Yearly Archives: 2014
Arkanoid and Gamestates
This week began a new task: building the classic game Arkanoid. Following the lead of our lecturer the group wrote down the necessary classes and functions needed for the game, dividing the classes in separate files. SDL (Simple DirectMedia Library) was selected as graphical library for this project.
Arkanoid was developed by Taito in 1986, and was based on the game Breakout from Atari, inc. and released 1976. Breakout was built by Steve Wozniak (Co-founder of Apple, and inventor and designer […]
Arkanoid and Gamestates
This week began a new task: building the classic game Arkanoid. Following the lead of our lecturer the group wrote down the necessary classes and functions needed for the game, dividing the classes in separate files. SDL (Simple DirectMedia Library) was selected as graphical library for this project.
Arkanoid was developed by Taito in 1986, and was based on the game Breakout from Atari, inc. and released 1976. Breakout was built by Steve Wozniak (Co-founder of Apple, and inventor and designer […]
Week 4 of game programming – Arkanoid
This week, we’ve been working on creating another game using SDL. Last time we created Pong, now we will create Arkanoid, writing even more of the code ourselves. So far this week we’ve created an engine for our game, statemanager, the different states, started mouse controls, started keyboard controls and we’ve also created draw files that will help us draw everything needed for the game onto the application. That’s about as much as we managed to complete this week, we’ll […]
Week 4 of game programming – Arkanoid
This week, we’ve been working on creating another game using SDL. Last time we created Pong, now we will create Arkanoid, writing even more of the code ourselves. So far this week we’ve created an engine for our game, statemanager, the different states, started mouse controls, started keyboard controls and we’ve also created draw files that will help us draw everything needed for the game onto the application. That’s about as much as we managed to complete this week, we’ll […]
Week 4 of game programming – Arkanoid
This week, we’ve been working on creating another game using SDL. Last time we created Pong, now we will create Arkanoid, writing even more of the code ourselves. So far this week we’ve created an engine for our game, statemanager, the different states, started mouse controls, started keyboard controls and we’ve also created draw files that will help us draw everything needed for the game onto the application. That’s about as much as we managed to complete this week, we’ll […]
Week 4 of game programming – Arkanoid
This week, we’ve been working on creating another game using SDL. Last time we created Pong, now we will create Arkanoid, writing even more of the code ourselves. So far this week we’ve created an engine for our game, statemanager, the different states, started mouse controls, started keyboard controls and we’ve also created draw files that will help us draw everything needed for the game onto the application. That’s about as much as we managed to complete this week, we’ll […]
Started on Assignment part 2
I finally got started ever so slightly on the second part of the assignment today. On the morning I started piecing together parts from our two earlier pieces of code to make a webbserver. The first part is the UDP Peer to Peer chat we made which includes some functions and structure used to connect between to users over the Internet. The second part is a demonstration given to us which takes the html page and displays its properties […]
Started on Assignment part 2
I finally got started ever so slightly on the second part of the assignment today. On the morning I started piecing together parts from our two earlier pieces of code to make a webbserver. The first part is the UDP Peer to Peer chat we made which includes some functions and structure used to connect between to users over the Internet. The second part is a demonstration given to us which takes the html page and displays its properties […]
Week three and four – Classes, inheritance and polymorphism
During last week (week 3 in the course) we started using classes. Classes are something defined in C++ and are similar to structs, which are mainly used in C. As structs, a class is something that can hold a number of values and it can be instantiated for use in your program. Though, one thing with classes is that it can also hold member functions (methods) which can be called with the instantiated object. To access the method we use the . […]
Week three and four – Classes, inheritance and polymorphism
During last week (week 3 in the course) we started using classes. Classes are something defined in C++ and are similar to structs, which are mainly used in C. As structs, a class is something that can hold a number of values and it can be instantiated for use in your program. Though, one thing with classes is that it can also hold member functions (methods) which can be called with the instantiated object. To access the method we use the . […]
Week three and four – Classes, inheritance and polymorphism
During last week (week 3 in the course) we started using classes. Classes are something defined in C++ and are similar to structs, which are mainly used in C. As structs, a class is something that can hold a number of values and it can be instantiated for use in your program. Though, one thing with classes is that it can also hold member functions (methods) which can be called with the instantiated object. To access the method we use the . […]
Week three and four – Classes, inheritance and polymorphism
During last week (week 3 in the course) we started using classes. Classes are something defined in C++ and are similar to structs, which are mainly used in C. As structs, a class is something that can hold a number of values and it can be instantiated for use in your program. Though, one thing with classes is that it can also hold member functions (methods) which can be called with the instantiated object. To access the method we use the . […]
Fjärde veckan
Den här veckan spenderade vi på att skriva och lära os om SDL och Bas kåden som behövs för att göra spelet Arkanoid. Den här veckan spenderade vi på att skriva och lära os om SDL och Bas kåden som behövs för att göra spelet Arkanoid.
