Author Archives: Anton Classon

Making Play with Playmaker
During the preproduction of the Runes of Kalevala, a team member stumbled upon a plugin for Unity called Playmaker by Hutong Games LLC. Playmaker allows for a easier time when creating state machines since it does not require the user to script out the entire state machine. Instead the user can create state machines by simply dragging out lines between the states and the states themselves have actions that are executed when the state is reached.
The actions are […]

Making Play with Playmaker
During the preproduction of the Runes of Kalevala, a team member stumbled upon a plugin for Unity called Playmaker by Hutong Games LLC. Playmaker allows for a easier time when creating state machines since it does not require the user to script out the entire state machine. Instead the user can create state machines by simply dragging out lines between the states and the states themselves have actions that are executed when the state is reached.
The actions are […]

Runes of Kalevala – Splitting the screen
Runes of Kalevala is a game that I have been working on together with the rest of Tasteful Games: Filip Frandsen, Anders Hagström, Thom Hujanen, Sebastian Ringvol, Tara Sundström and Erik Ögren.
It is a 2D game made in Unity with a focus on cooperative gameplay with action, platforming and exploration. For the vertical slice we are developing the Big Game course we have decided to focus on making the game for two players […]

Runes of Kalevala – Splitting the screen
Runes of Kalevala is a game that I have been working on together with the rest of Tasteful Games: Filip Frandsen, Anders Hagström, Thom Hujanen, Sebastian Ringvol, Tara Sundström and Erik Ögren.
It is a 2D game made in Unity with a focus on cooperative gameplay with action, platforming and exploration. For the vertical slice we are developing the Big Game course we have decided to focus on making the game for two players […]

Beat Gravity – Post-Mortem
This is a post-mortem for a project that I have been working on for the last 10 weeks, where I together with a dedicated group managed to develop Beat Gravity!
Link to Trailer
This is a post-mortem of the project where we worked on the development of the game Beat Gravity for Theme Park course that is part of the course Game Design and Programming. The course was to develop a game with a design for a unique input device, not keyboard […]

Beat Gravity – Post-Mortem
This is a post-mortem for a project that I have been working on for the last 10 weeks, where I together with a dedicated group managed to develop Beat Gravity!
Link to Trailer
This is a post-mortem of the project where we worked on the development of the game Beat Gravity for Theme Park course that is part of the course Game Design and Programming. The course was to develop a game with a design for a unique input device, not keyboard […]

Beat Gravity – Post-Mortem
This is a post-mortem for a project that I have been working on for the last 10 weeks, where I together with a dedicated group managed to develop Beat Gravity!
Link to Trailer
This is a post-mortem of the project where we worked on the development of the game Beat Gravity for Theme Park course that is part of the course Game Design and Programming. The course was to develop a game with a design for a unique input device, not keyboard […]

Beat Gravity – Post-Mortem
This is a post-mortem for a project that I have been working on for the last 10 weeks, where I together with a dedicated group managed to develop Beat Gravity!
Link to Trailer
This is a post-mortem of the project where we worked on the development of the game Beat Gravity for Theme Park course that is part of the course Game Design and Programming. The course was to develop a game with a design for a unique input device, not keyboard […]

Last Signal – Asset Implementation
This week I have been working on implementing the assets that are not taken care of in the Room System, such as music, sounds, menus and animations.
The music and sounds are handled through a soundmanager that was used during a previous project and is simply being reused with some tweaking. Since we are using the SFML library for this project we have to rewrite some of the earlier code since in the previous project it was made to be used […]

Last Signal – Asset Implementation
This week I have been working on implementing the assets that are not taken care of in the Room System, such as music, sounds, menus and animations.
The music and sounds are handled through a soundmanager that was used during a previous project and is simply being reused with some tweaking. Since we are using the SFML library for this project we have to rewrite some of the earlier code since in the previous project it was made to be used […]

Last Signal – Asset Implementation
This week I have been working on implementing the assets that are not taken care of in the Room System, such as music, sounds, menus and animations.
The music and sounds are handled through a soundmanager that was used during a previous project and is simply being reused with some tweaking. Since we are using the SFML library for this project we have to rewrite some of the earlier code since in the previous project it was made to be used […]

