Author Archives: Olle Staffas
Two days before GGC – Where are we at right now?
So we’ve been working on this new game for a bit more than a week now. A lot of things have changed in the game since we started working on it. We’ve managed to add a checkpoint system, a few different monsters with different mechanics, a smooth fighting system with two different attack styles, healthpickups, animations and a lot more! For the most part, I’ve been doing things like our different systems and not so much work on the balancing […]
Two days before GGC – Where are we at right now?
So we’ve been working on this new game for a bit more than a week now. A lot of things have changed in the game since we started working on it. We’ve managed to add a checkpoint system, a few different monsters with different mechanics, a smooth fighting system with two different attack styles, healthpickups, animations and a lot more! For the most part, I’ve been doing things like our different systems and not so much work on the balancing […]
Så, vad har hänt?
Har inte skrivit på ett tag, men det har hänt en hel del med spelet. Efter att ha gjort om själva linjesystemet med tillhörande checkpoints och liknande ungefär 5-6 gånger, så hade vi tillslut en hyfsat färdig pre-alpha. Tyvärr var den färdig efter alphan och vi tog spelet till speltestning. Där fick vi det bekräftat det som vi hade trott, spelet var inte alls kul att spela och designen var helt enkelt för dålig. Mer om vad vi gjorde för […]
Så, vad har hänt?
Har inte skrivit på ett tag, men det har hänt en hel del med spelet. Efter att ha gjort om själva linjesystemet med tillhörande checkpoints och liknande ungefär 5-6 gånger, så hade vi tillslut en hyfsat färdig pre-alpha. Tyvärr var den färdig efter alphan och vi tog spelet till speltestning. Där fick vi det bekräftat det som vi hade trott, spelet var inte alls kul att spela och designen var helt enkelt för dålig. Mer om vad vi gjorde för […]
The initial weeks of BGP have ended!
So me and my group have now been working 2 weeks on our big game project, Synapse. Since we were a group which was formed late and with an unfinished (at that time) concept, the initial part of the project was put on finishing the idea of the game. Our group consists of 6 2D artists who have various tasks and 1 programmer, myself. Since I’m the only programmer I’m also in charge of making sure that the technical things […]
The initial weeks of BGP have ended!
So me and my group have now been working 2 weeks on our big game project, Synapse. Since we were a group which was formed late and with an unfinished (at that time) concept, the initial part of the project was put on finishing the idea of the game. Our group consists of 6 2D artists who have various tasks and 1 programmer, myself. Since I’m the only programmer I’m also in charge of making sure that the technical things […]
Last blogpost for Mole Munch – Fixing syntax in code
Hello! We’ve now reached the final blogpost for our Mole Munch project. Our beta presentation went well, but as a group, we didn’t feel like we wanted to add a lot more things to our game. Some adjustments were decided to be made, especially on the coding side, but most art will remain intact. The reasoning for this decision was that we all wanted to focus on our project reports. But we also felt a bit fed up with Mole […]
Last blogpost for Mole Munch – Fixing syntax in code
Hello! We’ve now reached the final blogpost for our Mole Munch project. Our beta presentation went well, but as a group, we didn’t feel like we wanted to add a lot more things to our game. Some adjustments were decided to be made, especially on the coding side, but most art will remain intact. The reasoning for this decision was that we all wanted to focus on our project reports. But we also felt a bit fed up with Mole […]
Last week before Beta presentation, adding a tutorialscreen
Hello reader! Compared to how we felt one week before our Alpha presentation, our group is feeling a lot better when we go into the Beta presentation. During the Alpha presentation, we had only really basic gameplay without objectives, and no graphical implementation at all. We also lacked things like powerups and a projectile. To be fair, it didn’t look like a mole doing anything at all, it was just a square picking up squares being chased by squares. While […]
Last week before Beta presentation, adding a tutorialscreen
Hello reader! Compared to how we felt one week before our Alpha presentation, our group is feeling a lot better when we go into the Beta presentation. During the Alpha presentation, we had only really basic gameplay without objectives, and no graphical implementation at all. We also lacked things like powerups and a projectile. To be fair, it didn’t look like a mole doing anything at all, it was just a square picking up squares being chased by squares. While […]
The importance of using backups
This week, I’ve been working on improving the projectile and MenuState I’ve been working on before. My goal was to be finished with both the complete MenuState and the projectile by the end of this week. The reason why I wanted it done before this weekend is that our beta version of the game is coming up, and we want to finish things that are essential for our game. From former blog posts, both of these things are relatively finished […]
The importance of using backups
This week, I’ve been working on improving the projectile and MenuState I’ve been working on before. My goal was to be finished with both the complete MenuState and the projectile by the end of this week. The reason why I wanted it done before this weekend is that our beta version of the game is coming up, and we want to finish things that are essential for our game. From former blog posts, both of these things are relatively finished […]
