Author Archives: Andreas Wetter
Last Night on Earth
ForewordWhat you are about to read is an analysis of a board game. The analysis will be structured in such a way that it will be easy to follow. It will begin with an introduction and then carry on with a basic look at what the game is followed with a listing of mechanics and explanations; then a list of the good and the bad followed by target audience and conclusions. Each subject matter that is touched on and explained […]
Last Night on Earth
ForewordWhat you are about to read is an analysis of a board game. The analysis will be structured in such a way that it will be easy to follow. It will begin with an introduction and then carry on with a basic look at what the game is followed with a listing of mechanics and explanations; then a list of the good and the bad followed by target audience and conclusions. Each subject matter that is touched on and explained […]
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game
What you are about to read is an analysis of a board game. The analysis will be structured in such a way that it will be easy to follow. It will begin with an introduction and then carry on with a basic look at what the game is followed with a listing of mechanics and explanations; then a list of the good and the bad followed by target audience and conclusions. Each subject matter that is touched on and explained […]
A Game of Thrones: The Board Game
What you are about to read is an analysis of a board game. The analysis will be structured in such a way that it will be easy to follow. It will begin with an introduction and then carry on with a basic look at what the game is followed with a listing of mechanics and explanations; then a list of the good and the bad followed by target audience and conclusions. Each subject matter that is touched on and explained […]

More animations
Animations, animations, animations is all I basically have been doing. I am putting the strafe animations on the shelf for now since I do not think I will have time to make them. I have given them a shot but they look like crap. The attack animations are quite difficult to get right too but I am working hard on them right now. So far I only have got a really rough attack animation for the fast kids but I […]

More animations
Animations, animations, animations is all I basically have been doing. I am putting the strafe animations on the shelf for now since I do not think I will have time to make them. I have given them a shot but they look like crap. The attack animations are quite difficult to get right too but I am working hard on them right now. So far I only have got a really rough attack animation for the fast kids but I […]

The end is near
The project is getting close to the end but that has not changed the amount of work I have to do. I still have a lot of animations to do. The attack animations for the children and the strafe animations for the player characters is what I am doing right now. I am also making a hover effect for the menu buttons.
I find it difficult to make good strafe animations. No matter what I do it ends up looking weird […]

The end is near
The project is getting close to the end but that has not changed the amount of work I have to do. I still have a lot of animations to do. The attack animations for the children and the strafe animations for the player characters is what I am doing right now. I am also making a hover effect for the menu buttons.
I find it difficult to make good strafe animations. No matter what I do it ends up looking weird […]

Keep on running
Continuing last week’s work I came up with a menu style which we felt fit our vision of how the menu should look. This design has a much less complex and more discrete logo design. Joining all the components of the menu together with ropes gives, at least for me, a feeling of a playground with home built swings and tree houses. The font chosen for this design is Segoe Marker. I chose it because it makes the text look […]

Keep on running
Continuing last week’s work I came up with a menu style which we felt fit our vision of how the menu should look. This design has a much less complex and more discrete logo design. Joining all the components of the menu together with ropes gives, at least for me, a feeling of a playground with home built swings and tree houses. The font chosen for this design is Segoe Marker. I chose it because it makes the text look […]

Menu Items
Taking a break from animations I decided to work on on the user interface and make some menu mock-ups.
The start menu will be quite simple with a logo in the top and three buttons; Start Game, Options and Exit Game. The start game button will take you to a character select screen. There you will be able to choose between a male and a female character. There is no difference between the two player characters other than looks. The options button will take you to […]

Menu Items
Taking a break from animations I decided to work on on the user interface and make some menu mock-ups.
The start menu will be quite simple with a logo in the top and three buttons; Start Game, Options and Exit Game. The start game button will take you to a character select screen. There you will be able to choose between a male and a female character. There is no difference between the two player characters other than looks. The options button will take you to […]

