Author Archives: David Peldan

Artifact : Level with Layers
The artifact of this week is the Level, or more specifically the Load function of the level. It is based on the platformer code with some small modifications around layers and colliders, creating possiblilities to choose if these should be active or not.
The Level is used for easily drawing out the game level from a txt file, and therefore allows you to work with the level inside an Excel document. This makes it much easier to create the level, rather […]

Artifact : Level with Layers
The artifact of this week is the Level, or more specifically the Load function of the level. It is based on the platformer code with some small modifications around layers and colliders, creating possiblilities to choose if these should be active or not.
The Level is used for easily drawing out the game level from a txt file, and therefore allows you to work with the level inside an Excel document. This makes it much easier to create the level, rather […]

Artifact : SoundManager
The soundmanager is an essential part of the game. and required to play both sound effect and music. It allows for in the code easily use the soundmanager and call its play function with the given path parameter. if such a sound has already been played it will simply play the sound. otherwise it will add the sound before playing it. more details on this in the next section with how it was made.
The SoundManager I’ve created is done by […]

Artifact : SoundManager
The soundmanager is an essential part of the game. and required to play both sound effect and music. It allows for in the code easily use the soundmanager and call its play function with the given path parameter. if such a sound has already been played it will simply play the sound. otherwise it will add the sound before playing it. more details on this in the next section with how it was made.
The SoundManager I’ve created is done by […]

Artifact : SoundManager
The soundmanager is an essential part of the game. and required to play both sound effect and music. It allows for in the code easily use the soundmanager and call its play function with the given path parameter. if such a sound has already been played it will simply play the sound. otherwise it will add the sound before playing it. more details on this in the next section with how it was made.
The SoundManager I’ve created is done by […]

Artifact : SoundManager
The soundmanager is an essential part of the game. and required to play both sound effect and music. It allows for in the code easily use the soundmanager and call its play function with the given path parameter. if such a sound has already been played it will simply play the sound. otherwise it will add the sound before playing it. more details on this in the next section with how it was made.
The SoundManager I’ve created is done by […]

Artifact : Parallax
Lets start with explaining a Parallax before moving into how its created.
Parallax is a displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight, and is measured by the angle or semi-angle of inclination between those two lines. – Wikipedia
As you can see in the picture the object overlap each other depending on what the cameras position in relation to the objects.
And now here is an overview on how my layers are. […]

Artifact : Parallax
Lets start with explaining a Parallax before moving into how its created.
Parallax is a displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight, and is measured by the angle or semi-angle of inclination between those two lines. – Wikipedia
As you can see in the picture the object overlap each other depending on what the cameras position in relation to the objects.
And now here is an overview on how my layers are. […]

Artifact : Parallax
Lets start with explaining a Parallax before moving into how its created.
Parallax is a displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight, and is measured by the angle or semi-angle of inclination between those two lines. – Wikipedia
As you can see in the picture the object overlap each other depending on what the cameras position in relation to the objects.
And now here is an overview on how my layers are. […]

Artifact : Parallax
Lets start with explaining a Parallax before moving into how its created.
Parallax is a displacement or difference in the apparent position of an object viewed along two different lines of sight, and is measured by the angle or semi-angle of inclination between those two lines. – Wikipedia
As you can see in the picture the object overlap each other depending on what the cameras position in relation to the objects.
And now here is an overview on how my layers are. […]

Artifact : Button
The artifact of the week is the Button!
What is the Button ?
The button consists of three stages. Being there, being hovered and being selected as shown below. It has a sprite sheet of three sprites.
The button as it is in its original stage, nothing special it is just there and waiting for some action.
The button being hovered, now things will start to happen, upon mouse entering the sprite of the button the sprite will change into the second […]

Artifact : Button
The artifact of the week is the Button!
What is the Button ?
The button consists of three stages. Being there, being hovered and being selected as shown below. It has a sprite sheet of three sprites.
The button as it is in its original stage, nothing special it is just there and waiting for some action.
The button being hovered, now things will start to happen, upon mouse entering the sprite of the button the sprite will change into the second […]

Artifact : Button
The artifact of the week is the Button!
What is the Button ?
The button consists of three stages. Being there, being hovered and being selected as shown below. It has a sprite sheet of three sprites.
The button as it is in its original stage, nothing special it is just there and waiting for some action.
The button being hovered, now things will start to happen, upon mouse entering the sprite of the button the sprite will change into the second […]

