Author Archives: Camilla von Paykull

About Camilla von Paykull

2013 Graphics


I just uploaded my final assignment, now I will just have to wait for my grade and I will be finished with the first 2D-course and ready to start the second 2D and the game development courses next week. As it is getting very late I will skip uploading the reflective assignment and just show you the final drawings i handed in.

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Program: Graphics


I just uploaded my final assignment, now I will just have to wait for my grade and I will be finished with the first 2D-course and ready to start the second 2D and the game development courses next week. As it is getting very late I will skip uploading the reflective assignment and just show you the final drawings i handed in.

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Program: Graphics

Final Assignment Update

I have been working on the final assignments all week and they are finally starting to come together. The rendering of the city scene is what has been taking up most of the time, light can, as I have said before, be really difficult and when I thought I was nearly done I realized that I had misjudged a central part which affected the entire surrounding area.
I think I have solved it but it looked better before as long as […]

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Program: Graphics

Final Assignment Update

I have been working on the final assignments all week and they are finally starting to come together. The rendering of the city scene is what has been taking up most of the time, light can, as I have said before, be really difficult and when I thought I was nearly done I realized that I had misjudged a central part which affected the entire surrounding area.
I think I have solved it but it looked better before as long as […]

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Program: Graphics


Today i got back to working on my final assignment for the 2D-course after taking a few days off for personal reasons. It is starting to come together now and I will probably wait until I get some advice in the feedback sessions later this week before doing the final touch up.
This is the first time that I am working on a city scene and it turned out, as expected, that it is tedious work and the understanding of the […]

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Program: Graphics


Today i got back to working on my final assignment for the 2D-course after taking a few days off for personal reasons. It is starting to come together now and I will probably wait until I get some advice in the feedback sessions later this week before doing the final touch up.
This is the first time that I am working on a city scene and it turned out, as expected, that it is tedious work and the understanding of the […]

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Program: Graphics

Today, as well as yesterday, I have been at school working on one of the final assignments that are due next Friday. The one I am currently working on is taking a line drawing of an old, asian city and render it in grey scale. Things to consider are choosing where the light is to be coming from and what kind of lights I want to include. Since I did moonlight last time I thought I would try something different […]

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Program: Graphics

Today, as well as yesterday, I have been at school working on one of the final assignments that are due next Friday. The one I am currently working on is taking a line drawing of an old, asian city and render it in grey scale. Things to consider are choosing where the light is to be coming from and what kind of lights I want to include. Since I did moonlight last time I thought I would try something different […]

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Program: Graphics

Lighting and value

The last week before christmas break we continued working on our characters, after some introduction to lighting and values we were tasked to render our line art in grey scale. Some useful things I learned this week was to start with a grey background instead of the standard white and to use reflective light to show shapes. Another thing that was brought up was to use a secondary light source to create volume, for this drawing I considered what it […]

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Program: Graphics

Lighting and value

The last week before christmas break we continued working on our characters, after some introduction to lighting and values we were tasked to render our line art in grey scale. Some useful things I learned this week was to start with a grey background instead of the standard white and to use reflective light to show shapes. Another thing that was brought up was to use a secondary light source to create volume, for this drawing I considered what it […]

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Program: Graphics

Colour Workshop with Silvy Strand

Today we had a guest lecturer in the 2D-course, freelance illustrator Silvy Strand. She started with a lecture on what it is like to work as a freelancer and gave some good tips on what you need to think of when starting a buisiness. Then she demonstrated two approaches to colouring a drawing and let us have a go at it. One of the techniques was one that I am more familiar with, blocking in the colours and then add […]

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Program: Graphics

Colour Workshop with Silvy Strand

Today we had a guest lecturer in the 2D-course, freelance illustrator Silvy Strand. She started with a lecture on what it is like to work as a freelancer and gave some good tips on what you need to think of when starting a buisiness. Then she demonstrated two approaches to colouring a drawing and let us have a go at it. One of the techniques was one that I am more familiar with, blocking in the colours and then add […]

