Author Archives: David Eliasson

So… To Summarize GGC
Gotland Game Conference, GGC, has come and gone but Big Game Project, BGP, remains. At least for a few more days as we finish up our reports and giving our games a final polish before submitting them to different exhibitions and competitions around the world or simply so people could test a less broken edition of our game. Which is our case as our balance was quite unfair towards new players or players which weren’t used to hardcore tactical games. To […]

So… To Summarize GGC
Gotland Game Conference, GGC, has come and gone but Big Game Project, BGP, remains. At least for a few more days as we finish up our reports and giving our games a final polish before submitting them to different exhibitions and competitions around the world or simply so people could test a less broken edition of our game. Which is our case as our balance was quite unfair towards new players or players which weren’t used to hardcore tactical games. To […]
So this week, Sickness.
As the title dictates this past week has been a sick week with fever and that has affected my work to that extant that I haven’t been able to make any solid progress at all. What changes I have made has been clean up on the minimap script and summarizing what i am currently working on and what i would need to start working on.
Currently I am working on:
1) Minimap script, displaying images for object, guards and such. As well […]
So this week, Sickness.
As the title dictates this past week has been a sick week with fever and that has affected my work to that extant that I haven’t been able to make any solid progress at all. What changes I have made has been clean up on the minimap script and summarizing what i am currently working on and what i would need to start working on.
Currently I am working on:
1) Minimap script, displaying images for object, guards and such. As well […]
Alpha Week has Passed
It’s time to do a review of how the week has gone. In my last post i presented my three different work aspects and sadly only one has been implemented and even that one is not entirely working as intended.
The implemented feature was the minimap, I implemented it by using a second camera which was placed above the level with an orthographic perspective and limiting the amount of effects it renders. Then projecting this camera onto a render texture which […]
Alpha Week has Passed
It’s time to do a review of how the week has gone. In my last post i presented my three different work aspects and sadly only one has been implemented and even that one is not entirely working as intended.
The implemented feature was the minimap, I implemented it by using a second camera which was placed above the level with an orthographic perspective and limiting the amount of effects it renders. Then projecting this camera onto a render texture which […]
Alpha week,my deadlines.
Two days until Alpha and these are my priorities for the week.
Working on a Minimap
The minimap will display the entire level as well the current location of each guard and prisoner as a colored dot specific for each kind. It will provide a way of fast travel as well, by clicking on a location on the map you will be transported to that area.
Visuals for the Context Menu
Some kind of visual effect which shows that an action is active and a cooldown until […]
Alpha week,my deadlines.
Two days until Alpha and these are my priorities for the week.
Working on a Minimap
The minimap will display the entire level as well the current location of each guard and prisoner as a colored dot specific for each kind. It will provide a way of fast travel as well, by clicking on a location on the map you will be transported to that area.
Visuals for the Context Menu
Some kind of visual effect which shows that an action is active and a cooldown until […]

Week 4 – Creating a Context Menu
My project for this week has been to create a drop down menu (or as some call it, context menu) for when the player interacts with objects which controls the actions for each objects.
It’s a project I have been working on which has proven to be rather challenging, as I would need to access and save the object that has been pressed in order to manipulate it. Described in simple words the object selected would have to be saved into a […]

Week 4 – Creating a Context Menu
My project for this week has been to create a drop down menu (or as some call it, context menu) for when the player interacts with objects which controls the actions for each objects.
It’s a project I have been working on which has proven to be rather challenging, as I would need to access and save the object that has been pressed in order to manipulate it. Described in simple words the object selected would have to be saved into a […]
BGP – Examination Course of the Second Year
So springtime is here once more and it it yet again time for our examination course for this year. Big Game Project or BGP as it is called is as mentioned in the title the last course for our second year and this is where we put all our knowledge of these two years to the test. The purpose of this course is to create a concept for a bigger game (shocker right) for which we could expand upon and […]
BGP – Examination Course of the Second Year
So springtime is here once more and it it yet again time for our examination course for this year. Big Game Project or BGP as it is called is as mentioned in the title the last course for our second year and this is where we put all our knowledge of these two years to the test. The purpose of this course is to create a concept for a bigger game (shocker right) for which we could expand upon and […]