Artifact : Button
The artifact of the week is the Button!
What is the Button ?
The button consists of three stages. Being there, being hovered and being selected as shown below. It has a sprite sheet of three sprites.
The button as it is in its original stage, nothing special it is just there and waiting for some action.
The button being hovered, now things will start to happen, upon mouse entering the sprite of the button the sprite will change into the second […]

Artifact : Sliders
The artifact that I will go through this week will be the Sliders.
What is the Slider ?
The sliders I’ve created can be used either as a Health bars or Volume controllers or in any scenario where you have a bar that needs to get re sized often and without effort.
The slider is a rectangle that grows from 0 being the lowest all the way up to 100 being a full bar, easily set by an integer.
How was the Slider created?
The way […]

Artifact : Sliders
The artifact that I will go through this week will be the Sliders.
What is the Slider ?
The sliders I’ve created can be used either as a Health bars or Volume controllers or in any scenario where you have a bar that needs to get re sized often and without effort.
The slider is a rectangle that grows from 0 being the lowest all the way up to 100 being a full bar, easily set by an integer.
How was the Slider created?
The way […]

Artifact : Sliders
The artifact that I will go through this week will be the Sliders.
What is the Slider ?
The sliders I’ve created can be used either as a Health bars or Volume controllers or in any scenario where you have a bar that needs to get re sized often and without effort.
The slider is a rectangle that grows from 0 being the lowest all the way up to 100 being a full bar, easily set by an integer.
How was the Slider created?
The way […]

Artifact : Sliders
The artifact that I will go through this week will be the Sliders.
What is the Slider ?
The sliders I’ve created can be used either as a Health bars or Volume controllers or in any scenario where you have a bar that needs to get re sized often and without effort.
The slider is a rectangle that grows from 0 being the lowest all the way up to 100 being a full bar, easily set by an integer.
How was the Slider created?
The way […]

Unnamed Fish Game BloggPost 3
Today I ran into some issues while trying to modify the code from the Platformer project we got during last course. The problem occured as the old code used SDL, and the new project is using SFML.
The issues I ran into here was that the Sprite works differently in these libraries, as of the SFML has one included and in SDL we created our own, This made several of the parameters for the function in need for change. as of […]

Unnamed Fish Game BloggPost 3
Today I ran into some issues while trying to modify the code from the Platformer project we got during last course. The problem occured as the old code used SDL, and the new project is using SFML.
The issues I ran into here was that the Sprite works differently in these libraries, as of the SFML has one included and in SDL we created our own, This made several of the parameters for the function in need for change. as of […]

Unnamed Fish Game BloggPost 2
Today we had two Interesting lectures from Ernest Adams and Adam Mayes.
This cover the some of the mayor principles of how to create games and how important it is to test if it will be fun. The lecture covered 5 types of Core Mechanics
– Physics
– Economics
– Progression
– Tactic Maneuvering
– Social Interaction
And how important it is for programmers to create a way for the Game Designer to make changes in the game without having to go to the programmers asking, can […]

Unnamed Fish Game BloggPost 2
Today we had two Interesting lectures from Ernest Adams and Adam Mayes.
This cover the some of the mayor principles of how to create games and how important it is to test if it will be fun. The lecture covered 5 types of Core Mechanics
– Physics
– Economics
– Progression
– Tactic Maneuvering
– Social Interaction
And how important it is for programmers to create a way for the Game Designer to make changes in the game without having to go to the programmers asking, can […]

Unnamed Fish Game BloggPost 1
So now that the last project Frogger is done, it’s now time to move on to the next project.
The new project does not have a proper name yet, so it goes under “Fishy”, “The Fish game” or anything else that if Fish related.
Starting out this project by getting a scolding by our programming teacher that our blogposts during last project were insufficient and lacking, and also that from now on he would start his lectures in time, and its […]

Unnamed Fish Game BloggPost 1
So now that the last project Frogger is done, it’s now time to move on to the next project.
The new project does not have a proper name yet, so it goes under “Fishy”, “The Fish game” or anything else that if Fish related.
Starting out this project by getting a scolding by our programming teacher that our blogposts during last project were insufficient and lacking, and also that from now on he would start his lectures in time, and its […]