Author Archives: Eva Sokolova

Summertime 3D-fun The conclusion
After laying around on ice for a long while after the modeling was wrapped up a number of months ago I finally got back to it and gave it some well-needed UV:s and textures! The normal map took a couple of rebakes but I found a compromise between either too hard edges or having gradients in my normal map that took care of some annoying artifacts (which probably could have been avoided by paying closer attention to topology and especially […]

Summertime 3D-fun The conclusion
After laying around on ice for a long while after the modeling was wrapped up a number of months ago I finally got back to it and gave it some well-needed UV:s and textures! The normal map took a couple of rebakes but I found a compromise between either too hard edges or having gradients in my normal map that took care of some annoying artifacts (which probably could have been avoided by paying closer attention to topology and especially […]

2D3 – Candyland Remastered
Inbetween animation, Zbrush, projects and battling my two old foes – Value and Color, there hasn’t been much time for blog updates but I figured I’d do a quick process art dump for our 2D course.
Our assignment here was to create a fully lit and rendered painting as a faux “screenshot” of a game we’d like to make through the phases of gathering references and thumbnailing, creating a clean lineart, flat colors and basic textures to lighting and rendering.
My idea […]

2D3 – Candyland Remastered
Inbetween animation, Zbrush, projects and battling my two old foes – Value and Color, there hasn’t been much time for blog updates but I figured I’d do a quick process art dump for our 2D course.
Our assignment here was to create a fully lit and rendered painting as a faux “screenshot” of a game we’d like to make through the phases of gathering references and thumbnailing, creating a clean lineart, flat colors and basic textures to lighting and rendering.
My idea […]

Summertime 3D-fun: Part 1 – The Model
For a while now I have been working on Tim Bergholtz’s tutorial for an AKM 47 in 3DsMax ( to learn more about hardsurface modeling techniques and the modeling-part itself is slowly being wrapped-up (going into 7,5 hours of UV-unwrapping-material wiee!).
So, because my memory is short and goldfish-shaped, what follows are some in-process pictures and notes taken on some of the more complex and new (for me) aspects of creating this model for future projects. The approach was to divide […]

Summertime 3D-fun: Part 1 – The Model
For a while now I have been working on Tim Bergholtz’s tutorial for an AKM 47 in 3DsMax ( to learn more about hardsurface modeling techniques and the modeling-part itself is slowly being wrapped-up (going into 7,5 hours of UV-unwrapping-material wiee!).
So, because my memory is short and goldfish-shaped, what follows are some in-process pictures and notes taken on some of the more complex and new (for me) aspects of creating this model for future projects. The approach was to divide […]

BGP: Seventh (and last) post
Last (obligatory) post for this project:
This week we just tried to make things work and avoid losing work in scary merges added some final touches like a little particle effect for health pickups, explanatory prompts, extra posters over the town and things like that, mostly using already finished assets so there’s not a lot of new things to show.
(Yes, the face is weird. Looking forward to that summer Life Drawing-course!)

BGP: Seventh (and last) post
Last (obligatory) post for this project:
This week we just tried to make things work and avoid losing work in scary merges added some final touches like a little particle effect for health pickups, explanatory prompts, extra posters over the town and things like that, mostly using already finished assets so there’s not a lot of new things to show.
(Yes, the face is weird. Looking forward to that summer Life Drawing-course!)

BGP: Sixth post
So I discovered the statistics page. Shout-out to the person who found their way here from the states, hope you were as amused as I am now anxious knowing that this thing is indexed in search engines. Do not judge me too harshly.
This week poking around with different things like little effects, animations on the HUD to better communicate loss and gain of life and other such things happened. I threw together an interface for the weapons shop from the terminal-window assets. […]

BGP: Sixth post
So I discovered the statistics page. Shout-out to the person who found their way here from the states, hope you were as amused as I am now anxious knowing that this thing is indexed in search engines. Do not judge me too harshly.
This week poking around with different things like little effects, animations on the HUD to better communicate loss and gain of life and other such things happened. I threw together an interface for the weapons shop from the terminal-window assets. […]

BGP: Fifth post
A couple of different things happened this week. It was clear after playtesting that our idea with a chatbox above the HUD would not work out, players simply didn’t have time to look there so instead we would place terminals in the non-combat focused-areas that players can interact with to read their supposed “messages” and news about the town to make it feel more alive. I modeled and textured the terminals and created quick 2D assets (heeey do the reusability-polka) for […]

BGP: Fifth post
A couple of different things happened this week. It was clear after playtesting that our idea with a chatbox above the HUD would not work out, players simply didn’t have time to look there so instead we would place terminals in the non-combat focused-areas that players can interact with to read their supposed “messages” and news about the town to make it feel more alive. I modeled and textured the terminals and created quick 2D assets (heeey do the reusability-polka) for […]