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Program: Graphics

Line Art

Last week we continued working on the character design that we created the second week. Week five was all about line art, so after a very short introduction we were asked to do a cleanup of the drawing we created in the beginning of the course. I did find the introduction very brief and several of us were then left wondering how you create clean line art, feeling we were not shown any techniques on how to approach it.
That […]

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Program: Graphics

Line Art

Last week we continued working on the character design that we created the second week. Week five was all about line art, so after a very short introduction we were asked to do a cleanup of the drawing we created in the beginning of the course. I did find the introduction very brief and several of us were then left wondering how you create clean line art, feeling we were not shown any techniques on how to approach it.
That […]

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Program: Graphics

Gotland Game Jam

Last weekend I participated in the Gotland Game Jam, the theme was valuable and precious. Team “Trattarna” was made up by Oskar Frykmark, Anthon Fredriksson, Nils Wennergren and myself, two coders and two artists. We created a game called Melvind, it is a tower defense type of game where you will have to walk around and gather resources to build towers and fight enemies yourself. You play as the dwarf Melvind who is trying to protect his precious ale from […]

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Program: Graphics

Gotland Game Jam

Last weekend I participated in the Gotland Game Jam, the theme was valuable and precious. Team “Trattarna” was made up by Oskar Frykmark, Anthon Fredriksson, Nils Wennergren and myself, two coders and two artists. We created a game called Melvind, it is a tower defense type of game where you will have to walk around and gather resources to build towers and fight enemies yourself. You play as the dwarf Melvind who is trying to protect his precious ale from […]

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Program: Graphics


The fifth week was all about turnarounds, since all the groundwork had already been done during the construction it was not very difficult in general. I did have certain issues though but the assignment was rather time consuming than hard.
One of my biggest problems was the face, I found it really difficult to draw the same face multiple times from different angles, the draping in her clothes was the other main concern. Another problem was the proportions of the […]

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Program: Graphics


The fifth week was all about turnarounds, since all the groundwork had already been done during the construction it was not very difficult in general. I did have certain issues though but the assignment was rather time consuming than hard.
One of my biggest problems was the face, I found it really difficult to draw the same face multiple times from different angles, the draping in her clothes was the other main concern. Another problem was the proportions of the […]

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Program: Graphics

The Pitch

I just realised that I had written this post about our big presentation but forgotten to post it so here it is.This Monday was the day we had to be finished with our projects and pitch them to the rest of our class, the second year students, our teacher and staff. Of course we where nervous but we felt prepared as we had practiced a lot and put a lot of time into this […]

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Program: Graphics

The Pitch

I just realised that I had written this post about our big presentation but forgotten to post it so here it is.This Monday was the day we had to be finished with our projects and pitch them to the rest of our class, the second year students, our teacher and staff. Of course we where nervous but we felt prepared as we had practiced a lot and put a lot of time into this […]

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Program: Graphics

Character Design

The third week of the 2D-course was spent on developing a character from one of the thumbnails we created during the first week, we were supposed to hand in the original thumbnail, a construction drawing and one complete drawing that is the last step before clean up. (The close up of the face was one of the VG criterias).
For a real game project I am not sure if the character i chose is the most interesting one to develop, […]

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Program: Graphics

Character Design

The third week of the 2D-course was spent on developing a character from one of the thumbnails we created during the first week, we were supposed to hand in the original thumbnail, a construction drawing and one complete drawing that is the last step before clean up. (The close up of the face was one of the VG criterias).
For a real game project I am not sure if the character i chose is the most interesting one to develop, […]

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Program: Graphics

2D Week 2 Perspective

The second week of the 2D-course we studied perspective, once you know how to do it is rather straight forwards but it is tedious work and I did not find photoshop the best tool for this week’s assignment which was to draw an airplane and a car in the same picture. Here is what I did along with the reflective assignment of the week.After having drawn on paper during this week I have realised how messy it can be […]

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Program: Graphics

2D Week 2 Perspective

The second week of the 2D-course we studied perspective, once you know how to do it is rather straight forwards but it is tedious work and I did not find photoshop the best tool for this week’s assignment which was to draw an airplane and a car in the same picture. Here is what I did along with the reflective assignment of the week.After having drawn on paper during this week I have realised how messy it can be […]

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Program: Graphics