Author Archives: Erik Starander

White boxing the level
When planing the level we figured it would be most effective doing it in 3D. With a short production time, there will not be much room for concept art. Using simple shapes a layout of the scene could be done in a short time in the Unreal engine. It is also easy to make changes and try out different designs.
The Level would be made up of three area, one forest , a village and a rocky beach. In that order […]

White boxing the level
When planing the level we figured it would be most effective doing it in 3D. With a short production time, there will not be much room for concept art. Using simple shapes a layout of the scene could be done in a short time in the Unreal engine. It is also easy to make changes and try out different designs.
The Level would be made up of three area, one forest , a village and a rocky beach. In that order […]

Week 7
Week 7
This week we have a an internal deadline for basic features, that is the be included in the Beta. For me this results as working in on the background as always and continuing on the menu. This week I will be focusing on getting the menu completely finished. Not working a lot on the background since it does not need to be perfect for the Beta, and I have a lot of time to polish it after the Beta. […]

Week 7
Week 7
This week we have a an internal deadline for basic features, that is the be included in the Beta. For me this results as working in on the background as always and continuing on the menu. This week I will be focusing on getting the menu completely finished. Not working a lot on the background since it does not need to be perfect for the Beta, and I have a lot of time to polish it after the Beta. […]

Week 6
Week 6
This week we are entering the end face of our alfa production. Moving from pre-production to actually implementing animations and art in the code. It is critical that basic game play is working in order to have time to polish everything before the Alfa. Features as menu, background and pinata animations must be in place for the coders to test.
I have been focusing on the background lately and is adding details to buildings in the mexican village. This process […]

Week 6
Week 6
This week we are entering the end face of our alfa production. Moving from pre-production to actually implementing animations and art in the code. It is critical that basic game play is working in order to have time to polish everything before the Alfa. Features as menu, background and pinata animations must be in place for the coders to test.
I have been focusing on the background lately and is adding details to buildings in the mexican village. This process […]

Week 4
Week 4 of Spelutveckling – introduktion
Role: Lead artist.
Game: Day of the Piñata
In Day of the Piñata, the player takes control of a piñata possessed by a vengeful spirit awakened during the infamous Day of the Dead festival in rural Mexico. Meanwhile, the child of a prominent local celebrates his birthday by tying up piñatas all over the town and prepares to smash them for their tasty content.
Angry with the slaughter of papier-mâché animals over the centuries, the piñata goes on […]

Week 4
Week 4 of Spelutveckling – introduktion
Role: Lead artist.
Game: Day of the Piñata
In Day of the Piñata, the player takes control of a piñata possessed by a vengeful spirit awakened during the infamous Day of the Dead festival in rural Mexico. Meanwhile, the child of a prominent local celebrates his birthday by tying up piñatas all over the town and prepares to smash them for their tasty content.
Angry with the slaughter of papier-mâché animals over the centuries, the piñata goes on […]
Trying connect to Babel. 1, 2 testing?
Trying connect to Babel. 1, 2 testing?
Blogg up and running
Blogg up and running