Author Archives: Herman Båtelsson

Time for focusing on AI
After a meeting with the course supervisors today I have decided to refocus my report for this project. I came to the conclusion that my previous focus was too abstract. Instead i will be focusing on the work i do with the AI for the game. More specifically the Behavior Trees included in the Unreal Engine. My report will analyze this system and suggest how it could be applied the the project and finally assuming the project is successful how […]

Time for focusing on AI
After a meeting with the course supervisors today I have decided to refocus my report for this project. I came to the conclusion that my previous focus was too abstract. Instead i will be focusing on the work i do with the AI for the game. More specifically the Behavior Trees included in the Unreal Engine. My report will analyze this system and suggest how it could be applied the the project and finally assuming the project is successful how […]

Less productive
Not as good day today. I spent the morning setting up the basics for the game’s Harakat mode where the player slows down time and enters a state preparing for a large Area of Effect attack. A full description will be posted when the details have been fixed.
For today I set up the basic triggers for activating the mode. First disabling the player’s movements as the character is to be stationary during the process. Luckily this does not disable input […]

Less productive
Not as good day today. I spent the morning setting up the basics for the game’s Harakat mode where the player slows down time and enters a state preparing for a large Area of Effect attack. A full description will be posted when the details have been fixed.
For today I set up the basic triggers for activating the mode. First disabling the player’s movements as the character is to be stationary during the process. Luckily this does not disable input […]

Back to Naar
Back to working on Naar properly now that the exam course has started.
I wrote this post as a note on what I did today but realized it worked great as a blogpost as well so i decided to get right back into the blog.
The game’s dialogue will be delivered using text boxes at the bottom of the screen with a profile picture of the character speaking. These boxes are changed to produce a chain of dialogue. This is a […]

Back to Naar
Back to working on Naar properly now that the exam course has started.
I wrote this post as a note on what I did today but realized it worked great as a blogpost as well so i decided to get right back into the blog.
The game’s dialogue will be delivered using text boxes at the bottom of the screen with a profile picture of the character speaking. These boxes are changed to produce a chain of dialogue. This is a […]

Time for polish
A lot of stuff have happened since last blog post and at the same time, not much.
After last post last week i didn’t do much work on Naar but instead began working on a report for another course. Sadly i contacted a cold right about after last post and didn’t have any energy to do much of anything for most of the weekend, at least i got some sources. I wrote most of my report on the Monday in panic, […]

Time for polish
A lot of stuff have happened since last blog post and at the same time, not much.
After last post last week i didn’t do much work on Naar but instead began working on a report for another course. Sadly i contacted a cold right about after last post and didn’t have any energy to do much of anything for most of the weekend, at least i got some sources. I wrote most of my report on the Monday in panic, […]

Working Arena Mode
This week have been good. I got plenty of work on the second enemy and it is all but implemented now. I also implemented a system for spawning enemies in a wave form with the order and types of enemies dictated by a pre-determined list of variables. Sadly a somewhat crude way.
The second enemy works similarly to the first which finds a player and runs towards it to attack. If no player can be spotted, it instead finds an instance […]

Working Arena Mode
This week have been good. I got plenty of work on the second enemy and it is all but implemented now. I also implemented a system for spawning enemies in a wave form with the order and types of enemies dictated by a pre-determined list of variables. Sadly a somewhat crude way.
The second enemy works similarly to the first which finds a player and runs towards it to attack. If no player can be spotted, it instead finds an instance […]

Effective day.
Been really efficient today, i got plenty of tasks done. Smaller tasks than the ones on Asana but still got them done.
First i worked on implementing the aiming system i worked on yesterday to all the spells, turns out you need to add the original position to the directional vector(times the travel distance of course) in order to find the end location for the spell. Anyways all spells now uses the object reference found in the player class as their […]

Effective day.
Been really efficient today, i got plenty of tasks done. Smaller tasks than the ones on Asana but still got them done.
First i worked on implementing the aiming system i worked on yesterday to all the spells, turns out you need to add the original position to the directional vector(times the travel distance of course) in order to find the end location for the spell. Anyways all spells now uses the object reference found in the player class as their […]