BGP: Fourth Post
This week was more focused on adjustments and trying to tune up what we already had before going into adding on more ways to interact with the town.
I created a couple of poster variations for the billboards spread around town:
As well a couple of very simple diffuse and alpha textures for the windows and doors to prevent them from having emissive all over the mesh.
Then it was mostly smaller but time-consuming adjustments like changing the lights to a warmer hue […]

BGP: Fourth Post
This week was more focused on adjustments and trying to tune up what we already had before going into adding on more ways to interact with the town.
I created a couple of poster variations for the billboards spread around town:
As well a couple of very simple diffuse and alpha textures for the windows and doors to prevent them from having emissive all over the mesh.
Then it was mostly smaller but time-consuming adjustments like changing the lights to a warmer hue […]

BGP: Third post
This week I did a number of mixed things. For one I did an overpaint on Kei’s diffuse texture, adding some more colour variation and detail definition, especially on the face:
That one had to happen pretty quickly so not everything got an equally detailed treatment. Because we work in a pretty zoomed out perspective it seemed futile to put a lot of time into details that won’t be seen anyway. Until the final version of the game I also plan […]

BGP: Third post
This week I did a number of mixed things. For one I did an overpaint on Kei’s diffuse texture, adding some more colour variation and detail definition, especially on the face:
That one had to happen pretty quickly so not everything got an equally detailed treatment. Because we work in a pretty zoomed out perspective it seemed futile to put a lot of time into details that won’t be seen anyway. Until the final version of the game I also plan […]

BGP: Second Post
This week I have been mainly going over assets, UV-mapping, lightmapping and re-assigning material ID:s to make the environment texturing easier and tried out a couple of texture setups to see what would work for the visual style we had in mind. It’s been a bit tricky, since it’s our first time working with 3D in Unity so every step is a bit trial-and-error. Nothing I’d like to show so far unfortunately but here’s a piece of promotional art for […]

BGP: Second Post
This week I have been mainly going over assets, UV-mapping, lightmapping and re-assigning material ID:s to make the environment texturing easier and tried out a couple of texture setups to see what would work for the visual style we had in mind. It’s been a bit tricky, since it’s our first time working with 3D in Unity so every step is a bit trial-and-error. Nothing I’d like to show so far unfortunately but here’s a piece of promotional art for […]

BGP: First post
Having started off Big Game Project it’s inevitable to do an info dump or two on it. Last week I designed and started modeling the three interchangeable weapons for the main character. We knew we wanted one light melee, one heavy aoe and one weapon for the ranged attack so the design kicked off from there. We also knew the game was going for a pun- and reference-heavy humor so designing weapons like The Banhammer (sledgehammer) or The Good Game […]

BGP: First post
Having started off Big Game Project it’s inevitable to do an info dump or two on it. Last week I designed and started modeling the three interchangeable weapons for the main character. We knew we wanted one light melee, one heavy aoe and one weapon for the ranged attack so the design kicked off from there. We also knew the game was going for a pun- and reference-heavy humor so designing weapons like The Banhammer (sledgehammer) or The Good Game […]

GDC: Overwatch animation talk summary
Long time no see!
This post is for once not related to any classes but rather to my recent trip to another continent during which I attended a mixture of various talks, took some photos and scribbled down some notes, all which will be featured here in a pseudo-orderly fashion eventually.
One of my favorite talks was given at the animation bootcamp by David Gibson who spoke about approaching character animation in Overwatch, using the hero Mei as an example:
The first part of […]

GDC: Overwatch animation talk summary
Long time no see!
This post is for once not related to any classes but rather to my recent trip to another continent during which I attended a mixture of various talks, took some photos and scribbled down some notes, all which will be featured here in a pseudo-orderly fashion eventually.
One of my favorite talks was given at the animation bootcamp by David Gibson who spoke about approaching character animation in Overwatch, using the hero Mei as an example:
The first part of […]

3D-III Pre-production
It’s been a while!
Since the last update a new, animation-focused course has started, 3D-III. Our first assignment was to (in groups of three) create a pre-production package for a character of our choice. I work with Kim Teroni Borg (modeling main mesh and head, finalizing animations) and Nayomi Arvell (modeling of secondary parts, character background, texturing). My responsibilities for this project are concept art, rigging and skinning and blocking out the main character animations). We brainstormed and agreed that a […]

3D-III Pre-production
It’s been a while!
Since the last update a new, animation-focused course has started, 3D-III. Our first assignment was to (in groups of three) create a pre-production package for a character of our choice. I work with Kim Teroni Borg (modeling main mesh and head, finalizing animations) and Nayomi Arvell (modeling of secondary parts, character background, texturing). My responsibilities for this project are concept art, rigging and skinning and blocking out the main character animations). We brainstormed and agreed that a […]