Author Archives: Henrik Andersson

First week of Big Game project
As the title suggests I recently started a course called Big Game project. During this course I will, together with a group, create a vertical slice of a game, that we will continue to work with after this course. The game that I will work on is a MOBASA, Multiplayer Online Battle and Strategy Arena, that we are calling Eternal Resonance Arena, E.R.A. The game is team based where two teams face each other. Each team have a commander; that […]

First week of Big Game project
As the title suggests I recently started a course called Big Game project. During this course I will, together with a group, create a vertical slice of a game, that we will continue to work with after this course. The game that I will work on is a MOBASA, Multiplayer Online Battle and Strategy Arena, that we are calling Eternal Resonance Arena, E.R.A. The game is team based where two teams face each other. Each team have a commander; that […]

First week of Big Game project
As the title suggests I recently started a course called Big Game project. During this course I will, together with a group, create a vertical slice of a game, that we will continue to work with after this course. The game that I will work on is a MOBASA, Multiplayer Online Battle and Strategy Arena, that we are calling Eternal Resonance Arena, E.R.A. The game is team based where two teams face each other. Each team have a commander; that […]

First week of Big Game project
As the title suggests I recently started a course called Big Game project. During this course I will, together with a group, create a vertical slice of a game, that we will continue to work with after this course. The game that I will work on is a MOBASA, Multiplayer Online Battle and Strategy Arena, that we are calling Eternal Resonance Arena, E.R.A. The game is team based where two teams face each other. Each team have a commander; that […]

Game Night week
This week has been a very busy one. At the start of the week we had a testing session with Marcus where we explained our board game to him and got some valuable feedback. On Wednesday we tried to apply some of them but got stuck very fast. We had a lot of problems getting unstuck so in the end we scrapped most of our ideas and started over with a really good brainstorming session.
With the new system our game […]

Game Night week
This week has been a very busy one. At the start of the week we had a testing session with Marcus where we explained our board game to him and got some valuable feedback. On Wednesday we tried to apply some of them but got stuck very fast. We had a lot of problems getting unstuck so in the end we scrapped most of our ideas and started over with a really good brainstorming session.
With the new system our game […]

Game Night week
This week has been a very busy one. At the start of the week we had a testing session with Marcus where we explained our board game to him and got some valuable feedback. On Wednesday we tried to apply some of them but got stuck very fast. We had a lot of problems getting unstuck so in the end we scrapped most of our ideas and started over with a really good brainstorming session.
With the new system our game […]

Game Night week
This week has been a very busy one. At the start of the week we had a testing session with Marcus where we explained our board game to him and got some valuable feedback. On Wednesday we tried to apply some of them but got stuck very fast. We had a lot of problems getting unstuck so in the end we scrapped most of our ideas and started over with a really good brainstorming session.
With the new system our game […]

Welcome to the week of hell
This week has almost come to an end. I meant to write in the beginning of the week but I have not had time to do so. This week has been the start of hell. It started with us having our assignment in advanced game design to create a board game and getting our assignment in Serious Game. And guess what, it is to create a board game! Only that we only have two week to complete this assignment. In […]

Welcome to the week of hell
This week has almost come to an end. I meant to write in the beginning of the week but I have not had time to do so. This week has been the start of hell. It started with us having our assignment in advanced game design to create a board game and getting our assignment in Serious Game. And guess what, it is to create a board game! Only that we only have two week to complete this assignment. In […]

Welcome to the week of hell
This week has almost come to an end. I meant to write in the beginning of the week but I have not had time to do so. This week has been the start of hell. It started with us having our assignment in advanced game design to create a board game and getting our assignment in Serious Game. And guess what, it is to create a board game! Only that we only have two week to complete this assignment. In […]

Welcome to the week of hell
This week has almost come to an end. I meant to write in the beginning of the week but I have not had time to do so. This week has been the start of hell. It started with us having our assignment in advanced game design to create a board game and getting our assignment in Serious Game. And guess what, it is to create a board game! Only that we only have two week to complete this assignment. In […]

Beginning of a new era
The time has finally come for me to start the blog that will focus on my studies during my second and third year at Campus Gotland. I am currently taking the courses Advanced Game Design and Serious Games. This blog will be closely tied to my work during Advanced Game design. The time has finally come for me to start the blog that will focus on my studies during my second and third year at Campus Gotland. I am currently taking the courses Advanced Game Design and Serious Games. This blog will be closely tied to my work during Advanced Game design.
Today I got the assignment to create a board game design together with my group. I am very excited to hear what kind of idéas my friends have.
Beginning of a new era
Today I got the assignment to create a board game design together with my group. I am very excited to hear what kind of idéas my friends have.

Beginning of a new era
The time has finally come for me to start the blog that will focus on my studies during my second and third year at Campus Gotland. I am currently taking the courses Advanced Game Design and Serious Games. This blog will be closely tied to my work during Advanced Game design. The time has finally come for me to start the blog that will focus on my studies during my second and third year at Campus Gotland. I am currently taking the courses Advanced Game Design and Serious Games. This blog will be closely tied to my work during Advanced Game design.
Today I got the assignment to create a board game design together with my group. I am very excited to hear what kind of idéas my friends have.
Beginning of a new era
Today I got the assignment to create a board game design together with my group. I am very excited to hear what kind of idéas my friends have.