Making Enemies Appear
Today i did two things, spent 30 minutes activating the functionality for spells to use the player’s target object as goal and also move in the direction of the camera rather than the direction the player character is facing. Second i started implementing functionality for making classes which spawn enemies onto the level.
From the ground up there is first the Enemy itself which is an instance which looks for and attacks the player, this class is simply the blueprint class […]

Making Enemies Appear
Today i did two things, spent 30 minutes activating the functionality for spells to use the player’s target object as goal and also move in the direction of the camera rather than the direction the player character is facing. Second i started implementing functionality for making classes which spawn enemies onto the level.
From the ground up there is first the Enemy itself which is an instance which looks for and attacks the player, this class is simply the blueprint class […]

For all this work I should be showing more blog posts
Well, turns out i’m still lazy when it comes to blog posts, six days since the last one, bleh. At least i got work done, most of last week was spent working on the AI working out any quirks such as not returning to it’s intended spawn, attaching a hitbox to hit’s attacking claw, figuring out why it wasn’t dealing damage to the player properly, (it still misses the player twice if it lands 6 hits in a row). On […]

For all this work I should be showing more blog posts
Well, turns out i’m still lazy when it comes to blog posts, six days since the last one, bleh. At least i got work done, most of last week was spent working on the AI working out any quirks such as not returning to it’s intended spawn, attaching a hitbox to hit’s attacking claw, figuring out why it wasn’t dealing damage to the player properly, (it still misses the player twice if it lands 6 hits in a row). On […]

Finally, I have work to show again!
Oh it feels good to be back working in Unreal rather than grinding away at the report I’ve been doing for the last couple of weeks. During the last two days i have been working on very simple AI behavior to use for enemies by this Friday. It’s coming along but it has had its issues.
I started by following the quick start guide from Unreal’s website, (found here: and for the last two days i have made […]

Finally, I have work to show again!
Oh it feels good to be back working in Unreal rather than grinding away at the report I’ve been doing for the last couple of weeks. During the last two days i have been working on very simple AI behavior to use for enemies by this Friday. It’s coming along but it has had its issues.
I started by following the quick start guide from Unreal’s website, (found here: and for the last two days i have made […]

Daily post
A day where i’m not dead tired in the end. Feels good.
Today started off with the same issue we had yesterday popping up again where the moving platform class’ child would not open due to not having a parent class. The reference within the blueprint referenced the parent to the wrong path somehow. our solution to this was removing the child object entirely and putting it’s functionality in the main moving platform blueprint. After this the blueprint works great again.
On the […]

Daily post
A day where i’m not dead tired in the end. Feels good.
Today started off with the same issue we had yesterday popping up again where the moving platform class’ child would not open due to not having a parent class. The reference within the blueprint referenced the parent to the wrong path somehow. our solution to this was removing the child object entirely and putting it’s functionality in the main moving platform blueprint. After this the blueprint works great again.
On the […]

We keep setting up
Since the last blog post we have finished our first sprint, maybe not with flying colors but we came through in the end. On the Friday we discovered that the project was unable to build due to issues with how our version control program writes into some files and because we had made foolish attempts at changing our folder structure which completely destroyed every reference in the entire project. I eventually solved it by creating a new project and copying […]

We keep setting up
Since the last blog post we have finished our first sprint, maybe not with flying colors but we came through in the end. On the Friday we discovered that the project was unable to build due to issues with how our version control program writes into some files and because we had made foolish attempts at changing our folder structure which completely destroyed every reference in the entire project. I eventually solved it by creating a new project and copying […]

All work and no blogging
I figured I’d get a blog post off regarding the last couple of days since i didn’t manage to post anything at the end of each. This is mostly because the work I’ve been doing has been mostly reading the course literature.
Friday we had a summary meeting in the morning where we discussed the work done during the week and concluded that we were still within acceptable frames for our schedule. On the afternoon i finished reading through Business Model Generation which was […]

All work and no blogging
I figured I’d get a blog post off regarding the last couple of days since i didn’t manage to post anything at the end of each. This is mostly because the work I’ve been doing has been mostly reading the course literature.
Friday we had a summary meeting in the morning where we discussed the work done during the week and concluded that we were still within acceptable frames for our schedule. On the afternoon i finished reading through Business Model Generation which was […]