Run, Mr Kimble. Run!
As I felt that making character sprites wasn’t really my thing I passed that task on to Viktor and proceeded making projectile sprites. There are four different main projectiles; the sponge which is the standard projectile for the main character, the mud ball which some of the children throws towards the player. Then there is the water balloon which can thrown using the Nubb Tubb and the water stream which is launched using the water thrower. I drew a […]

Run, Mr Kimble. Run!
As I felt that making character sprites wasn’t really my thing I passed that task on to Viktor and proceeded making projectile sprites. There are four different main projectiles; the sponge which is the standard projectile for the main character, the mud ball which some of the children throws towards the player. Then there is the water balloon which can thrown using the Nubb Tubb and the water stream which is launched using the water thrower. I drew a […]

Watergun Alien
This week I have put focus on drawing sprites. As I have not really done top-down sprites before, I had to learn some new techniques. I googled around to find some reference images for top-down sprites and stumbled upon the classic title Alien Breed for the Amiga.
Alien Breed’s player sprites’ has served well as references but I felt like it would look weird if the player character had the weapon straight in front of the face. I mean; who the […]

Watergun Alien
This week I have put focus on drawing sprites. As I have not really done top-down sprites before, I had to learn some new techniques. I googled around to find some reference images for top-down sprites and stumbled upon the classic title Alien Breed for the Amiga.
Alien Breed’s player sprites’ has served well as references but I felt like it would look weird if the player character had the weapon straight in front of the face. I mean; who the […]

Watergun Alien
This week I have put focus on drawing sprites. As I have not really done top-down sprites before, I had to learn some new techniques. I googled around to find some reference images for top-down sprites and stumbled upon the classic title Alien Breed for the Amiga.
Alien Breed’s player sprites’ has served well as references but I felt like it would look weird if the player character had the weapon straight in front of the face. I mean; who the […]

Watergun Alien
This week I have put focus on drawing sprites. As I have not really done top-down sprites before, I had to learn some new techniques. I googled around to find some reference images for top-down sprites and stumbled upon the classic title Alien Breed for the Amiga.
Alien Breed’s player sprites’ has served well as references but I felt like it would look weird if the player character had the weapon straight in front of the face. I mean; who the […]
Charging! … Clear!
Wow! I’m really bad at updating this blog… Well, lets try reviving this lovely piece of ass with some freshly baked content.
The past month has been nothing but pen on paper. The 2D-Graphics course has been main focus and I have learned more this month than what I ever did in the aesthetic courses during elementary- and high school. And, boy, has it been fun. I love this course. Even though I want to put my focus on level design […]
Charging! … Clear!
Wow! I’m really bad at updating this blog… Well, lets try reviving this lovely piece of ass with some freshly baked content.
The past month has been nothing but pen on paper. The 2D-Graphics course has been main focus and I have learned more this month than what I ever did in the aesthetic courses during elementary- and high school. And, boy, has it been fun. I love this course. Even though I want to put my focus on level design […]
Spaaaaaaaaaaaaace (shooters)
Since our assignment Mayes gave us for this week was to play Space Shooters I decided to look up some retro shooters. I have been playing a whole bunch of games like Asteroids, Captain Skyhawk, Dragon Spirit and Captain Planet and the Planeteers. I must say that I really liked the 2.5D isometric graphic style of Captain Skyhawk. Captain Planet and the Planeteers had a nice mechanic which let you turn around and fly back a short distance for taking out enemies you have missed.
This have given […]
Spaaaaaaaaaaaaace (shooters)
Since our assignment Mayes gave us for this week was to play Space Shooters I decided to look up some retro shooters. I have been playing a whole bunch of games like Asteroids, Captain Skyhawk, Dragon Spirit and Captain Planet and the Planeteers. I must say that I really liked the 2.5D isometric graphic style of Captain Skyhawk. Captain Planet and the Planeteers had a nice mechanic which let you turn around and fly back a short distance for taking out enemies you have missed.
This have given […]