Programming a Menu for our Mole Munch project
Recovering from the hectic last week where we had to code so much, especially the last days before our Alpha deadline, we now look towards the Beta deadline. Several things still need to be implemented: powerup, improved projectile (the object I was working on last week), graphics and some other things. This week I will be finishing the projectile completely and I’ll also be implementing graphics to our game. But this blog post will be about what I’ve been working […]
Programming a Menu for our Mole Munch project
Recovering from the hectic last week where we had to code so much, especially the last days before our Alpha deadline, we now look towards the Beta deadline. Several things still need to be implemented: powerup, improved projectile (the object I was working on last week), graphics and some other things. This week I will be finishing the projectile completely and I’ll also be implementing graphics to our game. But this blog post will be about what I’ve been working […]
Making a stone projectile for Mole Munch
This last week before Alpha deadline for our game Mole Munch has been hectic. Our coding planning has not been the best, and this week we have been paying for that mistake. We still had a lot of things that needed to be implemented for the Alpha. Luckily, our game designer came to help us this last week so we could get the coding done faster. One of the things I coded this week was the projectile that our mole […]
Making a stone projectile for Mole Munch
This last week before Alpha deadline for our game Mole Munch has been hectic. Our coding planning has not been the best, and this week we have been paying for that mistake. We still had a lot of things that needed to be implemented for the Alpha. Luckily, our game designer came to help us this last week so we could get the coding done faster. One of the things I coded this week was the projectile that our mole […]
Den här veckan har jag arbetat med den spelbara karaktären i vårt spel Mole Munch, mole. Det var ett antal saker som vi i gruppen ville att vår mole skulle kunna göra till vår Alpha. Vi ville att den skulle kunna:
Byta mellan SurfaceMode och DigMode (vi använder oss av gradvis osynlighet för att visa att vår mole är under ytan i vår Alpha)
Röra sig med hjälp av piltangenterna (normal rörelse)
Plocka upp grönsaker genom att gå över dem (ger poäng, poängen […]
Den här veckan har jag arbetat med den spelbara karaktären i vårt spel Mole Munch, mole. Det var ett antal saker som vi i gruppen ville att vår mole skulle kunna göra till vår Alpha. Vi ville att den skulle kunna:
Byta mellan SurfaceMode och DigMode (vi använder oss av gradvis osynlighet för att visa att vår mole är under ytan i vår Alpha)
Röra sig med hjälp av piltangenterna (normal rörelse)
Plocka upp grönsaker genom att gå över dem (ger poäng, poängen […]
Week 6 in game programming (delayed blog post)
This week we went through how to add text into a game. This was done using SDL, and works similar to how you insert images in your code. We also went through advanced collision briefly, for example the different kinds of collision, and how to make circles collide and such. For some weeks now, I’ll be working on my Bomberman project together with Ludvig Storm, so far, we haven’t gotten very far. But we’re agreed on what needs to be […]
Week 6 in game programming (delayed blog post)
This week we went through how to add text into a game. This was done using SDL, and works similar to how you insert images in your code. We also went through advanced collision briefly, for example the different kinds of collision, and how to make circles collide and such. For some weeks now, I’ll be working on my Bomberman project together with Ludvig Storm, so far, we haven’t gotten very far. But we’re agreed on what needs to be […]
Week 6 in game programming (delayed blog post)
This week we went through how to add text into a game. This was done using SDL, and works similar to how you insert images in your code. We also went through advanced collision briefly, for example the different kinds of collision, and how to make circles collide and such. For some weeks now, I’ll be working on my Bomberman project together with Ludvig Storm, so far, we haven’t gotten very far. But we’re agreed on what needs to be […]
Week 6 in game programming (delayed blog post)
This week we went through how to add text into a game. This was done using SDL, and works similar to how you insert images in your code. We also went through advanced collision briefly, for example the different kinds of collision, and how to make circles collide and such. For some weeks now, I’ll be working on my Bomberman project together with Ludvig Storm, so far, we haven’t gotten very far. But we’re agreed on what needs to be […]
Week 5 of game programming – Arkanoid continued
This week we kept on working with arkanoid. We added sprites to the game and made the ball move. Since the game took longer to make than expected, our teacher Tommi wrote the complete game and then went through the changes he had done. The biggest difference in his complete game compared to our incomplete game was that it, apart from actually working, had collision in it. Collision is a really tricky thing in programming, and even experienced programmers can […]
Week 5 of game programming – Arkanoid continued
This week we kept on working with arkanoid. We added sprites to the game and made the ball move. Since the game took longer to make than expected, our teacher Tommi wrote the complete game and then went through the changes he had done. The biggest difference in his complete game compared to our incomplete game was that it, apart from actually working, had collision in it. Collision is a really tricky thing in programming, and even experienced programmers can […]