Author Archives: Fredrik Borgman

Sketch Dump 7
For about two weeks I have sketched nothing but arms and legs to get a better understanding of their anatomy. Arms have been a thorn in my side for a long while and I realized that it was because I have predominantly used female references. The problem I had was that women (most women, anyway) don’t have the type of muscular definition that allowed me to get a good grip on where the various muscles are positioned. Without this essential understanding […]

Sketch Dump 7
For about two weeks I have sketched nothing but arms and legs to get a better understanding of their anatomy. Arms have been a thorn in my side for a long while and I realized that it was because I have predominantly used female references. The problem I had was that women (most women, anyway) don’t have the type of muscular definition that allowed me to get a good grip on where the various muscles are positioned. Without this essential understanding […]

Sketch Dump 6
Working on ‘Volver and not sketching as much as I otherwise would have made me somewhat less interested in digital work once I was done with ‘Volver. So I have begun spending about one or three hours each day with my sketchbook again.Most of what I have in my sketchbooks are anatomy studies but most of them aren’t that interesting when compared to my main focus right now, which is stylization. I’m aiming to refine and adapt a style that […]

Sketch Dump 6
Working on ‘Volver and not sketching as much as I otherwise would have made me somewhat less interested in digital work once I was done with ‘Volver. So I have begun spending about one or three hours each day with my sketchbook again.Most of what I have in my sketchbooks are anatomy studies but most of them aren’t that interesting when compared to my main focus right now, which is stylization. I’m aiming to refine and adapt a style that […]

Introducing: 'Volver
Quite some time since the last update, quite some time since I didn’t work on this character piece. I know I could improve a lot upon the finished piece (which isn’t included in this post, by the by) but I know I can’t obsess over this for too much longer. Working on something for more than a week drives me up the walls and I can’t say that neglecting my daily sketching in favour of rendering boots and corsets has been […]

Introducing: 'Volver
Quite some time since the last update, quite some time since I didn’t work on this character piece. I know I could improve a lot upon the finished piece (which isn’t included in this post, by the by) but I know I can’t obsess over this for too much longer. Working on something for more than a week drives me up the walls and I can’t say that neglecting my daily sketching in favour of rendering boots and corsets has been […]

References are your friend
I remember a time when I was terrified of using references because it felt like “cheating” or “copying” to me. Then I had that course in life drawing/croquis which made me realize that using references is far more preferable than making things up in your head and pretending that you know what you’re doing when in reality you have no clue at all. Which fits me perfectly because I usually don’t know what I’m doing. This screenshot shows what my […]

References are your friend
I remember a time when I was terrified of using references because it felt like “cheating” or “copying” to me. Then I had that course in life drawing/croquis which made me realize that using references is far more preferable than making things up in your head and pretending that you know what you’re doing when in reality you have no clue at all. Which fits me perfectly because I usually don’t know what I’m doing. This screenshot shows what my […]

Fantasy Roleplay Race Sheets
Over at a friend of mine has been blogging his development of a roleplaying game and its setting since a few other friends and I bugged him to do so. And some time after he began doing that I wanted to take the task of illustrating all the races that his setting had. I felt it was going to be a good exercise in character construction and anatomy. But then I realized there were like twenty different races in […]

Fantasy Roleplay Race Sheets
Over at a friend of mine has been blogging his development of a roleplaying game and its setting since a few other friends and I bugged him to do so. And some time after he began doing that I wanted to take the task of illustrating all the races that his setting had. I felt it was going to be a good exercise in character construction and anatomy. But then I realized there were like twenty different races in […]

Hand Tutorial
I found this technique to be among one of the best I’ve ever encountered in 3D-modelling. The picture had to be linked from my deviantART because Blogger didn’t like the size.

Hand Tutorial
I found this technique to be among one of the best I’ve ever encountered in 3D-modelling. The picture had to be linked from my deviantART because Blogger didn’t like the size.

I’ve been taking a slight break from 2D work in order to do some intense 3D-crunch. These are a few character turnarounds that I will be working on for a while. Up till now I’ve only worked on the shark-girl which has been really fun. I’m about 40% done with the actual model which essentially means that I need to get the head, hair and clothing done. And once I have the mesh done I’ll get back to more 2D […]

I’ve been taking a slight break from 2D work in order to do some intense 3D-crunch. These are a few character turnarounds that I will be working on for a while. Up till now I’ve only worked on the shark-girl which has been really fun. I’m about 40% done with the actual model which essentially means that I need to get the head, hair and clothing done. And once I have the mesh done I’ll get back to more 2D […]

Sketch Dump 5
This is going to be my last sketch dump for a while. I’m currently working on getting a portfolio done which means that I will focus most of my energy on doing digital work. Some of these sketches will return in digital and fully rendered form eventually, but I can’t say when.Peace out!

Sketch Dump 5
This is going to be my last sketch dump for a while. I’m currently working on getting a portfolio done which means that I will focus most of my energy on doing digital work. Some of these sketches will return in digital and fully rendered form eventually, but I can’t say when.Peace out!

Colour Study
I’ve been working on a character design and some other stuff so I felt like relaxing by doing some colour studies using Sycra Yasin’s colour wheel and drop mask. On another note, I have decided that I’m not going to upload such massive sketch dumps that I usually do. Rather, I’m going to upload my more refined sketches. Thinking more about quality than quantity. Those will go up in the following weekend. Peace out.

Colour Study
I’ve been working on a character design and some other stuff so I felt like relaxing by doing some colour studies using Sycra Yasin’s colour wheel and drop mask. On another note, I have decided that I’m not going to upload such massive sketch dumps that I usually do. Rather, I’m going to upload my more refined sketches. Thinking more about quality than quantity. Those will go up in the following weekend. Peace out.

Sketch dump 4
Sorry about the portrait overload. A lot of my time has been spent learning how to simplify and exaggerate facial traits so that I can design more diverse-looking characters. Interestingly, it has been a lot easier to design male characters than females despite that since I began drawing I’ve always liked drawing women more. Not sure why to be honest.This page is excellent for reference material on how to stylize characters. I’m going to continue with this stylization practise […]

Sketch dump 4
Sorry about the portrait overload. A lot of my time has been spent learning how to simplify and exaggerate facial traits so that I can design more diverse-looking characters. Interestingly, it has been a lot easier to design male characters than females despite that since I began drawing I’ve always liked drawing women more. Not sure why to be honest.This page is excellent for reference material on how to stylize characters. I’m going to continue with this stylization practise […]

Sketch Dump 3 + Portrait Sketch Process
For last two weeks I’ve mostly practised poses through the use of various croquis website I found on which has probably the best resource page for artists ever. Additional thanks to Sycra for the paper texture.

Sketch Dump 3 + Portrait Sketch Process
For last two weeks I’ve mostly practised poses through the use of various croquis website I found on which has probably the best resource page for artists ever. Additional thanks to Sycra for the paper texture.

The process
To be honest, I never used to care much about environment drawings and paintings until quite recently. I found it to be easier and much more stimulating to design characters. But I have decided to push myself to draw things I’m really bad at in order to improve those skills and subsequently the skills I already tried to improve.So I’ve begun to draw/paint environments. As you can see, I usually make a physical concept sketch which I tHen redraw digitally […]

The process
To be honest, I never used to care much about environment drawings and paintings until quite recently. I found it to be easier and much more stimulating to design characters. But I have decided to push myself to draw things I’m really bad at in order to improve those skills and subsequently the skills I already tried to improve.So I’ve begun to draw/paint environments. As you can see, I usually make a physical concept sketch which I tHen redraw digitally […]