Last Signal – Asset Implementation
This week I have been working on implementing the assets that are not taken care of in the Room System, such as music, sounds, menus and animations.
The music and sounds are handled through a soundmanager that was used during a previous project and is simply being reused with some tweaking. Since we are using the SFML library for this project we have to rewrite some of the earlier code since in the previous project it was made to be used […]

In order to relay information to the player we needed a way to give the player the right information needed at the right time. To do this we created the Handheld Artificial Companion, or H.A.C. for short. This allows us to relay information in the games universe without breaking the immersion that we want to achieve. The name comes from the narrative created by our level designer while he was designing the levels for the game.
The H.A.C. displays the text in a […]

In order to relay information to the player we needed a way to give the player the right information needed at the right time. To do this we created the Handheld Artificial Companion, or H.A.C. for short. This allows us to relay information in the games universe without breaking the immersion that we want to achieve. The name comes from the narrative created by our level designer while he was designing the levels for the game.
The H.A.C. displays the text in a […]

In order to relay information to the player we needed a way to give the player the right information needed at the right time. To do this we created the Handheld Artificial Companion, or H.A.C. for short. This allows us to relay information in the games universe without breaking the immersion that we want to achieve. The name comes from the narrative created by our level designer while he was designing the levels for the game.
The H.A.C. displays the text in a […]

In order to relay information to the player we needed a way to give the player the right information needed at the right time. To do this we created the Handheld Artificial Companion, or H.A.C. for short. This allows us to relay information in the games universe without breaking the immersion that we want to achieve. The name comes from the narrative created by our level designer while he was designing the levels for the game.
The H.A.C. displays the text in a […]

Last Signal – Level Implementation and new Room System
This week I have been working on implementing the level files that our level designer has produced. I have encountered a few problems with this, and this is mostly due to how I created the Room System that I have written about in a earlier post.
The first problem was that the text file with the data for tiles, walls, etc contained too much information for it to be readable. If someone wanted to make changes to the level, […]

Last Signal – Level Implementation and new Room System
This week I have been working on implementing the level files that our level designer has produced. I have encountered a few problems with this, and this is mostly due to how I created the Room System that I have written about in a earlier post.
The first problem was that the text file with the data for tiles, walls, etc contained too much information for it to be readable. If someone wanted to make changes to the level, […]

Last Signal – Level Implementation and new Room System
This week I have been working on implementing the level files that our level designer has produced. I have encountered a few problems with this, and this is mostly due to how I created the Room System that I have written about in a earlier post.
The first problem was that the text file with the data for tiles, walls, etc contained too much information for it to be readable. If someone wanted to make changes to the level, […]

Last Signal – Level Implementation and new Room System
This week I have been working on implementing the level files that our level designer has produced. I have encountered a few problems with this, and this is mostly due to how I created the Room System that I have written about in a earlier post.
The first problem was that the text file with the data for tiles, walls, etc contained too much information for it to be readable. If someone wanted to make changes to the level, […]

Last Signal – Doors and Switches
When the player is traversing through the levels of the Last Signal, we want to have the player want to explore the level that is presented to them. We also wanted the player to have more to do rather than go from point A to point B and shoot the enemies. This was ensured by the creations of doors that blocked off sections of the levels and having switches that the player has to interact with to open the doors.
The doors started […]

Last Signal – Doors and Switches
When the player is traversing through the levels of the Last Signal, we want to have the player want to explore the level that is presented to them. We also wanted the player to have more to do rather than go from point A to point B and shoot the enemies. This was ensured by the creations of doors that blocked off sections of the levels and having switches that the player has to interact with to open the doors.
The doors started […]

Last Signal – Doors and Switches
When the player is traversing through the levels of the Last Signal, we want to have the player want to explore the level that is presented to them. We also wanted the player to have more to do rather than go from point A to point B and shoot the enemies. This was ensured by the creations of doors that blocked off sections of the levels and having switches that the player has to interact with to open the doors.
The doors started […]

Last Signal – Doors and Switches
When the player is traversing through the levels of the Last Signal, we want to have the player want to explore the level that is presented to them. We also wanted the player to have more to do rather than go from point A to point B and shoot the enemies. This was ensured by the creations of doors that blocked off sections of the levels and having switches that the player has to interact with to open the doors.
The doors started […]