Detta involverade att skriva ett antal klasser som skulle hantera olika game states och generellt grafiska bitar.
Jag känner att jag behöver göra lite små uppgifter angående SDL för att få lite mer förståelse. Men sakta och säkert lär jag mig mer efter varje lektion även om det är lite mycket att ta in.
Ingen kod denna vecka
Fjärde veckan
Detta involverade att skriva ett antal klasser som skulle hantera olika game states och generellt grafiska bitar.
Jag känner att jag behöver göra lite små uppgifter angående SDL för att få lite mer förståelse. Men sakta och säkert lär jag mig mer efter varje lektion även om det är lite mycket att ta in.
Ingen kod denna vecka
Week 4: SDL and Started creating my first game.
This week we started working on our final project for this course it is to make a remake off an old arcade game I am going to be working with and we have decided to make bomberman / Boom.
We have been working on a Design document were we have listed all the objects and tried to write down every thing that is in the game. This document will help us during this final project and we will […]
Week 4: SDL and Started creating my first game.
This week we started working on our final project for this course it is to make a remake off an old arcade game I am going to be working with and we have decided to make bomberman / Boom.
We have been working on a Design document were we have listed all the objects and tried to write down every thing that is in the game. This document will help us during this final project and we will […]
Week 4: SDL and Started creating my first game.
This week we started working on our final project for this course it is to make a remake off an old arcade game I am going to be working with and we have decided to make bomberman / Boom.
We have been working on a Design document were we have listed all the objects and tried to write down every thing that is in the game. This document will help us during this final project and we will […]
Week 4: SDL and Started creating my first game.
This week we started working on our final project for this course it is to make a remake off an old arcade game I am going to be working with and we have decided to make bomberman / Boom.
We have been working on a Design document were we have listed all the objects and tried to write down every thing that is in the game. This document will help us during this final project and we will […]
Game programming I – Week 4
This week we have been building on our second game – Araknoid. We have also started to discuss polymorphism which is what the name “virtual” stands for. Polymorphic objects are abstract and can therefor be reused by different parts of the program to do their own separate thing. Draw for example does different things depending on what state you are in.
We also lightly discussed finite state machine which is the process in which the program constantly checks for information to […]
Game programming I – Week 4
This week we have been building on our second game – Araknoid. We have also started to discuss polymorphism which is what the name “virtual” stands for. Polymorphic objects are abstract and can therefor be reused by different parts of the program to do their own separate thing. Draw for example does different things depending on what state you are in.
We also lightly discussed finite state machine which is the process in which the program constantly checks for information to […]
Game programming I – Week 4
This week we have been building on our second game – Araknoid. We have also started to discuss polymorphism which is what the name “virtual” stands for. Polymorphic objects are abstract and can therefor be reused by different parts of the program to do their own separate thing. Draw for example does different things depending on what state you are in.
We also lightly discussed finite state machine which is the process in which the program constantly checks for information to […]
Game programming I – Week 4
This week we have been building on our second game – Araknoid. We have also started to discuss polymorphism which is what the name “virtual” stands for. Polymorphic objects are abstract and can therefor be reused by different parts of the program to do their own separate thing. Draw for example does different things depending on what state you are in.
We also lightly discussed finite state machine which is the process in which the program constantly checks for information to […]
Programming – Week 4
This week we have worked together in class on creating a blueprint for a ”simple” game engine. We are going to use this engine to create a copy of Arkanoid. The engine includes a DrawManager, InputManager and a StateManager so far.
DrawManager creates a window and a renderer. It has a functions that clears the screen with a single color and a functions that presents what we have drawn onto the screen.
InputManager contains a Mouse and Keyboard pointer. The values of […]
Programming – Week 4
This week we have worked together in class on creating a blueprint for a ”simple” game engine. We are going to use this engine to create a copy of Arkanoid. The engine includes a DrawManager, InputManager and a StateManager so far.
DrawManager creates a window and a renderer. It has a functions that clears the screen with a single color and a functions that presents what we have drawn onto the screen.
InputManager contains a Mouse and Keyboard pointer. The values of […]