlight hit the thorn i did not make thorn just go down. Instead i made the thorn move in the direction that i saved at the beginnin, the downward direction […]

Week 5
This week I’ve been hard at work on our game Symbiosis. My tasks this week were to create a script for the thorns so that our leveldesigner could place them where ever he wanted without any problems.
To do this I saved the downward direction of the thorn, and then when snlight hit the thorn i did not make thorn just go down. Instead i made the thorn move in the direction that i saved at the beginnin, the downward direction […]

week 4
This work I’ve been working on a lot of bugfixing. We noticed that the cloud was really buggy during the testing last week. So for me the highest priority was trying to fix this.
One of the bugs i found was that we used a rigidbody so that the cloud could collide with diagonally alligned platforms. We decided to disable it to fix a lot of these bugs. The only bug after this was that the cloud didn’t collide with platforms. […]

week 4
This work I’ve been working on a lot of bugfixing. We noticed that the cloud was really buggy during the testing last week. So for me the highest priority was trying to fix this.
One of the bugs i found was that we used a rigidbody so that the cloud could collide with diagonally alligned platforms. We decided to disable it to fix a lot of these bugs. The only bug after this was that the cloud didn’t collide with platforms. […]

week 3
This week i’ve been working on animations for our lumi character. The specific animations i’ve been working on are the walking and running animations and idle animations. The first thing i was tasked to do was to blend the walking and running animations. For this i used the unity blend state in its animator window. I used the absolute value of the axis value of the left stick to decide the float value of the blend.
For the idle animations i […]

week 3
This week i’ve been working on animations for our lumi character. The specific animations i’ve been working on are the walking and running animations and idle animations. The first thing i was tasked to do was to blend the walking and running animations. For this i used the unity blend state in its animator window. I used the absolute value of the axis value of the left stick to decide the float value of the blend.
For the idle animations i […]

Symbiosis week 2
This week I’ve been doing several things for this game. First I started coding the interaction between terra’s water and Lumi’s fire. When those things collide its meant to create a cloud that lumi can walk on and raise while terra can’t walk on it but can lower it with her water canon.
What the script that i coded does is that it first of all checks if Lumis fire collides with terra’s water. If that’s the case it takes the […]

Symbiosis week 2
This week I’ve been doing several things for this game. First I started coding the interaction between terra’s water and Lumi’s fire. When those things collide its meant to create a cloud that lumi can walk on and raise while terra can’t walk on it but can lower it with her water canon.
What the script that i coded does is that it first of all checks if Lumis fire collides with terra’s water. If that’s the case it takes the […]

Symbiosis week 1
This is the first week in production on our game Symbiosis. In our first week i had the task of creating the movement for one of our two characters Lumi.
This is my first time working in Unity and i had a bit of a learning curve on the first day. But it didn’t take me long to understand how script worked with gameobjects in unity. And how you could make scripts interact with other scripts. The jump activated when it found an input […]

Symbiosis week 1
This is the first week in production on our game Symbiosis. In our first week i had the task of creating the movement for one of our two characters Lumi.
This is my first time working in Unity and i had a bit of a learning curve on the first day. But it didn’t take me long to understand how script worked with gameobjects in unity. And how you could make scripts interact with other scripts. The jump activated when it found an input […]

Last Fixes
As we tried to make the game as finished as possible last week, we did not actually have that much things to do this week. At least nothing major, like a mechanic that had to be implemented. The tasks that i were tasked with this week were the following:
Fixing the player firing mechanic, before i fixed this, firing with the warden felt a bit pathetic. It was so bad and because the way that the attack speed affected everything it […]

Last Fixes
As we tried to make the game as finished as possible last week, we did not actually have that much things to do this week. At least nothing major, like a mechanic that had to be implemented. The tasks that i were tasked with this week were the following:
Fixing the player firing mechanic, before i fixed this, firing with the warden felt a bit pathetic. It was so bad and because the way that the attack speed affected everything it […]
Final Beta Week
This week me and my team have been hard at work finishing most of the things that need to be done before the beta presentations. At the start of the week we created a document that everyone filled in with things that we thought had to be done before the presentations. We programmers already sort of knew what had to be done, so we just filled in and divided the tasks between us. The tasks that i had were the […]
Final Beta Week
This week me and my team have been hard at work finishing most of the things that need to be done before the beta presentations. At the start of the week we created a document that everyone filled in with things that we thought had to be done before the presentations. We programmers already sort of knew what had to be done, so we just filled in and divided the tasks between us. The tasks that i had were the […]

This week I have been working on creating the Hud for the game.
I started with creating the class for the player health bar. As we already had health bars for the players, enemies and the life tree. I took most of the code from that class and re used them for the player health bar.
But the healthbars that we already had was only a sfml rect that is given a color and displayed dynamically over the entities head. But for […]

This week I have been working on creating the Hud for the game.
I started with creating the class for the player health bar. As we already had health bars for the players, enemies and the life tree. I took most of the code from that class and re used them for the player health bar.
But the healthbars that we already had was only a sfml rect that is given a color and displayed dynamically over the entities head. But for […]

Beta in a couple of weeks
This week we started working on the beta build of our game. At the presentation we did not get any criticism directed at the programming side of the game, so we did not see anything big that needed to be fixed. So instead we started discussing about what had to be added to the game. The most obvious thing is off course path finding so that we can actually use a map instead of just an open field like in […]

Beta in a couple of weeks
This week we started working on the beta build of our game. At the presentation we did not get any criticism directed at the programming side of the game, so we did not see anything big that needed to be fixed. So instead we started discussing about what had to be added to the game. The most obvious thing is off course path finding so that we can actually use a map instead of just an open field like in […]