Polishing for Final. Animations and such.
Hey there!
After a couple of days in bed after a cold I am now back on my feet and are currently working on polishing and fixing current bugs and problems with our animation and trying to get them in order so the right ones play as they should. The ones I am currently working on are when the player grows or shrinks in size as they get more or losses candy. I have worked on this since it was one […]

Polishing for Final. Animations and such.
Hey there!
After a couple of days in bed after a cold I am now back on my feet and are currently working on polishing and fixing current bugs and problems with our animation and trying to get them in order so the right ones play as they should. The ones I am currently working on are when the player grows or shrinks in size as they get more or losses candy. I have worked on this since it was one […]

Our players currency, regaining lost candy.
Hey there!
This week I have been working on a way to let the player regain health (or as it is for out game, regain candy as you play as a piñata). I chose to work on this feature and function for no particular reason rather than our game needs this to fully function and as my co-worker was currently working on patching our collision checking I began to work on and create this function. As it is written in our design […]

Our players currency, regaining lost candy.
Hey there!
This week I have been working on a way to let the player regain health (or as it is for out game, regain candy as you play as a piñata). I chose to work on this feature and function for no particular reason rather than our game needs this to fully function and as my co-worker was currently working on patching our collision checking I began to work on and create this function. As it is written in our design […]

Only one week until Beta and there is still plenty of work to be done.
Hey there!
So we now running close on the final week before our beta presentation (yikes!) and quite some work remains until we are satisfied with what we got to show. For this post I will talk about the work I started doing on our highscore system and what results I have gotten. I chose to work on most our different screens (such as start, menu, win/lose and highscore) since it is one of the things I learnt how to do during our […]

Only one week until Beta and there is still plenty of work to be done.
Hey there!
So we now running close on the final week before our beta presentation (yikes!) and quite some work remains until we are satisfied with what we got to show. For this post I will talk about the work I started doing on our highscore system and what results I have gotten. I chose to work on most our different screens (such as start, menu, win/lose and highscore) since it is one of the things I learnt how to do during our […]

A not so productive week with problems.
Hey there!
During this week I haven´t got so much work done unfortunately since I have run into some problem with parts of my code evolving animations and this is pretty much what I have been spending my week on trying to fit it into our game. Since we for this course have changed library from SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) and are now working with SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library) we can not reuse our old animation files since they would need […]

A not so productive week with problems.
Hey there!
During this week I haven´t got so much work done unfortunately since I have run into some problem with parts of my code evolving animations and this is pretty much what I have been spending my week on trying to fit it into our game. Since we for this course have changed library from SDL (Simple DirectMedia Layer) and are now working with SFML (Simple and Fast Multimedia Library) we can not reuse our old animation files since they would need […]

Progress off Power Ups, slow and steady.
Hello there!
Today I am going to talk about our game power ups, well we currently only have one so far in our game and it boosts the player’s speed during a short period of time. Our power-ups will consist of three major ones which can be combined into a various number of new ones depending on which two was combined. They will not activate automatically when you pick them up or as it is in our game when run over them, we […]

Progress off Power Ups, slow and steady.
Hello there!
Today I am going to talk about our game power ups, well we currently only have one so far in our game and it boosts the player’s speed during a short period of time. Our power-ups will consist of three major ones which can be combined into a various number of new ones depending on which two was combined. They will not activate automatically when you pick them up or as it is in our game when run over them, we […]

Screen Scrolling, one way to do it.
Hello there!
Now as we are four weeks in on our second game project I would like to talk about one of the (unfortunately few) things I have currently been working on during this past week. With a lot of help from my co programmer we have manged a way of smoothly moving the view across the screen and preventing the player from moving backwards. Constantly forcing the player to progress forward through our level with no option of going back to a […]

Screen Scrolling, one way to do it.
Hello there!
Now as we are four weeks in on our second game project I would like to talk about one of the (unfortunately few) things I have currently been working on during this past week. With a lot of help from my co programmer we have manged a way of smoothly moving the view across the screen and preventing the player from moving backwards. Constantly forcing the player to progress forward through our level with no option of going back to a […]